Meeting documents

Annual Council
Wednesday, 14 May 2008

annual council

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Wednesday 14th May 2008 from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm.

Present: Councillor Alan Willicombe (The Mayor), Councillor Barnicott (Deputy Mayor), Councillors Mark Baldock, Dave Banks, Bobbin, Chris Boden, Monique Bonney, Bowles, Simon Clark, Mick Constable, Derek Conway, Mike Cosgrove, Adrian Crowther, Cindy Davis, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, John Disney, David Garside, Sue Gent, Nicholas Hampshire, Harrison, Paul Hayes, Mike Haywood, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, Elvina Lowe, John Morris, Bryan Mulhern, Prescott, Kenneth Pugh, Gareth Randall, Pat Sandle, David Simmons, Ben Stokes, Paul Sturdgess, Adam Tolhurst, Manuella Tomes, Roger Truelove, Anita Walker, Ghlin Whelan, Nick Williams, Jean Willicombe, Worrall, Gemma Wray and John Wright.

Officers Present: Katherine Bescoby, David Buckett, Michael Hawkins, Mark Radford, Ian Russell and Barbara Thompson.

Apologies: Councillors Mike Henderson and Brenda Simpson.



The Mayor's Chaplain opened the meeting with prayers.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th February 2008 and the Extraordinary Meeting held on 22nd April 2008 were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records.

In respect of the Designated Independent Person's report considered on the 22nd April 2008, the Leader confirmed that he would be speaking with Group Leaders regarding ways to address some of the issues raised in that report. In response to a question regarding the independent legal advice sought, the Senior Solicitor confirmed that such advice had been obtained and for legitimate legal reasons it would not be circulated to Members at this time. In response to a further question, the Leader also confirmed that a breakdown of the expenditure concerning this matter would be available as part of the normal financial reporting arrangements.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


adoption of minutes


(1) That the following Minutes be approved: -

(i) executive - 19th march 2008


(ii) audit committee - 16th april 2008


(a) minute no. 1061, review of financial regulations and standing orders with regard to contracts

This Minute was not approved as this had been considered further by the Executive on 23rd April 2008 (Minute No. 1076/04/08 refers).


(iii) executive - 23rd april 2008


(a) minute no. 1086, report of the environment and sustainability scrutiny panel, review of the waste contract in swale

In response to a question, the Executive Member for Environment confirmed that properties not using twin bins were being reviewed. 200 out of the 300 properties not using twin bins had been reviewed so far.


(iv) executive - 7th may 2008

These Minutes were noted as each of the items were considered later in the meeting.

In respect of Minute No.1120, Borough Council Nominees on Outside Bodies, there was some discussion regarding the requirement for Members to submit an annual report, including the number of meetings that they had attended, to each Annual Council Meeting.

The Leader confirmed that Democratic Services would remind Members of this requirement, and that any Member appointed to an outside body who did not submit a report or did not attend meetings to represent the Council would not be considered for nominations the following year.


borough council elections - 1st may 2008

The Council considered the report of the Returning Officer which set out the results of the Elections on 1st May 2008.


(1) That the report be noted.

appointment of the leader of the council

Councillor Gerry Lewin proposed and Councillor Mike Cosgrove seconded that Councillor Bowles be elected as Leader of the Council for the forthcoming year 2008/09.


(1) That Councillor Bowles be elected as Leader of the Council for the forthcoming year 2008/09.

membership of the executive

The Leader proposed nominations for the Executive for the forthcoming year. Attention was drawn to the tabled papers which set out the responsibilities of each Executive Member.


(1) That the following Councillors be appointed to the Executive:
Councillor Bowles - Leader
Councillor Gerry Lewin - Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Culture
Councillor Mike Cosgrove - Executive Member for Performance and Finance; Learning and Skills
Councillor John Disney - Executive Member for Environment
Councillor John Morris - Executive Member for Community Services
Councillor David Simmons - Executive Member for Housing
Councillor John Wright - Executive Member for Regeneration

appointment of scrutiny panels, committees, forums, groups and panels

The Council was asked to approve the political balance calculations and appoint Members to scrutiny panels, committees, forums, groups and panels. A report setting out seat allocations and group nominations was circulated at the meeting.

Several amendments were made at the meeting. There was some debate regarding the appointment of Scrutiny Panel Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen, and a vote was taken by the members of each Scrutiny Panel on the election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. A full list of membership, including Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen where agreed, is attached as an annex to these Minutes.


(1) That the political balance calculations, as set out in the tabled report, be agreed.

(2) That the appointment of Members to Scrutiny Panels, Committees, Forums, Groups and Panels be as set out in the annex to these Minutes.


adoption of timetable of meetings for 2008/2009

The Council was asked to agree the proposed timetable of meetings, subject to changing the name of the Scrutiny Panels.


(1) That the timetable of meetings be agreed, subject to changing the name of the Scrutiny Panels.

nominations to outside bodies and approved duties

The Leader drew attention to the paper which set out nominations received and additional information that had been requested by the Executive at its meeting on 7th May 2008.

More nominations than seats were proposed for the Queenborough Fisheries Trust, Citizen's Advice Bureau, and the Swale Stayput Group. Nominations were also put forward where there were vacancies. A list of nominations is attached as an Annex to these Minutes.


appointment of returning officer and electoral registration officer

The Council was asked to appoint Mr Mark Radford as the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer for an interim period, subject to review when the post of Chief Executive was considered further.

In response to questions, the Leader advised that there would be a report to the Executive, likely on 11th June, regarding the interim position of the Chief Executive. He also asked for a report regarding the possibility of the Mayor being designated as Returning Officer to a future meeting.

Mr Mark Radford and staff were congratulated on an efficiently run election.


(1) That Mr Mark Radford be appointed as Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer on an interim basis until the post of Chief Executive is considered further.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting