Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held at Teynham Village Hall, Belle Friday Close, Teynham, Sittingbourne on Tuesday 12th January 2010 from 7:00 pm to 8:43 pm.

Present: Councillor Ben Stokes (Chairman), Councillor Bowles (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Bobbin, Monique Bonney, Cindy Davis, Trevor Fentiman, Gerry Lewin and Pat Sandle. Other organisations members: Councillors Baldock and Ingleton (Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)), Messrs Attwood and Hinge (National Farmers Union (NFU)), Mr Vidler (substitute for Mrs Prescott (Swale Tourism Association) and Mr Shaw (Swale Countryside Forum).

Officers Present: Philippa Davies and Lyn Newton.

Also In Attendance: Parish Councillors Hobday (Rodmersham Parish Council), Sharman (Teynham Parish Council) and Willis (Bredgar Parish Council) and one member of the public.

Apologies: Councillors Nicholas Hampshire, Lesley Ingham, John Morris, Prescott and John Wright, Parish Councillor Duncan (Selling Parish Council), Mr Hall (Greening the Gateway Kent and Medway), Mr Johannsen (Kent Downs AONB Unit), Reverend Pinchbeck (Diocese of Canterbury), Mrs Prescott (Swale Tourism Association) and Liz Harrison (KCC).



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th October 2009 (Minute Nos. 397 - 407) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

Councillor Lewin declared a personal interest with respect to Minute No. 619 (Business Rate Relief for Rural Businesses) because of his links with Upchurch Parish Council and the Village Hall in Upchurch.


public session

There was no discussion on this item. The Chairman invited members of the public to speak on the agenda items below.


part b minutes for information


change to the order of business

The Chairman altered the order of business as minuted; the item under Minute No. 625 (Invitation to become a member of the Swale Local Strategic Partnership) was tabled at the meeting.


information items - responses to issues raised

The Chairman introduced the responses, included on the agenda, to questions raised with regard to the provision of mobile Post Office services and mobile medical services in rural areas.

Members raised concern with the brief response to item three (Enforcement Action on sites that have not yet been developed). Members requested that the response should have been more detailed and include information on the procedures that would take place; the timescale involved and more details of what SBC could do to ensure that the condition of sites that have not yet been developed do not deteriorate. The Leader reported that he would look into receiving a more detailed response.


(1) That the responses to items one and two be noted.

(2) That a more detailed response to item three be provided at the next meeting of the Forum.

promotion of tourism in rural areas

The Regeneration Manager introduced her report which set out SBC's role in promoting tourism and identified current priorities and partnership projects being developed and managed within existing resources. She explained that current resources were spread across a range of tourist activities and no distinctions were made between rural and urban areas. SBC had an enabling role in promoting tourism, rather than direct provision.

In response to questions, the Regeneration Manager explained that SBC did not produce any tourism literature, although the Swale Tourism Association and the Faversham Area Tourism Association did. She explained that SBC used tourism statistics to support funding applications and this data was not collected if it was not appropriate or did not provide any added value.

Discussion ensued on the tourism opportunities in Swale. The Regeneration Manager explained that SBC's website was in the process of being updated and there would be a link to tourism pages on the site where visitor attractions could be promoted. A KALC representative suggested that a guide to tourism be included in 'Inside Swale'.

A KALC representative emphasised the need for good access, signage and parking facilities. The Regeneration Manager explained that Swale offered a diversity of places to visit and reported that land ownership issues sometimes delayed opportunities for cycle routes across an area.

The Leader explained that as tourism was not a statutory function of a district council and that, with a decrease in funding, its functions were being carried out more by the tourism sector.

A Swale Tourism Association representative advised that some signs were out of date and emphasised the need to make the most of the tourism opportunities on offer and to promote them.

A Member suggested that Parish and Town Councils got together to promote tourism within their area.


(1) That the report be noted.

business rate relief for rural businesses/commercial premises

The report gave a brief summary of the review of the Council policy for the award of Non-Domestic Discretionary Rate Relief (NDDRR) announced in March 2009.

In response to a question, the Leader confirmed that there had been no changes to the conclusion in the report. This item would be discussed further at the Scrutiny Committee on 14th January 2010 when the draft budget 2010/2011 would be considered.

A representative from Rodmersham Parish Council raised concern on the effect the withdrawal of the DRR would have on village halls with regard to hire charges and the affects on members of the community who managed village halls and those who hired them. This could result in a loss of amenity for the local community.

A representative from Bredgar Parish Council explained that as a Post Office service was provided at Bredgar Village Hall, the removal of the DRR could have an impact on this service.

Members of the Swale Rural Forum agreed that the Budget Task Force should note the importance and value of village and community halls to communities in rural areas, and that the Forum supported the non-domestic discretionary rate relief, at least at its current level.


(1) That the report be noted.

(2) That the views of the Swale Rural Forum be forwarded to the Scrutiny Committee on 14th January 2010.

parish council input at the rural forum

A member of the KALC introduced this item and explained that Parish Councils wanted to ensure that their views were expressed more effectively. The Leader considered that Parish Councils in Swale had good opportunities to 'have their say'. He reported that Parish Council meetings and training sessions were often poorly attended and that if Parish Councillors wanted to take on an enhanced role, they needed to ensure that they were equipped to do this.

A KALC representative reported that often Parish Councillors did not know the opportunities that were available to them. Praise was given to courses given by SBC, for example, planning training, which had been beneficial to Parish Councils.

Discussion ensued on the importance of Parish Councillors attending the Forum.


rural forum for the south east

The Leader introduced the minutes and evaluation feedback from the Rural Forum for the South East.

A Member raised concern that membership of the Rural Forum for the South East meant that there was another level to go through. The Leader explained that the Forum gave him the opportunity to speak with Central Government.


(1) That the reports be noted.

discovering places

The Regeneration Manager introduced the report on 'Discovering Places', a national programme which promoted the values of the Olympics and Paralympics. She explained that this was an opportunity for Parish Councils and local communities to get involved. In response to a question, she explained that opportunities could be promoted on a national website.

A Member considered that the updated Swale Borough Council website was not very user friendly and not easy to access and suggested that tourism in Swale be put on a national website. The Regeneration Manager agreed to take her comments to the Chief Executive.

A Member reminded the Forum that not everyone was computer literate and that it should not be assumed that everything was accessed via the internet.


(1) That the report be noted.

action plan

A KALC representative considered that there had not been much development in the format of the Swale Rural Forum over the past two years, since it had been reviewed. The Leader reminded the Forum that two additional members had since been included on the Forum (from Swale Countryside Forum and Greening the Gateway Kent and Medway).

Members agreed that the Action Plan was a useful document.


(1) That the report be noted and the Action Plan continued to be added to each agenda.

date of next meeting


(1) That the next meeting be held on 9th March 2010, venue to be confirmed.

invitation to become a member of the swale local strategic partnership (lsp)

The Chairman brought Members' attention to the tabled paper, which invited a nomination from the Swale Rural Forum to become a member of the Swale LSP


(1) That Councillor Ben Stokes be nominated to become a member of the Swale LSP for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2009/2010.

(2) That Mr Kevin Attwood be nominated to become a deputy member of the Swale LSP for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2009/2010.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting