Issue - meetings

Transfer of allotments to Faversham Town Council

Meeting: 11/03/2015 - Cabinet - Decommissioned 18.05.2022 (Item 547)


Additional documents:


Cabinet Member for Localism, Sport, Culture and Heritage

Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Commissioning and Customer Contact and the above Cabinet Member which sought approval to complete the freehold transfer of the four allotment sites in Faversham to Faversham Town Council and the adjacent Public Amenity land at Stonebridge Pond.

The Cabinet Member for Localism, Sport, Culture and Heritage introduced the report and thanked the Head of Commissioning and Customer Contact, Commissioning and Open Spaces Manager and Faversham Town Council for their work on the project. 

A Member asked whether the clawback terms had been agreed and whether there were any other outstanding issues?

The Cabinet Member for Localism, Sport, Culture and Heritage reported that the final terms of the clawback had not been agreed, hence the delegation in the recommendations, but explained that they were intended to protect the long-term interests of SBC and the people of Faversham. 

The Commissioning and Open Spaces Manager reported that there had been discussions with Faversham Town Council around footpaths and bridges within the Stonebridge site and some tree work at the Millfield allotment site.  He confirmed that the tree work had been completed and that an agreement on costs to repair the bridges had been agreed with Faversham Town Council. 


(1) That the freehold transfer for the four allotment sites in Faversham to Faversham Town Council be agreed.

(2) That the freehold transfer to Faversham Town Council of the public amenity land adjacent to Stonebridge Ponds be agreed.

(3) That up to £14,000 be provided for replacing the dangerous footbridge at the Stonebridge pond site.

(4) That delegated authority be given to the Head of Commissioning and Customer Contact, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Localism, Sport, Culture and Heritage to agree the final detailed terms of the freehold transfer.