Agenda item

14/503846 (2.2) - 349 - 355 Leysdown Road, Leysdown

09.30 am – 2.2 14/503846 - 349-355 Leysdown Road, Leysdown, ME12 4AS

10.30 am (approximately) – 2.1 SW/14/0423 – R/o 124 Chaffes Lane, Upchurch, ME9 7BG

11.30 am (approximately) – 2.7 14/505307 – Mombasa, Whitstable Road,  Faversham, ME13 8BD



PRESENT:  Councillors Sylvia Bennett, Adrian Crowther, Mike Henderson, Lesley Ingham, Bryan Mulhern (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Prescott and Tony Winckless.


ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Pat Sandle.


OFFICERS PRESENT:  Katherine Bescoby, Martin Evans, Andrew Jeffers and Alun Millard.           


APOLOGIES: Councillors Barnicott, Mark Ellen, Sue Gent, Peter Marchington and Ben Stokes.


The Vice-Chairman (in the Chair for this meeting) welcomed the applicant, agents, Leysdown Parish Council representatives and members of the public to the meeting.  He outlined the format that the site meeting would take and asked the Planning Officer to introduce the item.  Layout plans and drawings were displayed by the applicant’s agent.


The Planning Officer drew attention to the amended plans, which would soon be available to view on-line.  There were minor changes to the southern elevation of Plot 2, but no fundamental changes to the application.


In introducing the item, the Area Planning Officer advised that the Almshouses proposed were designed to reflect the chalet style dwellings in the area; the Council’s policy was to develop brownfield sites; and Kent County Council (KCC) Highways were happy with the proposed parking and access arrangements.


Mr Collins, the Applicant’s Planning Agent, advised that he had been asked to audit the scheme and had also considered the previous appeals.  He considered the application was in character with the area; was of good quality; and made the most of the site.  In respect of concerns raised about privacy and parking, he advised that the proposal did meet the standards expected.


Brenda Hardman, representing Leysdown Parish Council, raised concerns about parking overflow on the main road; congestion along Danes Road; and overlooking and loss of privacy, in particular from the double storey building, as the local area was mostly bungalows.


Geoff Partis, a member of Leysdown Parish Council, advised that he had lived in the area for 40 years and lived 3 doors away from the site.  He expressed concern about road safety, referring to statistics of deaths along the road and outside his property, and showing photographs of accidents.   He considered that whilst this might not be a planning objection, this needed to be considered in particular to the speed of the traffic.


Councillor Pat Sandle, the Ward Member, advised that the site did need to be redeveloped however questioned why family homes were being proposed, when there were no facilities; local schools were full, the area was deprived and there were no jobs.  She also expressed concern about parking, as it was likely that some houses could have 3 or 4 cars, being in a rural area.  KCC had refused to reduce the speed limit in the past.  She suggested that more could be done, in terms of parking, and a layby should be provided as well.  Councillor Sandle also asked whether the petrol tanks had been removed.


Local residents were then invited to speak.  Questions and concerns were raised regarding the number of parking spaces; the provision of parking for visitors; the current access to the main road from Danes Road; the impact of more cars parking along Danes Road and the main road; lack of local schools and facilities; lack of play areas; speed of traffic; lack of street lighting along the main road; concerns about access; whether the petrol tanks were still on the land; and concerns about drainage, as gardens nearby were often flooded.


Members were then invited to speak and ask any questions.  A Member referred to the volume of traffic on the main road, particularly in the summer months.  Another Member sought clarification on the access arrangements.


In response to questions, the KCC Highways Officer confirmed that the amended plans allowed for an increased provision of parking and that the application now proposed met the parking standards.  He advised that the site was on an existing road, with existing accesses, that would have previously been in use.  The amended plans also addressed the previous objection due to tandem parking in Danes Drive. 


In response to the comment regarding drainage, the Planning Officer advised that this issue could be addressed by a condition if necessary.  He also confirmed that the developer had agreed to contribute by way of a section 106 agreement to a play area in Warden.


Members then toured the site with officers.