Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 18 September 2006

Notice of Meeting, Summons and Agenda

M E H RADFORD - Corporate Services Director
Date Published: 01 September 2006

A meeting of the Swale Joint Transportation Board will be held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 18 September 2006 at 5:30pm.

Members: Councillor Chairman not yet elected (Chairman), Councillor John Wright (Vice Chairman), Councillors Mike Brown, Christine Coles, Colin Prescott, Gareth Randall, Ghlin Whelan and Alan Willicombe.

Quorum = 4


please note the time.


Kent County Council Members of the Board are: Councillor Adrian Crowther (Chairman), Councillors Bowles, Ferrin, Gates, Harrison, Brenda Simpson and Roger Truelove.

Kent Association of Parish Councils Representative: Councillor Mrs A Lewis. 


apologies for absence and confirmation of substitutes



Annex 1 for Item 2

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 26th June 2006 (Minute Nos. 128 - 145) as a correct record.

declarations of interest

Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting.

Members are reminded that, even if an interest has been declared in the Members' Interests Register, it should still be disclosed at each meeting.  Members are encouraged to seek advice in advance of the meeting if in any doubt.


part a reports for recommendation


criteria for speed limits

Annex 1 for Item 4

Members are asked to note the new criteria for speed limits, as agreed by the Highways Advisory Board.

bull lane, newington - petition

Annex 1 for Item 5 | Annex 2 for Item 5

To inform Members of a petition received from the residents of Bull Lane, Newington, requesting traffic calming and permission to install dropped kerbs.

lower road (b2231) - route study

Annex 1 for Item 6 | Annex 2 for Item 6

To consider a progress update on the route study.

a251 faversham to challock - speed management

Annex 1 for Item 7

To consider an update on the progress of the proposal to introduce lower speed limits along the route.

high street, sittingbourne - pedestrian safety

Annex 1 for Item 8

To consider the outcome of the meeting with the Swale Access Group and proposals to improve the safety of the High Street for users with disabilities.

highway works programme 2006/2007

Annex 1 for Item 9

To consider the Highway Works Programme for 2006/2007.

marine parade, sheerness - traffic management scheme

Annex 1 for Item 10

To consider the outcome of initial discussion with interested groups.

proposed amendments to existing parking restrictions, double yellow lines and various waiting restrictions

Annex 1 for Item 11 | Annex 2 for Item 11 | Annex 3 for Item 11 | Annex 4 for Item 11 | Annex 5 for Item 11 | Annex 6 for Item 11 | Annex 7 for Item 11 | Annex 8 for Item 11 | Annex 9 for Item 11 | Annex 10 for Item 11 | Annex 11 for Item 11 | Annex 12 for Item 11 | Annex 13 for Item 11 | Annex 14 for Item 11 | Annex 15 for Item 11 | Annex 16 for Item 11 | Annex 17 for Item 11

a)  To consider consultation responses regarding the implementation of double yellow lines at the following:

i)   Brewery Road/Cross Lane, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne
ii)  Heard Way, Eurolink Industrial Estate, Sittingbourne
iii) Strode Crescent Area, Sheerness
iv)  Winstanley Road and Invicta Road, Sheerness
v)   Connaught Road, Sittingbourne
vi)  Minster Road/Scrapsgate Road, Sheerness
vii) Edenbridge Drive/Hawthorn Avenue, Sittingbourne

b)  To consider proposed amendments to existing parking restrictions at the following:

i)  Conyer Road, Barrow Green, Teynham
ii)  Richmond Street, Sheerness

c)  To consider various waiting restrictions, following recent consultations.


barge way, sittingbourne - introduction of a new speed limit

Annex 1 for Item 12 | Annex 2 for Item 12

To consider the outcome of consultation with stakeholders, regarding the introduction of a 40mph speed limit at Barge Way, Sittingbourne.

speed limit review - various roads, faversham

Annex 1 for Item 13

An update on the progress of the introduction of lower speed limits on various roads in Faversham.

minster road/scrapsgate road - junction improvements

Annex 1 for Item 14 | Annex 2 for Item 14

To consider the review of junction improvements at the Minster Road/Scrapsgate Road junction.

taxi ranks

Annex 1 for Item 15 | Annex 2 for Item 15 | Annex 3 for Item 15 | Annex 4 for Item 15 | Annex 5 for Item 15 | Annex 6 for Item 15 | Annex 7 for Item 15 | Annex 8 for Item 15

a)  To consider the implementation of taxi ranks at High Street, Sheerness and Hope Way, Sheerness.

b)  To consider the proposed extension to the taxi rank at Central Avenue, Sittingbourne.


sittingbourne residents parking scheme

Report for Item 16 | Annex 1 for Item 16

Report to update Members of progress with the implementation of the scheme.

part b decision to be taken under delegated powers


progress update

Annex 1 for Item 17

To consider progress made following recommendations and agreed action at previous meetings of the Board.

local government (access to information) act 1985

To decide whether to pass the resolution set out below in respect of the following item:-

That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


part a report for recommendation


disabled parking bays

To inform members of recent consultations regarding the implementation of disabled persons parking bays.

View the Minutes from this meeting