Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 26 June 2006

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 26th June 2006 from 5:30 pm to 7:31 pm.

Present: Councillors John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Mike Brown, Christine Coles, Jordan (Substitute for Councillor Alan Willicombe), Prescott, Gareth Randall and Ghlin Whelan. Kent County Councillors Adrian Crowther (Chairman), Harrison and Roger Truelove. Parish Councillor Mrs A Lewis.

Officers Present: Messrs Planner and Spiers (Swale Borough Council (SBC)) and Messrs Haratbar and Ross (Kent Highway Services (KHS)).

Also In Attendance: Councillor Mark Ellen.

Apologies: Councillor Alan Willicombe (Swale Borough Council) and Councillor Ferrin (Kent County Council).


election of chairman


(1) That Councillor Adrian Crowther be elected Chairman for the Municipal Year.

confirmation of vice-chairman


(1) That Councillor John Wright be confirmed as Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th March 2006 (Minute Nos. 813 - 831) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


urgent item

The Chairman advised that he had accepted an Urgent Item, namely the Progress Update, which would be considered immediately following the Public Session.


public session


church road, eastchurch

Mrs Booth of Church Road, Eastchurch, raised concerns which her husband had previously raised at the meeting of the Sheppey Area Forum on 30th May 2006 (Minute No. 58(iii)/05/06 refers), regarding excessive vehicle speeding in Church Road, Eastchurch. She reported that vehicles travelling to and from the prisons at Eastchurch regularly travelled at speeds in excess of 70 mph, even though the speed limit for the road was 30 mph. Mrs Booth had received a response to her original question from KHS which she found unsatisfactory.

A Member commented that although the response received from Kent Highway Services was correct, the technical jargon used in the letter was unfortunate. He reported that he had met with the Chief Executive of the prisons and had expressed his concern over this matter. The Chief Executive of the prisons had undertaken to speak to his Officers with regard to the problem. The Member further suggested that an interactive speed sign might be a solution and a number of Members agreed.

The Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) undertook to investigate the issue further and liaise with Mr and Mrs Booth.


part a minutes for confirmation


progress report

In the absence of the Senior Engineer (KHS), the Head of Transportation and Planning undertook to ensure that those items requiring an update would be presented to the next meeting of the Board in September.


petition - london road, sittingbourne

The Head of Technical Services (SBC) introduced the report, which presented a petition received from the residents of the north side of London Road, Sittingbourne, between Elvy Court and Staplehurst Road, asking SBC to provide a solution to parking problems in that area. He recommended that the question should be dealt with in the Sittingbourne Residents Parking Scheme, with the suggestion that the scheme could possibly be extended to this area.

(1) That the petition be noted.
(2) That this section of London Road be added to the areas for monitoring following implementation of the Sittingbourne Controlled Parking Zones.

swale transport strategy update

Members noted certain aspects of the report, mainly concentrating on the Lower Road on the Isle of Sheppey and the Sittingbourne Northern Relief Road (NRR). A number of Members also noted with approval that the Transport Strategy was presented as a complete vision for the entire Borough.

The Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) confirmed that minor repair work was an ongoing issue.

(1) That the adoption of the Transport Strategy be approved.

highway works programme 2006/2007

The Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) introduced the report, noting that the report now gave approximate completion dates as well as progress. In response to questions from Members, he gave updates on specific cases included in the Works Programme.

Members raised concerns regarding illegal fly-posting on roadside signage. The Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) responded that Officers were investigating processes to deal with this problem, as the Borough Council had little authority to act under current by-laws.

(1) That the Works Programme for 2006/2007 be noted.

sittingbourne high street - update

A number of Members noted that as the Officer who had compiled the report had not been present at the original meeting with the Swale Access Group, the report appeared to be concentrating on the needs of the disabled and not the visually impaired. It was noted that a request for a dedicated crossing for the visually impaired in Sittingbourne High Street had not progressed and that the Conservation Officer had yet to be consulted with reference to the repainting of the bollards in the High Street. Members requested that a further report on this matter should be submitted to the next meeting of the Board.


In response to concerns over vehicles parking on the pavements in the High Street, the Head of Technical Services advised that this was a Police matter, but that the Street Wardens were empowered to issue warning notices to drivers of vehicles illegally parked.

(1) That the report be noted.

That the following short term works/actions be carried out by Kent Highway Services:

  1. That the existing bollards in the High Street be painted in a conspicuous colour, with the agreement of SBC's Conservation Officer.
  2. That action be taken against traders trading illegally on the footway.
  3. That existing benches and litter bins be re-oriented or re-located.
  4. That tactile paving at specific carriageway/footway interfaces to help the blind and partially sighted be introduced.
  5. That tactile paving at the pedestrian crossing facilities at the junction of Station Street and High Street be introduced.

(3) That a review of the existing signage be introduced, complete with an investigation of the need for additional signage that would indicate to motorists that pedestrians have priority over vehicular traffic using the High Street, between the entrance to the Forum and Bell Road. (As this type of sign is not currently covered by legislation, an approach to the Secretary of State for Transport would be needed to gain approval).

(4) That the potential to close the High Street to all vehicular traffic for a limited period on a daily basis be investigated and reported back to the Board.

sittingbourne residents' parking scheme

The Head of Technical Services (SBC) introduced the report, advising that, subject to contractors, it was hoped that the scheme would be implemented by September 2006.

In response to a request from a Member, the Head of Technical Services agreed to organise a press release, informing the residents of Sittingbourne of the scheme's progress.

(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That a Press Release regarding the scheme's progress be issued.

local transport plan - proposed integrated transport programme for 2007/2008

(1) That the programmes and schemes identified for further detailed design work be recommended and reported back to the Board in December 2006.

petitions received

Members discussed the two petitions received regarding excessive speed of traffic in Tunstall Road, Tunstall and Denstroude Lane, Dunkirk.


(1) That the petitions be noted.

b2231 - cowstead corner to leysdown - update

The Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) gave a verbal update on progress regarding work on the B2231.

A Member asked for a report on this matter to be included at the next meeting of the Board and the Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) agreed.

(1) That the update be noted.

marine parade, sheerness - proposed traffic management scheme

In the absence of the relevant Officer, this item was deferred to the next meeting of the Board in September 2006.


local government (access to information) act 1985


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation


disabled persons parking bays

The Head of Technical Services (SBC) introduced the report. In response to suggestions from Members, he agreed that it would prove beneficial to contact those people who had been allocated a Disabled Parking Bay every three to four years to ascertain if Parking Bays were still needed.

(1) That comments and objections made by consultees be noted.
(2) That disabled person parking bays be installed at the following:
12 Victoria Place, Faversham
15 Windermere, Faversham
19 School Lane, Faversham
13 Cowper Road, Sittingbourne
13 Gibson Street, Sittingbourne
18 Kingsmill Close, Sittingbourne
66 High Street, Queenborough
30 Manor Grove, Sittingbourne

(3) That disabled parking bays be revoked at the following:
23 Prince Charles Avenue, Minster
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting