Agenda item

14/505542/FULL (2.3) - 1A Saxon Road, Faversham

09.30am – 2.3 14/505542/FULL – 1A Saxon Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8QA

10.30am (approximate) – 2.7 14/505472/FULL – 66 Park Drive, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 1RD

11.15am (approximate) – 2.4 14/505351/FULL – Dane Works, Crown Quay Lane, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HU

12.15pm (approximate) – 2.10 14/502557/FULL – Moordean, Oak Lane, Minster-on-Sea, Kent, ME12 3QP


PRESENT:  Councillors Sylvia Bennett, Mike Henderson, Bryan Mulhern (Vice-Chairman), Ben Stokes and Ghlin Whelan.


ALSO IN ATTENDANCE:  Councillor John Coulter (Ward Member).


OFFICERS PRESENT: Philippa Davies, Claire Dethier and Andrew Spiers.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Barnicott and Adrian Crowther.


The Vice-Chairman (in the Chair for this meeting) welcomed the Agent, Faversham Town Council representatives, Ward Member and members of the public to the meeting.


The Senior Planner introduced the application and stated that it was for the restoration and extension of no. 1A Saxon Road, Faversham to form a one 1-bed and one 2-bed flat, and the demolition of the existing building in the yard with the construction of two 2-bed semi-detached dwellings with associated amenity and parking spaces.  The Senior Planner explained that 1A Saxon Road would be extended sideways to the boundary of the site, providing a first floor extension, with a gap at ground level to provide vehicular access to the rear of the site.  Paint would be removed from the front elevation of 1A, timber sash window frames would be added and the roof tiles replaced with slate.  There would be a seven metre rear garden, three parking spaces, a turning space and a bike shed.  The two additional properties would be low maintenance finish, with solar panels to reduce the carbon footprint.


The Senior Planner reported that three letters of objection had been received, plus one with neutral comments.  She outlined the objections which included:  loss of privacy; unauthorised access; lack of sight lines especially for cyclists; the development did not meet criteria of the Local Plan.  The neutral points included that the warehouse had outlived its useful purpose.


The Senior Planner reported that Faversham Town Council had raised objection.  They considered the development would cause overlooking, and it was not deliverable as the applicants did not control the access to the site.


The Agent provided an overview of the application.  He explained that the ridge height was lower than it was previously; solar panels would be added to reduce the carbon footprint; and windows at the side were to be at a high level on the ground floor, with most glazing being at the end of the property to avoid any overlooking issues.


A Ward Member considered there was too much being added to the site, with the reliance on the access at the rear of the properties, on Stone Street, which was historically to be used only in emergencies.  He considered the proposed application was damaging the interests of residents on all sides of the site.


Local residents raised the following points:  concerned with access to the site; there was access onto Saxon Road, the access onto Stone Street was not necessary, except in emergencies; the plans showed a gateway which did not exist; the pathway was through a private garden; clarity was needed on the access and the parking; overlooking issues; proposed floor-to-ceiling windows directly overlooked the neighbouring property; and the pedestrian use of the access was for the existing properties.


The Agent explained that he understood there were pedestrian rights of way to the rear of the site.


Members then toured the site with officers.