Agenda item


10 am – Greystone, Bannister Hill, Borden, ME9 8HU  


The Chairman welcomed Members, the Agent, the Applicant, a representative from Borden Parish Council and members of the public to the meeting.


The Area Planning Officer gave an overview of the application and explained that the site was approximately one quarter of a hectare in size and was sited within the built-up area of Borden as defined within the Local Plan.  The application was for the demolition of the existing property and the erection of two five-bedroom dwellings.  The site was just outside the boundary of the Harman’s Corner Conservation Area.  The Area Planning Officer explained that Borden Parish Council and Kent County Council (KCC) Highways and Transportation had not commented on the application.  Revised drawings had been received and these had also been consulted upon.


The Area Planning Officer outlined the comments received on the application, as noted in the report which was submitted to the Planning Committee on 11 November 2021.  He said the application was in-line with planning policies, it was not considered to be a high density scheme, there was adequate parking, and was not harmful to the setting of the Conservation Area.  A consultant was carrying out a detailed highway assessment in terms of the turning circles and visibility splays and more information about the findings would be submitted to the Planning Committee meeting on 9 December 2021.


A representative from Borden Parish Council sought confirmation on there being no comments from KCC Highway’s & Transportation, and on the visibility splays. He stressed their importance on this section of the road as there were many instances of speeding vehicles.


In response, the Area Planning Officer explained that KCC Highways & Transportation chose not to comment on a low-level application, such as this one as it was below their threshold. He added that they did not usually comment on an increased use of an existing access. The Area Planning Officer explained that 20 metre sight lines on the left hand side of the access and 30 metres to the right hand side might not be achievable, and this would be confirmed at Planning Committee on 9 December 2021.


Local residents were invited to speak and the following comments were made:


·         There were regular traffic accidents on this section of the road;

·         one of the proposed dwellings was very close to the neighbouring properties;

·         the site was elevated and this caused overshadowing;

·         loss of light, especially the loss of afternoon sun to the neighbouring properties;

·         these two new properties were ‘crammed’ onto this unsuitable site;

·         the development was harmful to local amenity;

·         this cluster of houses did not match the neighbouring area;

·         problem of overlooking;

·         this was a dangerous road, often used by large vehicles;

·         this was over-development;

·         the proposed development did not suit the location and it was too high density;

·         the bank aligning the road often collapsed - the trees that had been removed had helped stabilise the land;

·         problem with water run-off and drains incapable of collecting any more water;

·         debris frequently blocked the drains;

·         it was difficult to turn left out of the site; and

·         there could be a vermin issue in-between the existing properties’ boundary fences and the new wall and who would be responsible for the land in between? 


In response, the Applicant said there would be no water run-off onto the highway from the new development.  A soak-away would take water underground from the development.  He advised that the gap between the wall and fence would be small and they could look further into how to mitigate the issue of vermin going into the gap.


A visiting Ward Member spoke on the size of the development and the impact on local neighbours.  He considered KCC Highways & Transportation should have commented, as although there was already a dwelling on the site, there was an impact as this development increased the number of properties on the site.  The Ward Member said consideration of the impact on the approach and setting of Harman’s Corner Conservation Area should be taken into account, especially in relation to the sight lines.  Another Ward Member said more consideration should be given to the sight lines especially as there would be more vehicle movements.


In response to questions, the Area Planning Officer indicated the position of the dwelling closest to the neighbouring property boundaries.  He explained that the new dwelling would face the existing house, and there would be a six-foot fence along the boundary which would be the responsibility of the new home-owner.


Members toured the site with the officer.