Agenda item

Update on M2 Junction 5 Improvements - Presentation from National Highways


The Chairman welcomed Daniel Rollinson (National Highways (NH) Project Manager) and Stevie Collins (Graham Project Manager) to the meeting.


The NH Project Manager and Grahams Project Manager gave a presentation on the M2 Junction 5 Improvements, which centred around the following themes:  Current Project Progress; Construction updates; consultation with Parishes; and lookahead.


The Chairman invited KCC Councillor John Wright to speak.  Councillor Wright raised points which included:


·         The project did not deal with several issues affecting residents of Stockbury such as: loss of bus stop and bus service along the A249; and pedestrians, cyclists and horses not being able to cross the A249;

·         Newington Parish Council and Hartlip Parish Council had not been approached by NH despite this being agreed following the public consultation.  Both villages were subject to being used as “rat-runs” during construction of the improvements to Junction 5; and

·         why was the project ignoring services to Stockbury?;


In response the NH Project Manager said that once the design works were completed bus routes would be reinstated along the Oad Street, Borden link road and NH were in discussions with Arriva and KCC about this.  NH were exploring opportunities and funding for a pedestrian crossing over the A249 at Stockbury and improvements to the right of way.  The NH Project Manager said that NH were happy to speak to any parish councils and stated that their list of stakeholders was constantly being updated.  The NH Project Manager recognised the long-standing issue of rat-runs around the local country lanes and said that it was hoped that the scheme would address this.  He said it was inevitable that there would be an impact during construction, but NH were doing everything they could to mitigate the impact on the wider area. 


The Chairman invited Members to make comments.  These included:


·         Communication of the project needed to be improved particularly in respect of any planned road closures.  This was an issue and it had an adverse impact on local businesses;

·         it was not just Borden and Stockbury parishes that were impacted by the project and other parishes should be consulted;

·         would the proposed flyover target all the current planned housing developments or would it cater for any other developments that came forward?;

·         congratulated NH on their communication with Borden Parish Council;

·         was there an update on when the works to widen the Oad Street/Maidstone Road link would commence?

·         could NH influence Kent Police and KCC to reduce speeding traffic along Maidstone Road?;

·         that there was a slip road planned from the M2 onto the A249 as there was a sub-standard bend when travelling eastwards down the M2 and then northwards along the A249?;

·         a considerable number of commercial vehicles used the road and thought that three was a slip road north from the A249 to Sittingbourne and the Isle of Sheppey but this appeared to have been dropped?;

·         would welcome communication with parishes on the Isle of Sheppey;

·         disappointed that the mobile communication van had not visited the Isle of Sheppey; and

·         suggested that the relevant NH and Grahams contact details be forwarded to Members.


The NH Project Manager explained that they had a list of key stakeholders that were notified of any road closures which included: emergency services; Stockbury Parish Council; Borden Parish Council; and Elmley nature reserve and asked Members to contact them about anyone else that should be added to the list.  The NH Project Manager advised the scheme was modelled on existing developments but was futureproofed for 30 or 50 years and the expected growth of the area and explained that new developments were required to model their impact on the scheme.


The NH Project Manager confirmed that there was a section of Oad Street, Borden that was not the correct width for use as a strategic diversion.  He advised that NH were liaising with KCC but as private landowners were involved he was unable to provide timescales for commencement of any work to resolve this.  The NH Project Manager said that speeding traffic on Maidstone Road was an long-standing issue and whilst NH were not an enforcement agency they would continue to liaise with Kent Police and KCC and provide whatever speed restriction methods they could.  He thanked Members for the positive feedback about their dedicated stakeholder manager.  The NH Project Manager said that NH would be happy to hold a consultation and engagement event on the Isle of Sheppey.


The Grahams Project Manager confirmed that there was a dedicated left turn and dedicated slip road for eastbound traffic from the M2 to merge onto northbound traffic. 


The Chairman thanked the NH Project Manager and Grahams Project Manager for attending the meeting.


Post Meeting Note:


Please email to be added to the stakeholder list.


Resolved:  That the presentation be noted.