Agenda item

Deferred Item

To approve the Minutes of the Planning Working Group meeting held on 20 May 2021 (Minute Nos. 634 – 635) as a correct record.


To consider the following application:


20/503707/HYBRID Kent Science Park, Shimmin Road, Sittingbourne


Members of the public are advised to confirm with Planning Services prior to the meeting that the applications will be considered at this meeting.


Requests to speak on these items must be registered with Democratic Services ( or call us on 01795 417328) by noon on Wednesday 23 June 2021.


Reports shown in previous Minutes as being deferred from that Meeting



The Minutes of the Planning Working Group Meeting held on 20 May 2021 (Minute Nos. 634 – 635) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Def Item 1     REFERENCE NO 20/503707/HYBRID


Hybrid planning application consisting of - Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except access) for commercial development, accesses and roads, parking, associated services, infrastructure, earthworks, and landscaping - Full planning permission for the erection of a manufacturing facility, associated parking, services, infrastructure, landscaping and earthworks.

ADDRESS Kent Science Park, Shimmin Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8BZ

WARD:  West Downs



APPLICANT Trinity Investment Management

AGENT Montagu Evans


The Area Planning Officer introduced the application and referred to the tabled update for this item.  This included further comments from Bredgar Parish Council, Kent Police, KCC Drainage, Southern Water, Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Unit and an update on concerns raised at the April 2021 Planning Committee and site meeting about the proposed private bus service and contributions towards a highway improvement plan as referred to by Bredgar Parish Council.


Mr Simon Hoad, the Applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation to approve the application and this was seconded by the Vice-Chairman.


The Ward Member spoke against the application and raised points including:


·         The proposed building would be a substantial increase in the countryside and the proposed landscaping would not screen all of it;

·         welcomed further discussions with the applicant and KCC about the provision of a bus service for all, rather than a private one;

·         requested 30 mph traffic signs along Highsted Valley, which was often used as a rat-run to the site;

·         the smell of cannabis from the site was unacceptable;

·         the site was within a water protection zone; and

·         concerned about lighting from the proposed building expanding across the countryside.


In response to questions from a Member, the Area Planning Officer stated that the cannabis was currently grown off-site in Norfolk and brought to the site.  In response to concerns about lighting from the site he referred to conditions (27) as set-out in Appendix I of the report which restricted the use of floodlighting and (46) as set-out on Appendix II of the report which required a scheme to minimise light spill from glazed areas of the building.  The Area Planning Officer stated that bunding and landscaping was proposed to screen the site and the building was designed in-line with dark sky requirements.


Councillor Tony Winckless moved the following addendum:  That the Ward Member be included in discussions with the applicant and KCC about provision of the private bus service.  This was seconded by Councillor Paul Stephen.  On being put to the vote the addendum was agreed.


Following a question from a Member, the Area Planning Officer said that contributions for the private bus service would be for a minimum of three years.


Councillor Benjamin Martin moved the following addendum:  That the Ward Member and adjacent Ward Members be included in discussions with the applicant in relation to condition (27) of the report relating to floodlighting, security lighting or other external lighting.  This was seconded by Councillor Tony Winckless.  On being put to the vote the addendum was agreed.


An adjacent Ward Member who was a member of the Planning Committee, raised concerns which included:


·         The buses would be travelling along a rural road;

·         the traffic system was not acceptable at peak times;

·         the site was currently over capacity and hoped that this would be mitigated by the applicant;

·         the Eurolink Estate, Sittingbourne would be better suited to this type of development; and

·         the smell of cannabis from the site was unacceptable.


A Member said that whilst he had reservations about the application he did not consider there were any valid planning reasons to refuse and was concerned about any subsequent appeal and costs.


Resolved:  That application 20/503707/HYBRID be delegated to officers to approve subject to conditions (1) to (47) in the report, the completion of a Section 106 Agreement based on the heads of terms in paragraph 8.67 of the April 2021 committee report, discussions with the local Ward Member, applicant, and Kent County Council about provision of a private bus service and highway improvements plans.  Discussions with the Ward Member and adjacent Ward Members, applicant and officers in relations to condition (27) relating to floodlighting, security lighting or other external lighting.




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