Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Friday, 30 January 2009

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the sites listed below on Friday 30th January 2009 from 10:00 am to 11:20 pm.


sw/08/1038 (2.4) – land adjacent to church farm cottage, grovehurst road, sittingbourne

PRESENT: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Adrian Crowther, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Sue Gent, Mike Henderson, Elvina Lowe, Pat Sandle and Ben Stokes.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Rob Bailey, Emma Eisinger, Andrew Jeffers, Kellie Mackenzie and Alun Millard (KHS).

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Brenda Simpson (Ward Member). Mr Charlton (Applicant), Mr Neale (Objector), Mr Perrar (Agent) and Mr & Mrs Prinn (Objectors).

APOLOGY: Councillor Prescott.


sw/07/0016 (2.12) – land rear of 35 broadway, sheerness

PRESENT: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Adrian Crowther, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mark Ellen, Mike Henderson, Elvina Lowe, Pat Sandle and Ben Stokes.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Andrew Jeffers, Kellie Mackenzie and Alun Millard (KHS).

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Cumberland (Objector), Mike Gittings (Agent), Mr Jeck and Mr and Mrs Rogers (Objectors).

APOLOGIES: Councillors Sue Gent and Prescott.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


sw/08/1038 (2.4) – land adjacent to church farm cottage, grovehurst road, sittingbourne

The Planning Officer explained that the application was for a two storey four bedroom dwelling with associated parking and vehicular access on land to the north of Church Farm Cottage. The dwelling would have a total height to the ridge of 7.5 metres and would be set back from the road by three metres. The dwelling would be 13 metres from the rear elevation of no. 12 Donemowe Drive and 24 metres from the closest property to the rear. There would also be five metres separation distance between neighbouring properties.

The Planning Officer reported that Kent Highway Services (KHS) raised no objection. She further reported that the Ward Member raised objection and considered it would make the site cramped and be dangerous for vehicles entering and leaving the site. Three additional letters of objection had been received.

The agent provided a history of the site and considered the design put forward was sympathetic to the surrounding area and to the concerns of local residents.

Local residents raised the following concerns: detrimental to visual amenities; the permission for moving of the boundary at No. 12 Donemowe Drive could affect the sightlines for the proposed access and also lead to problems with rubbish and vermin.

Members then toured the site and asked the Development Control Manager, Area Planning Officer, Planning Officer and KHS Officer questions which they answered.


sw/07/0016 (2.12) – land rear of 35 broadway, sheerness

The Development Control Manager explained that the application was for a three storey block of six one bed flats but would not have any on-site parking spaces. All flats would be elevated six metres Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) to allow acceptable head height to the parking area for the Post Office vehicles below, and the Environment Agency raised no objection.

The Development Control Manager reported that the Agents had submitted amended plans which showed the parking spaces allocated to flats at Beachfield Lodge and 35 Broadway. A copy was circulated to Members. He further reported that KHS raised no objection to the application.

The KHS Officer advised that the number of spaces being provided was the full allocation required for the existing developments.

Mr Gittings, the Agent, explained that the final application had resulted from extensive negotiations with the Environment Agency, Kent County Council and Swale Borough Council. He reported that with regard to parking spaces, his client would be willing to establish a scheme to ensure current allocated spaces for the adjoining flats remained as such.

Local residents raised the following concerns: the development would increase noise from the adjoining Post Office site; overlooking; where would rubbish bins go, as Hyde Housing had not given approval for a dedicated area for bins on their land and increased damage to road surface caused by additional traffic.

A local resident circulated photos which highlighted current parking problems with people leaving their cars at the site to go shopping.

Members then toured the site and asked the Development Control Manager and Kent Highways Officer various questions which they answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting