Agenda item

Taxi Policy Revision


The Licensing Officer introduced the report which contained the draft revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy and the proposed consultation to be used when drafting the new policy. The officer drew Members attention to Appendix II which outlined the main changes to the policy. The Licensing Officer added that paragraph 5.5 of the report stated that the recommendations would be considered at a future General Licensing Committee but wanted to make Members aware that the Council would be changing to a Committee based system and that the results of the consultation would be considered by the new relevant committee.


Members were invited to ask questions and comments made included:


·                The Council needed to be careful with the new rules around electric vehicles and euro 6 vehicles as changing fleet vehicles could be costly;

·                concerned about ‘out-pricing’ drivers but understood that electric and hybrid vehicles would be cheaper in the future;

·                would like to see more training given to drivers and operators on anti-idling;

·                concerned that new euro 6 regulations could result in many drivers being unable to register their vehicle as it would be older than 6 years;

·                could SBC still allow applications with vehicles up to 8 years old?;

·                if SBC worked on bringing the cost down for drivers and operators this would increase the amount of taxi’s in the Borough;

·                could the document be updated to remove reference to the Disability Act on page 45 of the report?;

·                how would officers provide training as referred to page 57 of the report?;

·                recognised the need for change to taxi vehicles as from 2030 petrol or diesel cars would no longer be sold in the UK;

·                how did this new policy requirements for emission standards and Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle (ULEV) vehicles compare to other Councils?; and

·                noted electric vehicles were more expensive to buy but would be cheaper for taxi operators to maintain.   


In response, the Licensing Officer said that education and promotion of the anti-idling legislation, as well as any training to help drivers and operators would be given by officers in order to make sure they understood. She commented that the Disability Act would be removed from page 45 and that mandatory training around disability awareness was being considered to protect drivers and passengers. She added that it would be Members decision as to what euro standard would be required of the taxi drivers and that upon investigation she found three different Local Authorities in the County had already introduced the same requirements that was being proposed to SBC Members. The Licensing Officer said there were nine Local Authorities that were not introducing any new requirements regarding emissions or ULEV vehicles as far as officers were aware.


The Chairman asked the committee to consider each recommendation separately.


Councillor Eddie Thomas proposed recommendation (1) and this was seconded by Councillor Mike Whiting

Councillor Cameron Beart proposed that the Council should stick to allowing drivers’ to make a new application with an 8 year old vehicle and this was seconded by Councillor Lee McCall.


Councillor Mike Dendor proposed recommendation (3) and this was seconded by Councillor Cameron Beart.




(1)      That the draft revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy for consultation be approved.

(2)      That the consultation arrangements be noted and determined that drivers should be allowed to continue to licence vehicles up to 8 years old.

(3)      That a lower licence fee should be offered for cleaner vehicles through a variable licence fee table.

Supporting documents: