Issue - meetings

Outgoing post distribution - award of contract

Meeting: 25/05/2016 - Cabinet - Decommissioned 18.05.2022 (Item 698)

698 Outgoing Post Distribution - Award of Contract pdf icon PDF 100 KB


Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance


Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Property and the above Cabinet Member which sought to amend the previous decision taken by Cabinet on 2 March 2016 to award the Outgoing post contract.


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance advised that the original contractor could not fulfil the terms of the contract suitably.  He further advised that, as the report detailed, Whistl Ltd were therefore the highest scoring supplier in the tender process.




(1)          That  the previous decision taken by Cabinet on 2 March 2016 be amended as outlined in the report.


(2)          That the Council enters into a contract with Whistl Ltd for the outgoing distribution of post from Swale House for a period of four years from 1 July 2016 at an estimated total contract value of £460,000.


(3)          That the Head of the Legal Partnership be authorised, in consultation with the Head of Property Services and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, to undertake all steps in relation to negotiating and entering into the contract and to sign the contract.