Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held at Eastling Primary School, Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham on Wednesday 9th March 2011 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Present: Councillor David Simmons (Chairman), Councillor Ben Stokes (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Bobbin, Bowles, Trevor Fentiman, Nicholas Hampshire, Lesley Ingham, John Morris, Prescott and Pat Sandle. Other organisations members: Councillor Baldock (Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)), Mr Kevin Attwood (National Farmers' Union (NFU)), Mr Peter Blandon (Campaign for the Protecton of Rural England (CPRE)), Mr Keith Harrison (Action with Communities in Rural Kent), Parish Councillors Sue Akhurst (Oare Parish Council) and Mike Baldock (Borden Parish Council) and Inspector Kevin Swinney (Kent Police).

Officers Present: Gill Harris, Kellie Mackenzie and Shelly Rouse.

Also In Attendance: Mr Addy, Mr Gifford and Mr Hudson (local residents) and Parish Councillor Willis (Bredgar Parish Council) and Parish Councillor Hudson (Ospringe Parish Council).

Apologies: Parish Councillor Peter Duncan (Selling Parish Council, Reverened Caroline Pinchbeck (Diocese of Canterbury), Mrs Pamela Prescott (SEESwale) and Councillors Gerry Lewin and John Wright.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th January 2011 (Minute Nos. 589 - 596) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the amendment that Peter Blandon (Campaign to Protect Rural England) and not (Council to Protect Rural England) was in attendance.

The Chairman advised that with regard to Minute No. 593 (Rural Traffic Calming), a letter had not been sent to Kent County Councillor Paul Carter because SBC's Chief Executive had already raised the issue of lack of attendance by KHS Officers at public meetings. He stated that a response had been received which would be sent out with these minutes.

The Chairman advised that with regard to Minute No. 412 (i) (Extension of chalet opening season at Leysdown) from the meeting held on 12th October 2010, a response had been sent to Mr Purssord. Copies were tabled for Members.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


public session

Mr Willis, Bredgar Parish Council, raised concern with regard to landowners cutting back hedges so severely it lead to potholes. He stated that he had raised the matter a year ago and it had been suggested that a meeting be held between the National Farmers Union and Kent Highway Services. He explained that no meeting had been arranged. He asked that the matter be addressed, as a hedge cutting protocol was needed.

Councillor Bowles agreed to raise the issue with County Councillor Ferrin who could look into arranging a meeting with the relevant parties.

Councillor Bowles

part b minutes for information


core strategy options

The Chairman welcomed Gill Harris (Planning Policy Manager, Swale Borough Council (SBC)) and Shelly Rouse (Planner, SBC) to the meeting.

The Planning Policy Manager gave a presentation on SBC's Core Strategy Options. She explained that creation of Swale's Core Strategy was at the early stages and outlined the four proposed options.

The Planning Policy Manager stated that the Core Strategy was part of the Local Development Framework and would replace the Swale Borough Local Plan. The preferred option would be announced summer of 2011 and the testing of the option would be led by evidence, sustainability appraisal, community views and aspirations.

The following points and were raised: need to ensure brownfield land was used for industrial use and not housing at Faversham; option two preferred from rural perspective; absence of transport assessment made it difficult to make proper assessment of options; need for strategic upgrade to junction five of the M2; consideration of neighbourhood planning; query the need for expansion of Kent Science Park as other industrial units in Sittingbourne were empty; options did not reflect the views and desires of the people of Swale; need to consider the impact the Northern Relief Road (NRR) would have on villages to the east of Sittingbourne; important not to build on high quality agricultural land, as it would have severe consequences on food security and production for future generations in the face of climate change and global energy prices; a lot of work still required on the options, how would they be achieved before the consultation period ended on 14th March 2011; why was the submission version to the South East Plan level of housing not being considered for options 1 and 2; complete current sections of NRR and establish whether continuation necessary; query the validity of figures relating to economic opportunities; road infrastructure in Sittingbourne needed to be assessed as Sittingbourne was often gridlocked; what had the Swale Borough Local Plan achieved; need to improve public transport and road networks; need to ensure the correct foundations and infrastructure were in place before consideration of further housing development.

Councillors Bowles stated that the Local Plan had achieved: A249 improvements onto the Isle of Sheppey; the Sittingbourne Northern Relief Road; and had been instrumental in preparing the way for town centre improvements.

In response to a query, the Planning Policy Manager advised that a strategic transport model was being worked-up; these were expensive to run and could not be completed until the nature of the preferred strategic option was clearer. This work would be in hand over the Summer and a further round of consultation held on the preferred option in the autumn of 2011. The preferred option would most likely be a hybrid with appropriate elements drawn from all of the options canvassed in this round of consultation. There would not be further consultation on the four options as they now stand, unless Borough Councillors decided that needs to be extended, with consequent delay to the overall programme. In regard to infrastructure provision, Government was promoting the Community Infrastructure Levy on new development which would work in tandem with the Core Strategy Implementation Plan, to bring forward supporting infrastructure. In respect of Sittingbourne Town Centre, current major planning applications would be required to submit transport impact assessments on their proposals. Moreover, the opening of the Northern Relief Road Bridge section in September 2011, should make a significant difference in taking much of the HGV industrial traffic out of the town centre.

The Planning Policy Manager reported that in relation to queries around housing development and the need for more, that completion figures were prone to fluctuate from one year to another, reflecting the wider economic context, but completions had remained at a high level in Swale through this recession to-date. There was a need to plan for the longer term, rather than react to current economic context, but completions had remained at a high level in Swale through this recession to-date. There was a need to plan for the longer term, rather than react to current economic situations, as major regeneration projects often had 10+ years lead-in time.

In response to a query, Councillor Bowles stated that the benefits of being within the Thames Gateway had included the ability to regenerate Rushenden and Queenborough. He stated that a new Gateway Strategic Committee had been formed to look at further regeneration projects.

The Chairman thanked Officers for their presentation.


appointment of representative to sit on the swale rural forum


(1) That Inspector Kevin Swinney (Kent Police) sit on the Swale Rural Forum.

action plan

The Community Engagement Manager advised that the Action Plan was a Councillor led issue. He stated that there were currently no Officer resources to take forward the Action Plan.

Parish Councillor Baldock raised concern that the reasons for the creation of the Action Plan had been lost and it had just become a noting exercise. He suggested a response be provided for the next meeting on how the Action Plan was being progressed.

In response to a query relating to Police and Communities Together meetings, Inspector Swinney advised that they were generally moving away from that type of meeting and were looking at other engagement processes.

Discussions ensued and it was suggested that Inspector Swinney explore the possibility of Police Officers attending Parish Council meetings.

Inspector Kevin Swinney

(1) That progression and consideration of the Action Plan be considered at the next meeting.

venue for next meeting

A Member asked that the relevant Officers and organisations be liaised with to ensure any forthcoming consultations were considered by the Rural Forum.

The Chairman advised that it was hoped the next meeting would be held at a farm, date and details to be confirmed.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting