Issue - meetings

Application for a New Premises Licence under The Licensing Act 2003

Meeting: 30/03/2015 - Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 594)

594 Application for a New Premises Licence under The Licensing Act 2003 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider an application, to which a representation has been made, for a new Premises Licence application under the Licensing Act 2003 at The Golden Hope of 1 Park Road, Sittingbourne.


Additional documents:


Mrs Bolas, the Solicitor, introduced the case, referring to the application for a New Premises Licence from JD Wetherspoon plc at The Golden Hope, 1 Park Road, Sittingbourne.  Mrs Bolas drew attention to the Police representation set out on page 25 of the report and proposed conditions as set out.  Mrs Bolas stated that following consultations between both the applicant and Kent Police the wording of proposed condition (4) should be amended, copies were tabled, to read: ‘When the premises is open between 21:00 hrs and 01:30 hrs on Friday and Saturday a minimum of 2 door supervisors shall be employed at the premises.  At all other times the DPS will risk assess the need for door supervisors.  Should the use of door supervisors be deemed necessary by the risk assessment, a minimum of 2 door supervisors will be employed.’  Mrs Bolas stated that the proposed conditions, as amended, had been agreed to form part of the operating schedule of the application on 26 March 2015 and Kent Police had now withdrawn the objection to the licence.  She also referred Members to the objection at page 23 of the report from Mr and Mrs Rousell.


Mrs Hay, legal representative for JD Wetherspoon plc, presented her case and provided an overview of the application.  Mrs Hay explained that as well as the application for a new premises licence, the applicant  would also be running the premises as a hotel with 3 rooms provided.  She explained that JD Wetherspoon plc had been trading for 35 years with their focus being on real ale and that they sought to support local brewers.  Mrs Hay drew attention to the tabled paper which provided details of the menu provided at their facilities. Mrs Hay stated that no music or other form of entertainment was planned at the premises, but there would be tv screens which would have news subtitles.  Door staff would be provided on Friday and Saturday evenings.  They noted the concerns of Mr and Mrs Rousell and stated that given that 3 hotel rooms were to be provided, it would be in their interests to ensure that disturbance to residents was kept to a minimum.  She explained that management at the premises would ensure that dispersal of customers was carried out in a responsible manner.  The main entrance would be on the High Street and there would be at least one manager on-site and 2 or 3 at peak times.  With regard to problems at the existing Weatherspoons she explained that this had mainly been due to conflicts with customers leaving a nearby venue, but this had largely been resolved following amendments to last entry times as agreed with the Police.


The Chairman then invited Mr and Mrs Rousell, the objectors and licensees of The Ypres Tavern, to ask questions.  Mr and Mrs Rousell asked various questions and Mrs Hay and Mr Powell (Area Manager for JD Wetherspoons) responded as follows:  deliveries would be made via Park Road and they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 594