Issue - meetings

Refurbishment of Faversham Pools

Meeting: 11/03/2015 - Cabinet - Decommissioned 18.05.2022 (Item 543)



Cabinet Member for Localism, Sport, Culture and Heritage and Cabinet Member for Finance

Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Property Services and above Cabinet Members which sought approval to allocate capital funding towards the refurbishment of Faversham Pools with a view to ensuring the long-term future of the facility as an independently managed and sustainable community facility.

The Cabinet Member for Localism, Sport, Culture and Heritage introduced the report and explained that the £150,000 funding requested would allow Faversham Swimming Pools Management Committee to refurbish the pool.  He welcomed the proposal to include the Swimming Pools Management Committee as an incorporated body which would allow them to take ownership of the pool.

Members raised the following points: important to recognise that SBC would need to provide longer term investment; Faversham pool was not subsidised like The Swallows in Sittingbourne was, so needed to take this into consideration; and Faversham Pool was used by people from outside of the area. 

The Cabinet Member for Localism, Sport, Culture and Heritage thanked the Faversham Pools Management Committee Trustees for their hard work and help with the report.


(1)   That the allocation of £150,000 capital funding for the refurbishment of the Faversham Pools be agreed.  The grant to be payable on completion of the procurement process and provided that the following conditions have been met:


(i)    Faversham Swimming Pools Management Committee becomes an incorporated body.

(ii)  That the outstanding land swap issues set out in the report are completed.