Agenda item

Matters arising from previous meetings


Members noted the progress on actions.


Flooding in Faversham

Since the meeting arranged by Helen Whately MP on 12 November 2021 and the update given at the Eastern Area Committee meeting on 3 February 2022, the Chairman advised the following actions had taken place:


·         On 4 March 2022, Helen Whately MP called a virtual meeting where Swale Borough Council (SBC), Kent County Council (KCC), and Southern Water (SW) representatives were in attendance and the issue of flooding in Faversham, including Whitstable Road, Church Road, The Brents, and  Tanners Street were discussed.  The Cabinet Member for Environment gave a summary of the discussion and shared the slides from that meeting.


·         A site meeting took place on 9 March 2022 with Councillor Denise Knights, SW and a representative from the Cooksditch Stream volunteer team in attendance.  The drains around the flooding area were inspected and plans to clear them were put in place.  After the site meeting the KCC Asset Manager for Drainage & Structure advised: “As discussed once the ditch outfall is unblocked, I will arrange for a tanker to flood test the system to ensure the water is reaching the ditch, if not then I will then arrange a full CCTV survey but I do not believe this will be necessary.”   SW confirmed that they had a plan of action to carry out maintenance and repair work in April 2022, full details of the full action plan were yet to be received.


·         On the same day Councillor Denise Knights met with the SBC Head of Environment and Leisure, and the Greenspaces Manager and discussed  plans on how to slow and minimise the run-off water from Faversham Recreation Ground and identified where water naturally gathered.  Methods to minimise debris which entered and blocked drains were discussed.  Following the meeting the Head of Environment and Leisure provided the following feedback: “We have recently attended the site to discuss the issue with the Ward Member. We explained the measures that have already been taken in recent years including two soakaway drainage solutions and the specifications of the pathways. However we have committed to looking at some measures that may be effective in slowing the flow down during peak storms. We welcome the intentions of partners to work with us to try and resolve this issue.”


The Chairman undertook to prepare a full report on the progress which she would circulate to the Eastern Area Committee Members.


A Member of the public in attendance welcomed the progress that had taken place and asked that the matter remained on the Eastern Area Committee agenda to keep the momentum up.  Another member of the public spoke about how frightening the flooding could be and stressed that sewage in the flood water was a public health issue.


The Chairman requested that the Cabinet Member for Environment write to SW to request a full update and action plan.


Defibrillators in the Eastern Area

The Interim Area Committees Coordinator advised that an action that came out of the Eastern Area Committee meeting on 3 February 2022 was to collate information on defibrillators in the Eastern Area with a view to producing a map to show where there were gaps. On checking with officers, the Ambulance Service were recently contacted by SBC for a similar exercise across the borough but even after submitting an FOI, they would not release the information. 


However, there was a national database The National Defibrillator Database | ( which could produce maps but the information on the database was not up-to-date.  Officers suggested that all Eastern Parish and Town Councils be contacted and encouraged to check the database and add the details of local defibrillators.  It was also suggested that Eastern Area Committee Members also checked the database as they might have local knowledge of defibrillators in their wards.  Maps could then be pulled down from the system for the Area Committee to use to identify gaps.


Although Committee Members were in favour of this approach, they felt it did not address the importance of ensuring the defibrillators were maintained.  It was suggested that when Parish and Town Councils were contacted, they should be reminded that the defibrillators needed to be kept in working order.  It was also suggested that Shepherd Neame be contacted as they had units at their establishments.


Area Committees Review Working Group

The Chairman advised that following Benjamin A Martin standing down as Ward Councillor, there was currently only one representative from Eastern Area Committee on the Review Working Group.  She asked if any Member wished to nominate themselves to sit on the Working Group.  Councillor Mike Henderson nominated himself and was seconded by Councillor Eddie Thomas.  It was agreed that Councillor Mike Henderson would be the Eastern Area Committee’s representative along with Councillor Julian Saunders.

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