Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 9 September 2013

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 10 June 2013 from 5:30 pm to 7:22 pm.

Present: Councillor Mike Whiting (Chairman), Councillors Bryan Mulhern, Prescott, Pat Sandle, Ghlin Whelan, Alan Willicombe (substitute for Councillor Ken Pugh) and Tony Winckless. Kent County Councillors: Tom Gates (Vice-Chairman), Mike Baldock, Bowles, Lee Burgess, Harrison and Roger Truelove. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillor Peter Macdonald.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council) and Alan Blackburn, Andy Corcoran, Ruth Goudie and Toby Howe (Kent County Council Highways).

Also In Attendance: Councillor David Simmons.

Apologies: Borough Councillor Ken Pugh and Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther.


election of chairman


(1) That Councillor Mike Whiting be elected as Chairman for the 2013-2014 municipal year.

confirmation of chairman


(1) Kent County Councillor Tom Gates be confirmed as Vice-Chairman for the 2013-2014 municipal year.

record of thanks

The Chairman thanked Members for their work on the Swale Joint Transportation Board (JTB) in the last municipal year and explained that he would also write a letter to those Members who were no longer on the JTB to thank them as well.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 March 2013 (Minute Nos. 604 - 614) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

Kent County Councillor Lee Burgess disclosed a Disclosable Non-Pecuniary Interest in respect of item 11 on the agenda (Tunstall Road, Parking at School) as he had a property opposite the school and was the Chairman of Tunstall Parish Council.

Councillor David Simmons, whilst not a member of the Board, declared an interest in respect of item 6 (Faversham Pedestrianisation Scheme).


public session

The Chairman welcomed the members of the public who had registered to speak at the meeting. He advised that those items further down on the agenda, where members of the public had registered to speak, would be brought forward.


part a minutes for recommendation to cabinet


faversham pedestrianisation scheme

This report provided a summary of recent investigations into the possibility of reversing the traffic flow in East Street/Preston Street in conjunction with the pedestrianisation scheme in Faversham Town Centre.

Mrs Ann Squires addressed the Board. She explained that she considered the road closure to be inconvenient and that it caused a loss of income. She requested the road be opened up again on Fridays as soon as possible, without further delay, as she considered this should help the trade of small businesses in the town centre.

The Head of Service Delivery provided an update. He explained that proposal no. 3, as the preferred option, meant that there would be a reversal of traffic flow in East Street, travelling towards Preston Street with the direction on Preston Street as it currently was. The Head of Service Delivery explained that it had been considered that large delivery vehicles would find it difficult to get round the corner of the junction between the two streets. A trial had taken place, with the removal of the bollards on the mini-roundabout at the junction with East Street and Preston Street, and the delivery vehicles were now able to turn the corner. He explained that Kent County Council (KCC) Highways were happy with the resolution. A Traffic Regulation Order would be put in place, and together with changes to the traffic signals, the whole process would take six weeks from the date of the implementation being agreed.

Members raised the following comments: this should be progressed as quickly as possible, when could this option be put in place; what was the cost of the experimental scheme; and suggest change the restriction of flow in East Street so that vehicles coming out of the shop yard could still turn right, rather than manoeuvre around the junction of East Street/Preston Street.

The Head of Service Delivery responded to the issues raised. He confirmed that if the decision was made at this meeting, it would be implemented six weeks from 10 June 2013; the cost of the experimental scheme was around £6,000; the restriction of traffic so that delivery vehicles could service the shop was an option that had been considered. This had not been supported by the Police as the short section of one-way could lead to drivers being tempted to ignore the one-way direction and there could then be a potential safety issue on that section of the street.

(1) That Option 3 be progressed as shown on Annex A to the report.

tunstall road, parking at school

This report sought a decision on implementation of parking restrictions in the vicinity of Tunstall CP School, Tunstall Road, Tunstall.

Mrs Atkins addressed the Board. She spoke against the proposal and did not consider the recommendations were necessary as there had been no accident reports in the vicinity. Mrs Atkins considered the parked vehicles helped to reduce vehicle speeds along Tunstall Road and she felt the implementation of double yellow lines and school keep clear signs were too harsh and not appropriate in a conservation area. She explained that a dangerous situation would be created and suggested the original consultation process had been flawed.

Reverend McNichol addressed the Board. He considered the implementation of double yellow lines and zig-zag lines would be unsightly and unnecessary. He explained that the parked cars helped to slow vehicles down, the restrictions would force cars to travel faster and the road would become a rat-run.

Mrs Spicer addressed the Board. She presented a petition in support of safety measures being put in place. The Chairman advised that he would pass the petition to John Burr, the Director of Highways at KCC. Mrs Spicer considered the consultation had not been flawed and residents had been aware of the consultation; 83 per cent had been in favour of safety measures. She explained that parking outside the school was dangerous for all and suggested that the parking issues could have been accommodated by the use of the school field. Mrs Spicer urged safety measures to be put in place urgently, before an accident happened.

Mr Mitchell addressed the Board, on behalf of Tunstall Parish Council. He explained that the Parish Council was in favour of the proposed parking restrictions. Mr Mitchell stated that Tunstall Road was a busy route, and used as a rat-run, and he brought Members' attention to the photos included in the report which indicated the traffic/parking problems outside the school. He acknowledged that there had not yet been an accident, but that one was extremely likely and he considered that school keep clear and double yellow lines were required outside the school.

Members spoke at length on the recommendation and recognised that the issue was difficult to reconcile, as there were two strong counter positions.

Councillor Alan Willicombe proposed a motion: "that the recommendation was not acceptable and that no parking restrictions be put in place." Kent County Councillor Roger Truelove seconded the motion.

Kent County Councillor Baldock proposed an amendment to the motion: "that single yellow lines (instead of double) be implemented outside the school." This was seconded by Kent County Councillor Lee Burgess.

On being put to the vote, the amendment to the motion was lost.

Members' comments included the following: no facility to unload if double yellow lines in force; parking would be pushed further onto Hearts Delight Road and into the village; school field option was not realistic; appeared to be school's inconvenience of the proposed restrictions point-of-view, versus safety issues; use of Village Hall car park seemed to be an easy option, but negotiating seemed to have negated this option; was a dangerous section of road, near a blind bend; a clear road, with parking restrictions, would assist driver visibility; who would enforce yellow lines; on balance, make decision that the residents want; parked cars do not provide safety; and the issue had gone on for a long time and needed to be resolved.

The Traffic Schemes and Member Highway Fund Manager explained that it was not illegal to unload/make deliveries when on a double yellow line, and this included the dropping off of school children for a waiting time of around five minutes.

Members voted on the motion above that no further action be taken and the motion was lost.

Councillor Mike Whiting moved a motion to approve the recommendation in the report. This was seconded by Kent County Councillor Andrew Bowles. Councillor Alan Willicombe moved an amendment to solely implement the zig-zag lines, not the double yellow lines. The amendment was seconded by Kent County Councillor Roger Truelove. Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost. Upon being put to the vote the original motion was won.

(1) That school keep clear and double yellow line restrictions be implemented outside the school.

highway works programme 2013/2014

This report updated Members on the identified schemes approved for construction in 2013/14.

Members of the Board made comments on the work set out within the appendices and Officers provided responses.

The District Manager advised that resurfacing works on the A2 London Road and the Crown Quay roundabout, Sittingbourne had been programmed into the Carriageway and Improvement Schemes.

The District Manager advised that contractors were penalised for leaving signs out after completion of works.

In response to a question by the Chairman, Councillor Mike Whiting, KCC's Strategic Transport Planner confirmed that contrary to the written report, the work on Mill Way had not yet been finally completed.

Kent County Councillor Roger Truelove suggested that resurfacing works needed to be carried out at Staplehurst Road/Springhead Road.

The District Manager agreed to update Councillor Alan Willicombe with regard to re-instatement of lighting columns on Tunstall Road and the Head of Service Delivery to update Kent County Councillor Andrew Bowles on progress at Lansdown Primary School.

(1) That the report be noted.

swale cycle strategy

This report introduced the draft Swale Cycling Strategy.

(1) That the Draft Swale Cycling Strategy be approved for consultation.

quality bus partnership/eden village link

This report set out a proposal to open a bus link in Eden Village, Sittingbourne, to facilitate a bus route.

The Strategic Transport Planner explained that the proposal was for a 'Bus Only' length of road. If this measure did not work, other options would be looked into. Members were advised that some restrictive bus-only options were liable to problems when vehicles 'tail-gated' buses through the access.

