Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 28 April 2014

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the site listed below on Monday 28 April 2014 from 10:00 am to 10:15 am.

Present: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Bennett, Andy Booth, June Garrad, Mike Henderson, Ben Stokes, Ghlin Whelan and Tony Winckless.

Officers Present: Rob Bailey, Hannah Lucitt and Kellie Mackenzie.

Also In Attendance: Mr Peter MacDonald (Minster Parish Council), Mr Sands (Agent), Mrs Harris, Mrs Broadbridge, Mr and Mrs Neech, Mr Twiselton, Mr Baker, Mrs Tansley, Mr Smith, Mr Cox and Mrs Jarvis (local residents all in objection).


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


sw/13/1510 (2.1) - abaile, oak lane, minster

The Area Planning Officer explained that the application was for a single storey side and rear extension which would project 3.4 metres from the north side of the dwelling and 1.7 metre to the front of the existing side projection. The extension would be set back 15 metres from the highway and 7.1 metres from the front of the existing dwelling.

The Area Planning Officer stated that there was a pitched roof to the side element of the proposed extension, including a hipped end, 2.5 metres to the eaves height, matching the existing dwelling. The rear elevation would be flat roofed, projecting 4 metres and spanning across the rear of the existing property and the proposed side extension, and being 3.1 metres to the eaves height. The Area Planning Officer further stated that the rear extension would project 2 metres beyond the rear of the neighbouring property 'Copperfield' which was 1 metre from the common boundary with Abaile.

The Area Planning Officer advised that the side extension would be close to the northern boundary with Copperfield to the side, 12 metres from the rear boundary and 3 metres from the southern side boundary with numbers 8 and 10 Windmill Rise. There was also space for two individually accessible parking spaces to the side of the dwelling.

Mr Peter MacDonald, representing Minster Parish Council, spoke against the proposal. He stated that they considered the proposed extension was unreasonably large and would have an adverse impact on the quality of life of the occupants of the neighbouring property Copperfield. Mr MacDonald then demonstrated the closeness of the proposed extension to Copperfield.

Mrs Harris, Copperfield, spoke against the proposal. She considered it would cause loss of light by overshadowing to her property and have an adverse impact on her residential amenity. Mrs Harris noted that the proposed extension was 1.2 metres higher than the fence. Mrs Harris stated that the proposal would result in a loss of space between Abaile and Copperfield, contrary to the detached nature of properties in the vicinity. Mrs Harris drew attention to Swale Borough Council's (SBC) information booklet 'Designing an Extension - A Guide for Householders' which stated that 'in an area of mainly detached or semi-detached housing, the Council is anxious to see that the area should not become "terraced" in character, losing the sense of openness.'

Other local residents raised comments which included: out-of-keeping with the area; if the occupiers of Copperfield applied for a similar extension the properties would essentially become semi-detached; unacceptable loss of light into Copperfield which would have an impact on the amount of energy they used; how would the applicant be able to construct the extension without access to Copperfield; roots of adjacent trees would be disturbed during construction of the extension; and very oppressive so close to the boundary.

Members then viewed the application site from Copperfield with Officers.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting