Meeting documents

Annual Council
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Notice of Meeting, Summons and Agenda

M E H RADFORD - Corporate Services Director
Date Published: 06 May 2014

A meeting of the Annual Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Wednesday 14 May 2014 at 7:00pm.

Members: Councillor Patricia Sandle (Chairman), Councillor Sue Gent (Vice Chairman), Councillors Richard Barnicott, Sylvia Bennett, George Bobbin, Monique Bonney, Andy Booth, Lloyd Bowen, Andrew Bowles, Jackie Constable, Mick Constable, Derek Conway, Mike Cosgrove, John Coulter, Adrian Crowther, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mark Ellen, June Garrad, Ed Gent, Nicholas Hampshire, Angela Harrison, Mike Haywood, Mike Henderson, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, Peter Marchington, Martin McCusker, John Morris, Bryan Mulhern, Colin Prescott, Kenneth Pugh, Gareth Randall, David Sargent, David Simmons, Ben Stokes, Adam Tolhurst, Roger Truelove, Anita Walker, Ghlin Whelan, Mike Whiting, Ted Wilcox, Nick Williams, Alan Willicombe, Jean Willicombe, Tony Winckless, Steve Worrall and John Wright.

Quorum = 16




apologies for absence



Report for Item 3

To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 February 2014 (Minute Nos. 598 - 614) as a correct record.

declarations of interest

Councillors should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves or their spouse, civil partner or person with whom they are living with as a spouse or civil partner. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
The Chairman will ask Members if they have any interests to declare in respect of items on this agenda, under the following headings:-
(a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) under the Localism Act 2011. The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared. After declaring a DPI, the Member must leave the meeting and not take part in the discussion or vote. This applies even if there is provision for public speaking.
(b) Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interests (DNPI) under the Code of Conduct adopted by the Council on 16 May 2012. The nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared. After declaring a DNPI interest, the Member may stay, speak and vote on the matter.
Advice to Members: If any Councillor has any doubt about the existence or nature of any DPI or DNPI which he/she may have in any item on this agenda, he/she should seek advice from the Director of Corporate Services as Monitoring Officer, the Head of Legal or from other Solicitors in Legal Services as early as possible, and in advance of the Meeting.


cabinet membership for 2014/15

Report for Item 5 - 45A7697EF6414B1DBF4168A217AF81D1

The Leader will advise of the Cabinet membership and the terms of reference for each portfolio for the municipal year 2014/15. (Report to follow).

Report uploaded 14 May 2014.


political balance, committees, terms of reference and appointments to committees for 2014/15

Report for Item 6 | Annex 1 for Item 6 - 25BFA472689749D49D58A703A3C64807 | Annex 2 for Item 6 - 14C68D872FBE4CA78165917CAA8A2533

Council is asked to agree the political balance calculations, Committees, Terms of Reference and appointments to Committees for 2014/15.  (Appendices III and IV to follow).
Appendices uploaded 14 May 2014.


borough council representation on outside bodies, trusts administered by swale borough council and statutory bodies

Report for Item 7

Council is asked to confirm nominations for Borough Council representation on outside bodies, trusts administered by Swale Borough Council and statutory bodies. (Appendices I and II to follow).


adoption of timetable of meetings for 2014/15

Report for Item 8 | Annex 1 for Item 8

Council is asked to approve the timetable of meetings for the municipal year 2014/15.  

annual refresh of the corporate plan

Report for Item 9

Council is asked to approve the revised Corporate Plan for 2014/15.

community governance review - final recommendations

Report for Item 10 | Annex 1 for Item 10

Council is asked to consider the second stage consultation results and decide on the next steps of the review.

recommendations for approval

Report for Item 11

Council is asked to note the recommendations from the following meeting:

(i) Cabinet - 16 April 2014

The recommendations are set out in the attached report.

exclusion of the press and public

To decide whether to pass the resolution set out below in respect of the following item: -

That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:

1. Information relating to an individual.


extended leave of absence

Council are asked to consider this report which requests an extended leave of absence for a Councillor.


View the Minutes from this meeting