Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HT

Contact: Democratic Services, 01795 417330 

No. Item



To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 November 2015 (Minute Nos. 355 - 358) as a correct record.



The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2015 (Minute Nos. 355 – 358) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves or their spouse, civil partner or person with whom they are living with as a spouse or civil partner.  They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.


The Chairman will ask Members if they have any interests to declare in respect of items on this agenda, under the following headings:


(a)          Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) under the Localism Act 2011.  The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared.  After declaring a DPI, the Member must leave the meeting and not take part in the discussion or vote.  This applies even if there is provision for public speaking.


(b)          Disclosable Non Pecuniary (DNPI) under the Code of Conduct adopted by the Council in May 2012.  The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared.  After declaring a DNPI interest, the Member may stay, speak and vote on the matter.


Advice to Members:  If any Councillor has any doubt about the existence or nature of any DPI or DNPI which he/she may have in any item on this agenda, he/she should seek advice from the Director of Corporate Services as Monitoring Officer, the Head of Legal or from other Solicitors in Legal Services as early as possible, and in advance of the Meeting.



No interests were declared.


Deferred Item pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To consider the following application:


15/503580/FULL – Land north of Homestall Road, Doddington


Members of the public are advised to confirm with Planning Services prior to the meeting that the applications will be considered at this meeting.


Requests to speak on these items must be registered with Democratic Services ( or call us on 01795 417328) by noon on Wednesday 16 December 2015.

Additional documents:


Application 15/503580/FULL – Land north of Homestall Road, Doddington was withdrawn from the agenda.


Schedule of Decisions pdf icon PDF 624 KB

To consider the attached report (Parts 1, 2 and 5).


The Council operates a scheme of public speaking at meetings of the Planning Committee.  All applications on which the public has registered to speak will be taken first.  Requests to speak at the meeting must be registered with Democratic Services ( or call 01795 417328) by noon on Wednesday 16 December 2015.

Additional documents:




Any other reports to be considered in the public session


1.1     REFERENCE NO – Tree Preservation Order No 6 of 2015

ADDRESS 30 Preston Park, Faversham, Kent. ME13 8LN

RECOMMENDATION: To confirm without modification Tree Preservation Order No 6 of 2015 for which objections have been received.


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation to confirm without modification Tree Preservation Order No. 6 of 2015 and this was seconded.


A Member welcomed the Tree Preservation Order and considered it was a splendid tree that positively contributed to the area.


Resolved:  That Tree Preservation Order No. 6 of 2015 be confirmed without modification.




Applications for which PERMISSION is recommended




2.1       REFERENCE NO - 15/506410/FULL


First floor side extension over existing garage, two-storey side extensions at rear, single storey rear extension, first floor front and side extensions, three dormers at front and three dormers at rear

ADDRESS    90 Scrapsgate Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 2DJ  

WARDMinster Cliffs


Minster on Sea


AGENT Richard Baker Partnership


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation to approve the application and this was seconded.


Mr Adam O’Donnell, an objector, spoke against the application.


Mrs Abbie Nethercoat, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


A Ward Member spoke against the application and raised the following points: shame to lose this type of housing particularly with an increasing elderly population; large and overbearing; would be detrimental to the visual amenity of adjoining properties; and would harm the quality of life that adjoining residents currently enjoyed.


In response to queries, the Area Planning Officer advised that as the proposal was within the built-up area of Minster, the increase in floor space was not a material planning consideration.  He was unsure how many bungalows were in the vicinity.  The proposed garage would be hard against the boundary of No. 88 Scrapsgate Road and the garage roof went beyond the garage.


Councillor Andy Booth moved a motion to defer the application for further information.  This was not seconded.


The Area Planning Officer suggested that Members may wish to consider a site visit rather than defer for further information.


Councillor Andy Booth moved a motion for a site visit.  This was seconded by Councillor Mike Henderson.  On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.


Resolved: That application 15/506410/FULL be deferred to allow the Planning Working Group to meet on site.


2.2       REFERENCE NO - 15/503893/FULL


Proposed rear elevation glazed doors and internal alterations, as amended by drawing 03 REV C received 10 November 2015.

ADDRESS    9 Goldings Wharf Belvedere Road Faversham Kent ME13 7FB 



Faversham Town

APPLICANT Mr Steve Mundin

AGENT FDA Chartered Architects


The Head of Planning reported that Faversham Town Council raised no objection but suggested a condition which was covered under condition (4) of the report.  A further letter from the original neighbour objecting again largely echoing the original comments of the Town Council, as outlined on paragraph  ...  view the full minutes text for item 411.