Meeting documents

Annual Council
Wednesday, 19 May 2010


MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Thursday 18th March 2010 from 7:00 pm to 8:03 pm.

Present: Councillor Adrian Crowther (Mayor), Councillor Trevor Fentiman (Deputy Mayor), Councillors Dave Banks, Barnicott, Bobbin, Andy Booth, Bowles, Mick Constable, Derek Conway, Mike Cosgrove, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mark Ellen, Sue Gent, Harrison, Paul Hayes, Mike Haywood, Mike Henderson, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, Elvina Lowe, John Morris, Bryan Mulhern, Prescott, Kenneth Pugh, Gareth Randall, Pat Sandle, David Sargent, David Simmons, Brenda Simpson, Ben Stokes, Manuella Tomes, Roger Truelove, Anita Walker, Ghlin Whelan, Nick Williams, Alan Willicombe, Jean Willicombe, Worrall and John Wright.

Officers Present: Katherine Bescoby, Monica Blades-Chase, Joanne Hammond, Abdool Kara, Bob Pullen and Mark Radford.

Apologies: Councillors Mark Baldock, Simon Clark, Cindy Davis, Nicholas Hampshire, Paul Sturdgess and Adam Tolhurst.



The Mayor opened the meeting with a prayer.


minutes silence

A minutes silence was held in memory of Honorary Alderman Bill Vaughan. Councillors Harrison, Bowles, Elvina Lowe, Barnicott and the Mayor spoke in memory of Honorary Alderman Vaughan and his services to the Borough as a Ward Councillor and past Mayor.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


consultation on changing swale borough council's electoral arrangements

The Corporate Services Director introduced the report and reminded Members that the decision had to be passed by a majority of at least two-thirds of Members present and voting.

The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager referred Members to the tabled paper, which provided a breakdown of responses from local residents, local businesses and representatives of a group or organisation. She outlined the consultation process and referred Members to the option to request a single-Member boundary review by the Boundary Committee for England.

The Leader of the Council proposed that "having given due consideration to the consultation responses, the Council changes to whole Council elections to take effect from 2011".

Discussion ensued which centred on the following themes in support of the proposal to change to whole Council elections: the financial aspect - savings would be made; Governance - it would lead to improved management and stability, and certainty of direction for the Council, which could be communicated to local residents and businesses, and would assist the Council towards its objective of becoming a high performing organisation; Democratic Engagement - it would improve voter turnout as the proposed system was less confusing for voters; it would provide a clear opportunity for voters to change the administration of the Council; and there was a genuine opportunity to improve engagement with residents.

Those against the proposal did not think that the change would increase voter turnout and expressed concern that all out elections on a common date once every four years could result in the loss of experienced Members. Also, a Council could be elected on a single-issue relevant at the time of the elections. They considered that there would be better continuity by holding elections in thirds; and could see no clear reason for making change.

The Executive Member for Performance and Finance; Learning and Skills seconded the proposal and set out his reasons in support.

The Leader responded to the comments made by Members.

Upon being put to the vote the motion to change to whole Council elections was agreed by a majority of at least two-thirds of Members present and voting.

The Leader referred to the option to request a single-Member boundary review. He considered that it would require too much Officer time and would be a diversion of valuable resources at the current time. He referred to the Boundary Committee for England's intention to undertake a Further Electoral Review, which was expected within the next few years, and suggested that the Council should await the findings of that review.

The Leader of the Labour Group seconded the proposal and upon being put to the vote this was agreed.


(1) That having given due consideration to the consultation response, the Council changes to whole Council elections to take effect from 2011.

(2) That the Council does not request a single member boundary review at this time but awaits the outcome of the Boundary Committee for England's Further Electoral Review.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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