Agenda item

Local Plan review next steps


The Planning Policy Manager introduced the report which set-out the current position for the LPR and identified the next steps in light of the challenges facing the borough as it sought to progress to the Draft Plan stage (Regulation 19 consultation).  The report also included a new timeline that would inform a revised Local Development Scheme (LDS) to be brought to Members for consideration in Spring 2022.


The Planning Policy Manager reported that as the transport modelling results were not as anticipated further modelling and highway work needed to be carried out.  KCC, as the highways authority had raised concerns about the ability of the Borough to deliver the quantum of development required by the standard method.


The Planning Policy Manager explained this challenge required further transport modelling to be undertaken as the Council expected to leave no stone unturned in its efforts to try to deliver its local housing need number and officers needed to understand what capacity existed within the network. 


The Planning Policy Manager reported that the current LDS was currently programmed for February to April 2022 for the next stage of the local plan review process.  Unfortunately it was not possible to progress to the next stage without this information.


The Planning Policy Manager stated that they were continuing to work very closely with KCC colleagues and National Highways and anticipated the work could be completed in time for the Regulation 19 consultation to take place in the Autumn 2022.  Whilst this work was being undertaken, officers had also started another ‘call for sites’ so that, as officers, they were maximising every opportunity to identify potential sites to meet the development needs.  Other evidence was also being updated and refreshed and these would also be reported to Members in due course.  Given that there were changes to Swale’s governance on the horizon, it was more appropriate for a revised LDS to be brought to Members once that had been confirmed.


A Member drew attention to paragraph 3.2 of the report and considered the wording in respect of officers investigating ‘exceptional circumstances’ needed to be more robust. 


Councillor Mike Henderson moved the following motion:  That Cabinet ensured that officers had adequate resources to take all exceptional circumstances into account.  This was not seconded.


The Planning Policy Manager explained that identifying any “exceptional circumstances” would happen automatically through the course of refreshing and updating the evidence and it was important that the Planning Inspector saw that the Local Plan complied with national guidance.  The Head of Planning Services expressed caution and said that he would not advise such a motion to be included.


Members raised points which included:


·         Officers were already mindful that a lot of the evidence needed was already available;

·         important to look at the standard of evidence and work to the national standard;

·         needed to communicate that the Council were constrained to Government guidance and best practice in terms of how evidence was prepared;

·         communicating why decisions needed to be taken by the Council was important; and

·         concerned that the LDS was not completed but needed to ensure that the evidence presented to the Planning Inspector was correct.


The Chairman moved the recommendation in the report and this was seconded by Councillor Ghlin Whelan.




(1)      That the content of the report be noted, including the revised timetable for the Regulation 19 consultation on the Local Plan Review.

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