Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, - Swale House. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services, 01795 417330
No. | Item |
Fire Evacuation Procedure The Chairman will advise the meeting of the evacuation procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. This is particularly important for visitors and members of the public who will be unfamiliar with the building and procedures.
The Chairman will inform the meeting whether there is a planned evacuation drill due to take place, what the alarm sounds like (i.e. ringing bells), where the closest emergency exit route is, and where the second closest emergency exit route is, in the event that the closest exit or route is blocked.
The Chairman will inform the meeting that:
(a) in the event of the alarm sounding, everybody must leave the building via the nearest safe available exit and gather at the Assembly points at the far side of the Car Park. Nobody must leave the assembly point until everybody can be accounted for and nobody must return to the building until the Chairman has informed them that it is safe to do so; and
(b) the lifts must not be used in the event of an evacuation.
Any officers present at the meeting will aid with the evacuation.
It is important that the Chairman is informed of any person attending who is disabled or unable to use the stairs, so that suitable arrangements may be made in the event of an emergency.
Minutes: The Chairman ensured that those present were aware of the emergency evacuation procedure. |
Minutes To approve the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meetings held on 19 May 2016 (Minute Nos. 679 - 685) and 20 June 2017 (Minute Nos. 39 – 45) and the Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 February 2016 (Minute Nos. 531 – 535) as correct records. Minutes: The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meetings held on 19 May 2016 (Minute Nos. 679 – 685) and 20 June 2017 (Minute Nos. 39 – 45) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to an amendment on the 20 June 2017 Minutes to note that Councillor Bryan Mulhern was confirmed as Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2017/18, not Chairman.
The Minutes of the ordinary Meeting held on 25 February 2016 (Minute Nos. 531 – 535) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interests Councillors should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves or their spouse, civil partner or person with whom they are living with as a spouse or civil partner. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
The Chairman will ask Members if they have any interests to declare in respect of items on this agenda, under the following headings:
(a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) under the Localism Act 2011. The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared. After declaring a DPI, the Member must leave the meeting and not take part in the discussion or vote. This applies even if there is provision for public speaking.
(b) Disclosable Non Pecuniary (DNPI) under the Code of Conduct adopted by the Council in May 2012. The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared. After declaring a DNPI interest, the Member may stay, speak and vote on the matter.
(c) Where it is possible that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts would conclude that there was a real possibility that the Member might be predetermined or biased the Member should declare their predetermination or bias and then leave the room while that item is considered.
Advice to Members: If any Councillor has any doubt about the existence or nature of any DPI or DNPI which he/she may have in any item on this agenda, he/she should seek advice from the Monitoring Officer, the Head of Legal or from other Solicitors in Legal Services as early as possible, and in advance of the Meeting.
Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Statement of Community Involvement - Results of Consultation and Adoption Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Planner introduced the report which outlined the consultation representations received on the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and the draft responses and proposed changes arising. She explained that the report was for noting only as it required a Full Council resolution to adopt the SCI. The report would go to Full Council on 21 March 2018 via Cabinet on 7 March 2018. The consultation period started on 20 October 2017, up until 4 December 2017, and a total of 77 comments were received. The Senior Planner explained that the original, and summary of, representations were set out in Appendix I to the report. A draft response was also included, with a number of proposed changes.
The Senior Planner advised that the Council had recently checked with the Department of Communities and Local Government with regard to future proposed regulations on SCIs as noted in paragraph 2.1 of the report. The Senior Planner advised that they had received a response and were confident that the SCI, as drafted, covered everything necessary, but just to ensure completeness, the Senior Planner suggested that a further paragraph be added to Section 5 of the Draft SCI to read:
‘’5.8 - Engagement will be carried out with all of our stakeholders and the general public prior to any consultation at the issues and options stage of plan making. It will look to gather ideas on the issues, opportunities and challenges facing Swale. The engagement methods used will be chosen from Appendix I.’’
This additional paragraph was accepted by Members.
(1) That the report be noted and also that the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) Statutory Regulations required a Full Council resolution to adopt the SCI.
(2) That the draft responses to the consultation in Appendix I be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planner introduced the report which presented the consultants’ report on the issues facing Swale, which would need to be dealt with in the Local Plan Review to be adopted by Spring 2022. He drew attention to the tabled minor amendments to the recommendations, which were intended to clarify the relationship of the engagement process of the two documents.
The Principal Planner explained that the report was not about agreeing a policy option, but for Members to note and think about the next stage. He reminded the Panel that a workshop had been held in December 2017, where the consultants had taken Members through their draft report and had looked at the issues facing Swale.
The Principal Planner outlined the drivers for considering change, and the purpose of the study by the consultants, and these included: the need to review the local plan by 2022; transport issues on the A2; and shortage of employment land. The Government had asked local authorities to consider the potential role of new settlements, as these could take pressure off existing towns. The Principal Planner explained that the primary drive was the change in housing targets, subject to a recent Government consultation, with the potential that Swale would need to increase the number of houses built per year from 776 to 1054. If confirmed by the Government, this would mean that between 2022 and 2038 it would be estimated that some 16,800 new homes would need to be allocated – approximately 9,800 dwellings above the adopted Local Plan target. Swale would need to also add any accrued shortfall, and consider any unmet need arising from elsewhere. As the nature of these figures was currently uncertain, the whole question of housing numbers remained fluid at present.
The Principal Planner suggested that a further factor influencing the amount of housing to be allocated would be whether the Council pursued a passive approach (doing the minimum), or an active approach (using housing as a means to support other objectives).
The Principal Planner stated that it was important to note that the consultant’s report was their view, not the Council’s view and the purpose of it was to establish the way forward.
The Chairman advised that broadly the focus was on agreeing the next steps over the short term and establishing a work programme.
A Member asked where affordable housing was noted as being a strategic need in the report? The Chairman advised that it was implied in the document that it was known that there was a need for developers to supply affordable housing.
In response to a question on the evidence that the Government had indicated a target of 1054 houses, the Head of Planning Services stated that the Government consultation was based on standard methodology throughout the country, and was subject to changes in population statistics. He suggested it could be higher or lower, but it would be over 1000 dwellings.
A Member sought clarification on whether the discussion was on a whole new local ... view the full minutes text for item 488. |
Local Plan Programming 2018 - 2022 Minutes: The Spatial Planning Manager introduced the report which provided an indication of the programme which would be required to adopt a new Local Plan by Spring 2022 in accordance with the advice of the Bearing Fruits Local Plan Inspector.
The Spatial Planning Manager explained that a new review plan needed to be adopted by mid 2022 in accordance with the new statutory regulations in any event. The next steps over the following two or three months had been set out, plus sketching out the milestones in the process up to adoption in 2022.
Discussion ensued on the wording of the first recommendation in the report.
Councillor Mike Baldock moved the following motion: That recommendation (1) be amended to read ‘ ……for adopting a review of the Local Plan….’. This was seconded by Councillor Monique Bonney. On being put to the vote the motion was lost.
Members raised concern with the financial implications of the process.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19(2) a recorded vote was taken on the substantive motion and voting was as follows:
For: Councillors Andy Booth, James Hunt, Gerry Lewin, Peter Marchington, Bryan Mulhern and David Simmons. Total = 6.
Against: Councillors Mike Baldock, Monique Bonney and Richard Darby. Total = 3.
(1) That the overall approach and key milestones for adopting a new Local Plan set out at Appendix 1 to this report are agreed: and
(2) That these milestones are used to draft a new Local Development Scheme for recommendation (via a future Panel meeting) for adoption.