Issue - meetings

Mayor's Announcements

Meeting: 16/12/2015 - Council (Item 398)

Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor made a number of announcements.


Evacuation Chairs – the Mayor asked for Members to volunteer to be trained in the use of the evacuation chairs to assist those with mobility problems when there was an evacuation of Swale House. Members who sat on the Planning Committee were particularly required as those meetings generally had a large number of public attendees.  An hour long training session was scheduled for January, and volunteers should contact Andrew Spiers in Planning Services.


Remembrance Sunday – the Mayor thanked all Members who represented her at Services and Acts of Remembrance by laying a wreath.


Annual Civic Journey of Commemoration to Ypres – the Mayoress, Mayor’s Cadet, the Leader and other Members of the WW1 Steering Group joined students from all nine secondary schools across Swale on a coach trip to Ypres in Belgium, for the Armistice Day Service at the Menin Gate on 11 November 2015.  The Mayor read out a postcard message she had received from one of the Highsted School students who had been on the visit.


Charity Turkish Night – the Mayor advised that £490 profit had been made and this would be donated to the four Carnival Courts in Swale.


Swale Youth Development Fund – the Mayor advised that she had attended the Swale Youth Development Fund 30th Birthday dinner at the Coniston Hotel.


Civic Christmas Cards Primary Schools’ competition -  the Mayor referred to the recent presentation to winning children.


‘Lights for Love’ Ceremonies for Wisdom Hospice – the Mayor had attended ceremonies at Highsted Grammar School and Minster Abbey.


Salvation Army – the Mayor thanked Members that had donated to the Salvation Army from their Localism Grant.


Christmas Day Swim – the Mayor reminded Members that Councillor Katy Coleman was doing a sponsored swim on Christmas Day, in aid of Cancer Research.


The Mayor also reminded Members that the Swale Civic Ball would be held on Friday 11 March 2016, the Faversham Ball on Friday 18 March 2016, and the Swale Civic Service on Sunday 10 April 2016.


A Member thanked the Mayor for her card on the recent occasion of his Golden Wedding Anniversary.