Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Tuesday, 1 September 2009

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the site below on Tuesday 1st September 2009 from 9:30 am to 9:59 am.

Present: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Derek Conway, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mike Henderson, Elvina Lowe, Pat Sandle, Ben Stokes, Ghlin Whelan and Alan Willicombe.

Officers Present: Rob Bailey, Emma Eisinger and Joanne Hammond.

Also In Attendance: Parish Councillor Harris (representing Newington Parish Council), Mr Francis (local resident) and Mr Twigg (Agent).

Apologies: Councillors Mark Ellen, Prescott and Roger Truelove.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared


part b minutes for information


sw/09/0529 (2.9) - land adjacent hillview, 104 high street, newington

The Senior Planner introduced the application which sought planning permission for a first floor rear extension and two storey front extension to the existing dwelling; the erection of a two storey, three-bed dwelling; and alterations to vehicular access.

She advised that revised plans had been received from the applicant, which amended the boundary shown between the existing property and 102 High Street.

Newington Parish Council had objected to the application due to the proximity between the proposed new dwelling and 102 High Street and the impact on highway safety. Three further letters had been received from neighbours, which she summarised for Members.

Kent Highway Services raised no objection to the proposal subject to conditions to control the disposal of surface water, provision and retention of the parking spaces and visibility splays.

The Agent advised that the proposed new dwelling would be set back from 102 High Street to avoid overlooking.

Mr Francis made the following comments regarding the proposed new property: the new dwelling would be too close to his property; the proposal would create a very narrow access to the side of his property for maintenance; the new dwelling would not be aesthetically pleasing and would look out of place on the site; boundary issues; the new property would shade part of his garden; he would lose views from his side windows; the new property would not be in keeping with the existing property and it was an unnecessary development. He advised that he did not object to the proposed extensions to the existing property.

Councillor Harris, Newington Parish Council, advised that the Parish Council objected to the proposed new dwelling and made the following comments: the new property would be squeezed onto the site and look out of place; there was no requirement for additional three-bed properties in Newington; access from the road to the existing property was dangerous; and the proposal would increase use of the access by cars. Newington Parish Council did not object to the proposed extensions to the existing property.

Members sought clarification on the removal of trees and shrubbery from the site; the turning space and the distances between the existing property, the proposed new dwelling and 102 High Street.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer and Senior Planner questions which they answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting