Meeting documents

Annual Council
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

annual council

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Wednesday 15 May 2013 from 7:00 pm to 7:52 pm.

Present: Councillor Sue Gent (Mayor); Councillor George Bobbin (Deputy Mayor); Councillors Barnicott, Sylvia Bennett, Monique Bonney, Andy Booth, Andrew Bowles, Mick Constable, Derek Conway, Mike Cosgrove, John Coulter, Adrian Crowther, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mark Ellen, June Garrad, Ed Gent, Harrison, Mike Haywood, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, Peter Marchington, Martin McCusker, Bryan Mulhern, Prescott, Gareth Randall, Pat Sandle, David Simmons, Ben Stokes, Adam Tolhurst, Roger Truelove, Anita Walker, Ghlin Whelan, Ted Wilcox, Nick Williams, Alan Willicombe, Jean Willicombe, Tony Winckless, Steve Worrall and John Wright.

Officers Present: Katherine Bescoby, David Clifford, Abdool Kara, Chris Lovelock, Donna Price, Mark Radford, John Scarborough and Nick Vickers.

Apologies: Councillors Lloyd Bowen, Jackie Constable, Nicholas Hampshire, Mike Henderson, John Morris, Ken Pugh and Mike Whiting.



Councillor Nick Williams said Prayers.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 March 2013 (Minute Nos. 639 - 655) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


cabinet membership for 2013/14

The Leader advised of the membership of his Cabinet for the forthcoming year as follows:

Leader - Cllr Andrew Bowles
Deputy Leader and Planning - Cllr Gerry Lewin
Finance - Cllr Duncan Dewar-Whalley
Performance - Cllr Ted Wilcox
Localism - Cllr Mike Whiting
Regeneration - Cllr Mike Cosgrove
Housing - Cllr John Wright
Environmental & Rural Affairs - Cllr David Simmons
Community Safety and Health - Cllr Ken Pugh

In doing so, he thanked Councillors Derek Conway and Lesley Ingham for their contributions to the Cabinet in previous years.

The Leader of the Labour Group paid tribute to Councillor Roger Truelove, as the previous Labour Group Leader. He also announced details of the Labour Group Shadow Cabinet for the forthcoming year as follows:

Councillor Mike Haywood - Leader - finance, performance and housing
Councillor Adam Tolhurst - Deputy Leader - sustainable planning
Councillor Roger Truelove - employment and economy
Councillor Ghlin Whelan - transport and parking
Councillor Martin McCusker - safer neighbourhoods
Councillor Harrison - health
Councillor Mark Ellen - environment and climate change


(1) That the report be noted.

political balance, committees, terms of reference and appointments to committees for 2013/14

The Leader introduced the report and proposed the recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Gerry Lewin. Papers were tabled at the Meeting regarding Committee Membership and Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen.

The Leader of the Labour Group gave an update regarding allocation of his seats to Committees.

The Leader updated the paper that had been tabled with details of the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen for the Committees.


(1) That the political balance calculation as set out in Appendix I of the report be agreed.

(2) That the Committees as set out in Appendix II of the report, with the terms of reference as set out in Appendix III of the report, be agreed for the 2013/14 municipal year.

(3) That the allocation of seats to those Committees, in accordance with the wishes of Group Leaders, be as set out in Appendix I to these Minutes.

(4) That the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of those Committees be as set out in Appendix II to these Minutes.

(5) That Mrs Christine White (Swale Council for Voluntary Service) and Mr Paul Murray (Isle of Sheppey Academy) be appointed as non-voting co-optees onto the Policy Overview Committee for 2013/14.


borough council representation on outside bodies, trusts administered by swale borough council and statutory bodies

The Leader introduced the report, referring to the tabled paper which set out nominations by the respective Group Leaders. He explained why it was suggested that nominations for Faversham Swimming Pools and the Lower Medway Internal Drainage Board be deferred to the next Council meeting.

Councillor Mike Haywood advised that they wished to nominate Councillor Mick Constable to the Island Partnership.

The Director of Corporate Services explained the voting procedure in respect of those outside bodies which had more nominees than seats, namely the Citizen's Advice Bureau; Swale CVS; Island Partnership and Kent Downs AONB. Upon being put to the vote, the Director of Corporate Services announced the outcome of the vote. A complete list is set out in the Appendix to these Minutes.


(1) That the Borough Council representation on outside bodies, trusts administered by Swale Borough Council and statutory bodies be as set out in Appendix III to these Minutes.


adoption of timetable of meetings for 2013/14

The Leader moved, and the Deputy Leader seconded, that the timetable be agreed. The Leader of the Labour Group advised of changes to the Labour Group meeting dates.


(1) That the programme of meetings as set out in Appendix I to the report be agreed, subject to noting that the Labour Group Meeting dates will be updated.

corporate performance indicators 2013/14 to 2015/16

Council considered the report which suggested a new set of Corporate Performance Indicators to support the strategic management of the Council and the priorities set out in the Corporate Plan 2012 - 2015.


(1) That the new set of Corporate Performance Indicators and associated three year targets as detailed in Appendix I of the report be adopted.

(2) That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Performance, to amend performance indicators and targets.

overview and scrutiny updates


(i) review of sittingbourne town centre

Councillor Roger Truelove drew attention to the recommendations made by the review, which had received a positive response from the Cabinet. Councillors Andy Booth and Monique Bonney also spoke to the report, referring to the recommendations, the response from the Cabinet and the need to monitor progress.

The former Cabinet Member for Regeneration thanked the Panel for their input and acknowledged the positive response to the review.


(ii) review of parking enforcement

Councillor Sylvia Bennett referred to the review and thanked Officers, in particular Jeff Kitson and his team, Bob Pullen and Brian Planner, for their help and cooperation. She also thanked the Cabinet, in particular the Cabinet Member, for their response and the rest of the Scrutiny Committee for their input.

The Cabinet Member for Environmental and Rural Affairs thanked Councillor Sylvia Bennett for her innovative approach and the way in which the review had been undertaken.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting