Agenda item

Forward Decisions Plan


The Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods introduced the Forward Decisions Plan, and referred Members to the previous item (Handover Report) specifically Section 6 (Forward Plan Decisions) which outlined items requiring decisions.  She reported that the following items would be considered at the September 2022 Committee meeting: Lynsted Churchyard wall; Future coach parking Sheerness; and public space CCTV Policy.


Members raised comments and asked questions which included:


·         How could Members raise items to be included on the agenda?;

·         the cost of living crisis should be included;

·         suggested that the Ship on Shore car park, Sheerness be made a permit car park and there was a layby in Bluetown that could be ideal as a coach park and was aware that the Head of Environment & Leisure was working hard to resolve this;

·         needed to ensure that under playground refurbishment communication with disabled residents and residents with disabled children and also carers with disabilities was improved and could a general report be provided regarding cost efficiency etc.?;

·         aware of Section 106 money available for open spaces, but had not received a forward plan update on this since the Scrutiny Committee had been disbanded;

·         had wanted to add an item about green spaces on the Isle of Sheppey but not had received a response from the relevant officers;

·         should add relocation of the SS Richard Montgomery mast to the Forward Decisions Plan;

·         could the Committee review the Council’s Social Media Policy and in particularly look at how the Council engaged with the Black, Asian and minority Ethnic (BAME) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) communities and also how religious festivals were celebrated and possibly putting pride flags out during Pride month;

·         reinforced that the service committees role was also to scrutinise decisions;

·         needed to consider as a matter of urgency the relocation of the SS Richard Montgomery mast;

·         suggested that Council officers liaised with Peel Ports about the mast;

·         there was a sense that local residents wanted the mast to remain local; and

·         could the Committee request as an appendix to the agenda an updated Forward Plan of Section 106 Agreements?


The Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods said that Members would be able to raise items via the pre-committee meetings.  The cost-of-living crises was noted under Significant issues on page 11 of the report and she referred to the Household Support Grant from Government which would be communicated to all Members, parishes and community groups.  The Head of Environment & Leisure advised that the Committee could look at the Council’s Open Space and Play Strategy in relation to disabled access, and that officers were also looking to enhance programmed works in relation to disabled access.  The Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods agreed to establish whether an updated forward plan of Section 106 Agreements could be provided at a future meeting.


With regard to the mast of the SS Richard Montgomery, the Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods agreed to check whether the Community Committee was the right committee as there would be cost implications so it might be that the Policy and Resources Committee should consider it.




(1)      That the report be noted.

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