Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, ME10 3HT. View directions
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Emergency Evacuation Procedure Visitors and members of the public who are unfamiliar with the building and procedures are advised that: (a) The fire alarm is a continuous loud ringing. In the event that a fire drill is planned during the meeting, the Chair will advise of this. (b) Exit routes from the chamber are located on each side of the room, one directly to a fire escape, the other to the stairs opposite the lifts. (c) In the event of the alarm sounding, leave the building via the nearest safe exit and gather at the assembly point on the far side of the car park. Do not leave the assembly point or re-enter the building until advised to do so. Do not use the lifts. (d) Anyone unable to use the stairs should make themselves known during this agenda item.
Minutes: The Vice-Chair-in-the-Chaire outlined the emergency evacuation procedure. |
Minutes Minutes: The Minutes of the Standards Hearing Sub-Committee meeting held on 27 November 2023 (Minutes No. 67 – 74) and the Minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 11 July 2024 (Minute Nos. 435 – 441) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Vice-Chair-in-the-Chair as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their families or friends.
The Chair will ask Members if they have any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) or disclosable non-pecuniary interests (DNPIs) to declare in respect of items on the agenda. Members with a DPI in an item must leave the room for that item and may not participate in the debate or vote.
Aside from disclosable interests, where a fair-minded and informed observer would think there was a real possibility that a Member might be biased or predetermined on an item, the Member should declare this and leave the room while that item is considered.
Members who are in any doubt about interests, bias or predetermination should contact the monitoring officer for advice prior to the meeting.
Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Member Development Strategy Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the report which set out the Council’s approach to Member training in the draft Member Development Strategy 2024 – 2027. She said the Strategy had been put together by the Member Development Working Group (MDWG) which had proposed that any independent Councillors also sat on the group, alongside a representative from each of the political groups as Member Development was important for all Members.
The Chief Executive explained that many of the actions in the Strategy already took place but some new initiatives such as holding separate induction sessions for new Councillors were included. She spoke positively about the support for Members via the ‘buddy scheme’ and highlighted the information on resourcing support and training for Members.
Finally, the Chief Executive drew attention to the Action Plan at Appendix C of the report which set out all the training and briefing sessions scheduled and already taken place, as suggested by the MDWG and officers, and she explained that it was a live document and she expected further suggestions of training to come forward.
Members were invited to make comments which included:
· Suggested MDWG provided attendance statistics, including in-person and remote attendance; · Members should be responsible for adding training and briefing sessions in their diaries and finding the time to attend; · supported the Strategy; · the ‘buddy scheme’ and all training received had been helpful; · it was useful to have training sessions recorded and accessible at a time to suit; · sought confirmation that Planning and Licensing training should be attended in person; · suggested more regular evaluations of training, surveys and feedback and to consider alternative ways of receiving feedback; · supported shadowing of officers and considered this should be publicised more; · training sessions at 6pm might exclude working Councillors; · there were many more training sessions than agreed in the timetable of meetings; · The Member Handbook should be provided as soon as a Member was elected; · suggested updating the wording on page 21 of the report; · there was too much information to take in on induction day; · those that needed training did not always attend; · suggested an online log of training; · suggested historic training be added to the action plan; · feedback was the responsibility of Members; · officers made the effort to run training so Members should attend; · suggested a link of where online training sessions could be accessed be circulated in the weekly Member communication email.
The Chief Executive explained that training needed to be relevant over the four years and the training plan was a live document. She said different learning styles needed to be offered and shadowing of staff at Swale Borough Council or adjoining authorities could be organised but Members needed to make the first approach. The Chief Executive highlighted that the survey which had been circulated to all Members earlier in the year had a less than 50% response rate but of those that who responded, 6pm mid-week sessions were the most preferred time slot. She reminded the Committee that training sessions were recorded to view ... view the full minutes text for item 272. |
Code of Conduct Arrangements - verbal update Minutes: The Monitoring Officer updated Members by advising that the Code of Conduct document had received no input or feedback and the original deadline for comments was 30 September 2024. During the discussion that followed the Chief Executive suggested a link to the document be circulated to all Members in their weekly communications email and those Members that wished to, could contact her to discuss.
Members agreed to extend the deadline for comments to 15 October 2024.
(1) That the verbal update be noted. |