Members raised the following points: the access point could become an unofficial highway for all users; bus gates were difficult to enforce; and this was a part of planning condition, it was important that the bus route can be used.

(1) That the existing posts between the eastern and western lengths of Crossways be removed and that a bus only traffic order be implemented.
(2) That the order be advertised and implemented unless objections are received in which case these will be reported to a future meeting of the Board.

eastchurch primary school pedestrian crossing petition

This report sets out a response to a petition submitted to the Joint Transportation Board on 11 March 2013.

The Ward Member reported that the Road Crossing Patrol (lollipop person) had resigned. She explained that the crossing was on a bend and there had been 'near misses'. The Ward Member considered that proper consultation had not been carried out and explained that the planning application for the school included a pedestrian crossing. She considered that taking into account that an accident had not occurred in the vicinity in the last three years was inappropriate, as the school had not been there for that length of time.

In response to questions, the Traffic Schemes and Member Highway Fund Manager explained that a crossing point was an informal crossing, whereas a pedestrian crossing was more formal and he advised that risk assessments had been carried out. He confirmed that he would look further into the planning condition and advised that he had been working alongside Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther on moving the 30mph boundary, but that both had agreed last year that works would not proceed due to cost.

Members made the following comments: was 20mph speed limit going to be rolled out to all schools; risk assessments should be carried out that were not generic, but pertinent to the school in question; Leysdown Road was a very fast road; children were dropped off at nearby layby and had to cross the busy road; and could the 30mph sign be re-located.

The Chairman agreed to write to KCC Highways to consider the points that had been made by the Ward Member regarding the crossing, risk assessments and the re-location of the 30mph zone and a more detailed report be submitted to a future JTB meeting.

(1) That a letter be sent to KCC Highways to include the points made by the Ward Member regarding the crossing, risk assessments and the re-location of the 30mph zone and a more detailed report be submitted to a future JTB meeting.

minster road, minster-on-sea, proposed zebra crossing

This report seeks a decision on the implementation of a new zebra crossing, in the vicinity of the Isle of Sheppey Academy, Minster Road, Minster-on-Sea.

A supplementary report was tabled which outlined the results of the consultation for the new zebra crossing.

The KALC representative for Minster Parish Council supported the proposal. He reported that a footpath at the top end of the site could no longer be used as the land had been sold to a developer; he stated that the footpath would need to be re-opened.

The County Member supported the recommendation.

(1) That the zebra crossing be upgraded to a puffin crossing, and implemented on site.
(2) That discussions concerning the western Vehicle Actuated Sign (VAS) continue with directly affected residents of nos. 118/120 and 121/123 Minster Road, and that a preferred location is subsequently agreed with the County Member for Sheerness, in the event of a conflict of local opinion.

highway tracker report

This report sets out key results of the 2012 Resident, County Member and Parish/Town Council Highway Tracker Survey.

(1) That the report be noted.

progress update report

Members considered the report that gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough.

422/12/11 - a Member asked for details on the restrictions of the Residents' Parking Scheme at Belvedere Road, Faversham. The Head of Service Delivery confirmed that he would update the Kent County Councillor Tom Gates and Councillor Bryan Mulhern.

590/03/12 - a Member considered that the automatic traffic counter for measuring speed when considering the location of the 30mph boundary on Leysdown Road should be on the other side of the school, not so close to the junction with Warden Bay Road.

254/09/12 - a report would be submitted to the next JTB meeting on the rail franchise, to include the 6.54 Newington service (Sheerness/Victoria line).

The Head of Service Delivery agreed to provide a note to Members with regard to the issue of caravans/boats being parked, unattached to a vehicle, on the public highway.

(1) That the report be noted.

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:

1 - Information relating to any individual.
6 - Information which reveals that the authority proposes:-
(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or
(b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.

part a minutes for recommendation to cabinet


disabled bay installations

(1) That the comments/objections made by the consultees be noted.
(2) That bays be installed at:
9 Britannia Close, Sittingbourne
61 Kent Avenue, Minster
27 Love Lane, Faversham
55 Tonge Road, Sittingbourne
63 Holmside Avenue, Sheerness
64 Newton Road, Faversham
41 Coronation Road, Sheerness
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting