Agenda item

Matters arising from previous meetings


Members noted the progress on actions.


Sittingbourne town centre regeneration scheme:

·         The Chairman advised that there were some issues with the Swale Safe System that needed to be resolved;

·         discussions were ongoing regarding the shared entrance of the High Street, Sittingbourne;

·         the Kent County Council (KCC) Town Centre Greening review had been discussed and funding was an issue; and

·         High Street repairs - KCC had suggested putting 20 roundels on the High Street. This was rejected by Swale Borough Council (SBC). Also, where the raised speed bump areas needed repairing, KCC suggested replacing the granite sets with tarmac as a cost cutting exercise. This was also rejected. An SBC officer was pursuing KCC at officer level to get the repairs carried out.


Entrance to the Skatepark and Dolphin Barge Museum – the Head of Housing and Community Services advised that conversations had taken place between SBC and the organisations regarding widening the access so everyone could have appropriate access.  A meeting was scheduled to discuss further.


Conservation Area Review updates – the Senior Conservation & Design Officer advised the Sittingbourne Conservation Area (CA) Review had been recommended for adoption by Cabinet and once the document was finished it would be published.  There had been delays with the Milton Regis CA Review due to other CA reviews taking priority.  However, once completed it would be taken to public consultation.


Bomb shelter at Trotts Hall Gardens – the Chairman was still chasing regarding the ground resistivity examination.


Improvements to lighting in Milton Regis – the Chairman and the Milton Regis Society were looking to resolve this with KCC as soon as possible.


Periwinkle Water Mill Site – the Senior Conservation & Design Officer advised that a mid-range cost option was being considered for the remedial works for the structural concerns.  There were still issues with the clearing of greenery due to land ownership issues.


Bus services – the Chairman made those in attendance aware of the KCC Supported Bus Services consultation and reminded everyone the deadline for responding was 20 April 2022.


Anti-social behaviour in Sittingbourne Town Centre, Eden Village and Kemsley – the Chairman advised that he had a very productive meeting with the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) who advised that if issues with e-scooters were reported via 101, schemes could be arranged to deal with the problems, but evidence was needed.  A Committee Member challenged the wording in the report on education by the Police on the ‘correct use of e-scooters’ as legally e-scooters should not be used.  The Head of Housing & Community Services agreed to raise this with the Police.


Kemsley Arms – a Committee Member referred to the excessive planning delays in getting the site developed.  The Head of Housing & Community Services agreed to raise this with officers.


Staplehurst Road left turn – the Chairman advised that the Community Warden would look into the matter of motorists turning right when it was left turn only.


Creekside plan  - the Head of Housing & Community Services advised there had been a few operational issues but once these were resolved, the wider plan for the site could be considered.


Signage around the town centre – the Chairman advised the minimum cost to replace a brown tourism sign was £800.00.



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