Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 2 October 2006

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meetings held at Oare and Faversham on Monday 2nd October 2006 from 9:30 am to 12:54 pm.


fisherman's yard, oare halt, oare

PRESENT: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Christine Coles, John Disney, Sandra Garside, Elvina Lowe and Ben Stokes.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Miss Davies and Messrs Ellis (Kent Highway Services (KHS)) and G Thomas.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Messrs Burke (Agent), Klein (Oare Parish Council), Marley (Oare Parish Council), Ms Mortimer (Environment Agency), Mrs Ramsden (Local Resident) and Mr and Mrs Walpole (Applicants).

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillor Mike Brown.


lakeside fabrications, oare road, faversham

PRESENT: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Christine Coles, John Disney, Sandra Garside, Elvina Lowe and Ben Stokes.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Miss Davies and Messrs Ledger, Millard (KHS) and G Thomas.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Cindy Davis (Faversham Town Council), Swain (Faversham Town Council), Tovey (Ward Member), Winlow (Faversham Town Council) and Messrs Burke (Developers Agent), Jackson (Agent), Mr and Mrs Rich (Applicants) and Reverend. Canon Dr. Ruddle (Local Resident).

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillor Mike Brown.


anchor light cottage, 12 abbey place, faversham

PRESENT: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Christine Coles, John Disney, Sandra Garside, Elvina Lowe and Ben Stokes.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Miss Davies and Messrs Bell and G Thomas.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Anita Walker (Ward Member), Mesdames Harwood, Hickman and Longfield and Mr Tarrant (Local Residents) and Ms Hickman and Mr Murr (Applicants).

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillor Mike Brown.


part b minutes for information


fisherman's yard, oare halt, oare

The Area Planning Officer explained the proposal which was for outline planning permission for a house and shop. He explained that some of the structures on the site would be removed, but the net loft would remain. The site had been used as a commercial fishing business since 1994 and there had been one previous application in 1999 for the net loft. He explained that the site, triangular in shape, was outside the built up area where housing was not normally allowed and housing had been refused on the site on four previous occasions. He reported that Oare Parish Council had requested a site visit and that the Environment Agency had objected to the proposal; a flood risk assessment had not been carried out. Kent County Council (KCC) had no objections but had voiced concerns with regard to the potential increase in the use of the public footpath which ran alongside the site. Three further letters of objection had been received, which outlined problems of views being blocked, overlooking and decrease in value of properties. One letter of support had been received.

Ms Mortimer (Environment Agency) reported that she considered the area liable to flooding; there was a one in two hundred chance of this happening and the land adjacent had last flooded in 1978. She considered that the ground level of a building would be at risk from flooding on the site.

The Agent explained that he considered there could be mitigating circumstances with regard to any flood risk. He considered that a flood risk assessment was an expensive process at this outline stage of an application. He briefly outlined the history of the site, which included the reduction of days allowed for fishing and the applicant's attempts to find employment in related areas.

Oare Parish Council confirmed that they had no objections to this proposal.

Mr Walpole, the Applicant, explained his need to live on site and that he sought to sell his fish direct to the public, rather than via supermarkets.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer and the Agent questions which they answered.


lakeside fabrications, oare road, faversham

The Area Planning Officer explained that the proposal was an outline application to demolish the existing building and build eleven houses, with a boundary of commercial buildings butting onto the existing industry boundary line. This was the second application; the first had been refused on the grounds that residential use next to industrial could impose constraints on any future plans on the surrounding industrial site and on highway safety grounds. He reported that there would be one main entrance and two secondary entrances. He did not consider that the range of small employment units would generate too much traffic and informed the Committee that ten per cent of people in Kent worked from home. He reported that Faversham Town Council approved of the application subject to the industrial units being B1 (business use). The Head of Environmental Services had raised concerns regarding noise but it was considered that these could be dealt with.

The Environmental Protection Manager reported that he did not consider housing to be appropriate for this site with regard to dust and odours.

The KHS Officer considered that there was a lack of parking and turning areas and that with regard to the three accesses amendments could be made to reduce these in number.

The Agent reported that he considered the concept of live/work to be the key issue and that projects like this needed to be properly considered. He reported that the site was an ideal location on the edge of town and that it could improve the area. He described the application to Members and considered that there were no issues with regard to noise, dust or odour.

The Applicant emphasised that the application would increase employment opportunities in the area.

The Ward Member spoke in favour of the proposal and considered that it would increase employment potential.

The Agent for the perceived developer considered that the site was an appropriate place for a live/work development.

A local resident raised concerns with regard to increased traffic flows and safety issues in relation to road signage not being clear as to the speed restrictions in the area.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer and the Agent questions which they answered.


anchor light cottage, 12 abbey place, faversham

The Area Planning Officer explained the application which was for a two storey side extension to the original house, doubling it and repeating its form. The site was within Faversham Conservation Area. He reported that Faversham Town Council were in favour of the application, subject to re-designing the porch and amendments to side windows and opposition to the proposed balcony. Two neighbours had raised objections with regard to concerns over privacy and loss of light. A letter had been received complimenting the design. The Area Planning Officer reported that the row of cottages had a lot of character and he considered that the rhythm would be upset by the large extension, not seen elsewhere in the terrace. The scale and design could have adverse effects on the neighbours and the character of the area.

The Conservation Officer reported that he considered the present building to be a simple but characterful building form and that several features of the application were not applicable to the site. He explained that he was not opposed in principle to an appropriately designed extension but that several features of the proposed extension compromised or conflicted with the original character of the terrace.

The Applicants explained the application to Members via plans, documents and photographs. They considered that houses in the surrounding area had been subject to various alterations throughout the years and were of mixed size and design. They confirmed that they did not wish some parts of the design plans to go ahead and were happy to discuss any alterations. The Area Planning Officer and Members bought to the Applicants' attention the various changes that were being considered and made them aware that it may be appropriate to reconsider the application with revised plans.

The Ward Member spoke in favour of the proposal.

Local residents spoke both in support and in objection to the application.

Members then toured the site and an adjourning property and asked the Area Planning Officer and the Applicants questions which they answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting