Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Tuesday 16 October 2012 from 10:10 am to 11:46 am.

Present: Councillor Prescott (Chairman), Councillors Jean Willicombe and Tony Winckless.

Officers Present: Kellie Mackenzie, Samantha Potts, Donna Price and Georgia Shaill.

Also In Attendance: Councillors Sylvia Bennett and Derek Conway (Ward Members). Mr Woods (Solicitor for the applicant), Mr J McDonnell, Mr J McDonnell and Mr Campbell (applicants), Ms Ricci, Mr Dempsey, Mr and Mrs Hills, Mrs Jury, Mrs Gabell, Mrs Greene, Mr Jury, Mrs Brown, Mr Andrews, Miss Collins, Mrs Greensmith, Miss Greenhalgh, Mr and Mrs Court (local residents all in objection).


notification of chairman and outline of procedure

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers present. He then outlined the procedure that would be followed.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


application for a new premises licence under the licensing act 2003 at the ship inn, east street, sittingbourne, kent.

The Chairman introduced the report which set out the application for a new premises licence at The Ship Inn, East Street, Sittingbourne.

Mr Woods, the applicant's solicitor, gave an overview of the application. He stated that the application was exactly the same as the licence held previously at the premises, which had been surrendered by the previous owner. Mr Woods explained that his clients had completely refurbished the premises which they intended to run as a traditional pub with food and entertainment, including karaoke. Mr Woods stated that they were not applying for a nightclub and there would not be a dancefloor.

Mr Woods welcomed the 15 conditions recommended by Kent Police which he considered promoted the licensing objectives. Mr Woods stated that the applicant's would be happy to offer the following further conditions: to ensure the gates at the rear of the premises were locked at all times to ensure access and egress was only from East Street and provision of a noise limiter.

Mrs Gabell spoke on behalf of her parents who lived in Fairview Road, and raised the following concerns: had previously experienced noise pollution from the premises and this would be increased; no mention of soundproofing; how would people be able to leave at the back in the event of a fire if the gates were locked; patrons would park on the estate at the rear of the premises exacerbating parking problems; increase in noise affecting young families and the elderly; public nuisance; the CCTV would protect patrons only and not local residents.

Councillor Derek Conway, a Ward Member, asked whether he could read a statement on behalf of Councillor McCusker who represented the adjoining Ward. Whilst this was accepted by the Chairman the applicant's solicitor did not agree, as it had not been submitted during the 28 day consultation period, as defined in the Licensing Act 2003.

Councillor Conway and Councillor Sylvia Bennett, Ward Members, spoke on behalf of local residents and raised concerns which included: that it was not a complete application; the gates at the rear had caused access issues for some residents and would lead to an increase in noise.

Mr Hills and Mrs Jury, local residents, raised the following concerns; surely late night music with alcohol being served was a nightclub; residents of Riverbourne Court were not aware of the application; extra policing would be required; no nearby car park; would disturb the sleep of local children; would devalue property in the area; how would fake ID be regulated at the premises and could lead to vandalism to shopfronts in East Street.

The Licensing Officer clarified that with regard to fake ID, only ID with PASS marked identification would be allowed and that form of ID was almost impossible to duplicate. She explained that Kent Fire and Rescue had viewed the proposals and raised no objection. She explained that a new Live Music Bill had come into effect on 1 October 2012 which allowed music to be played at public houses from 8 am to 11 pm without the need for a licence and that some of this application would be covered by the new legislation.

In response to queries, the Assistant Solicitor clarified the differences between planning and licensing legislation and that parking was not a valid reason to refuse the licence.

The Chairman then invited the Sub-Committee to ask questions. He then invited both sides to sum up their cases.

In summing up Mr Woods, the applicants solicitor, noted that Kent Police, Kent Fire and Rescue and SBC's Environmental Health Section raised no concerns, subject to the 15 conditions requested by Kent Police. He stated that 'speculative' concerns were not evidence and could not be considered under the Licensing Act 2003 and that the conditions imposed promoted the four licensing objectives.

Mr Hills, an objector, was then invited to sum up. He considered that the Police anticipated problems at the premises, hence the need for 15 conditions and allowing the licence would lead to public safety issues and increased public nuisance.

The Sub Committee adjourned to make their decision at 11.20 pm. Members of the Sub-Committee, Assistant Solicitor and Democratic Services Officer left the meeting and returned at 11.40 pm, when the meeting re-convened.


(1) That in respect of the new premises licence at The Ship Inn, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, the Sub-Committee's decision is attached as Appendix 1:

Sale of Alcohol, Indoor Sports, Monday - Thursday 10.00 - 24.00
Films, Live & Recorded Music and Friday - Saturday 10.00 - 02.00
Dancing Sunday 12.00 - 24.00
Bank Holidays/
New Years Eve/
Xmas Eve 10.00 - 02.00

Late Night Refreshments Monday - Sunday 23.00 - Close

(1) A CCTV system will be installed, or the existing system maintained, such system to be fit for the purpose.

(2) The CCTV system shall be capable of producing immediate copies of recordings on site. Copies of recordings will either be recorded onto CD/DVD or other equivalent medium.

(3) Any recording shall be retained and stored in a suitable and secure manner for a minimum of 28 days (one calendar month) and shall be available, subject to compliance with the Data Protection legislation, to the Police or Officers of the Licensing Authority immediately that a request is made or, in any case, within 48 hours.

(4) The CCTV system will incorporate cameras covering the entrance door, rear entry points, all public areas [except inside toilet areas] of the premises and the alcohol display areas. The system will be capable of providing an image, which is regarded as identification standard. The precise positions of the cameras may be agreed, subject to compliance with Data Protection legislation, with Police from time to time.

(5) The system will display, on any recording, the correct time and date of the recording.

(6) A system will be in place to maintain the quality of the recorded image and a complete audit trail maintained.

(7) The CCTV system will be maintained so as to be fully operational throughout the hours that the premises are open for any licensable activity and at all times when members of staff or public are in the premises.

(8) Minimum of two Security Industry Authority approved door staff to be on duty when any function takes place.

(9) On a Friday night when the premises stay open after 00.30 hours there will be a minimum of 2 SIA door staff on duty from 21.00 until close of premises. All SIA door staff will wear reflective jackets or tabards and their registration card will be displayed in a reflective armband.

(10) No entry will be allowed after midnight on a Friday and Saturday. Any re-admission will by means of a clearly identifiable means ie. stamp or similar to identify readmissions to SIA staff, Police Officers or other enforcement agency.

(11) The premises will be a member of Swale Safe radio scheme [subject to approval] and will use and monitor the radio at all times the premises are open for licensable activities.

(12) Notices will be prominently displayed to ask customers to leave quietly at all points of exit.

(13) Entry to the premises will be from the front only after 20.00 hours on a Friday and Saturday with the rear gates closed or additional SIA staff located at the rear gates.

(14) Only ID acceptable will be passport, photo driving licence and any PASS marked identification.

(15) Challenge 21 posters to be prominently displayed in all areas where alcohol is on sale and at the point of entry to the premises.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting

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