Agenda item

Community Governance Review

Proposed Amendment to Recommendation 2a added 26 July 2022


The Leader introduced the report which set out details of the recent consultation that took place as part of the Community Governance Reviews agreed by Council in April 2022.  He proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Ken Ingleton who reserved his right to speak.


Councillor James Hall proposed an amendment to Recommendation 2(a) which had been published on the website and tabled:


“To continue to a 2nd stage consultation with respect of the Murston Ward Boundary, setting out the different boundary options for residents.  This should include any cost changes include parish precepts for the different opinions.


This will ensure that residents have all the information to enable them to make an informed decision.”


The amendment was seconded by the Leader who said that a second consultation would seek residents’ views on whether they agreed with the proposed changes.


In the debate that followed, Members made points including:


·         The response rate of 26.5% of 637 residents consulted was likely higher as only one person would generally respond on behalf of a household;

·         the results were very clear, only 8.8% of those who responded were in favour of a boundary review at Great Easthall, Murston;

·         a second consultation was not necessary;

·         the public had already been consulted and given their views and the Council should listen to those views;

·         the Officer’s recommendation was very clear;

·         it was unjust to keep running a process to change the outcome;

·         another consultation was a waste of resources;

·         91% against a boundary change was a very large margin;

·         it was good news that so many that were consulted supported their Parish Council;

·         the amendment was insulting to public who had responded to the consultation;

·         there may be minor changes to the boundary necessary in the future; and

·         ignoring the views of those who had responded sent out the wrong message.


The Leader said he welcomed comments about democracy but referred to paragraph 3.7 of the report in which the majority did not support a review, and said there was inconsistency in the process.


On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost. Members then debated the substantive recommendation and made points including:


·         Support for the boundary change at Lucas Close, Queenborough; and

·         support for the boundary to include land at Brielle Way, Sheerness in case of further development in the future.


On being put to the vote, Members voted in favour of the recommendations set out in the report.




(1)  To note the results of the initial stage consultations for the Community Governance Reviews conducted at:


a)    Great Easthall Estate – Tonge Parish Area

b)   Lucas Close – Sheerness Town Council area


(2)  That having considered the results of the initial consultations, the Council agrees the following:


a)    Great Easthall (Tonge Parish area) – no further action is taken and the review is concluded.

b)   Lucas Close (Sheerness Town Council area) – a second stage consultation is conducted with residents and interested parties, recommending the Town Council boundary is changed, so that Lucas Close becomes part of the Queenborough Town Council Area.

Supporting documents: