Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held at Selling Village Hall, Selling, Nr Faversham on Tuesday 10 July 2012 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Present: Councillor Prescott (Chairman), Councillor David Simmons (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Bobbin, Lloyd Bowen, Bowles, June Garrad, Nicholas Hampshire, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, Pat Sandle, David Simmons, Ben Stokes and John Wright. Other Organisations Sergeant Doug Robertson (Kent Police), Reverend Caroline Pinchbeck (Diocese of Canterbury), Parish Councillor Harris (Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC), Mr Kevin Attwood and Mr Rollo Parsons (National Farmers' Union (NFU)).

Officers Present: Kellie Mackenzie, Paul Tobin and Emma Wiggins (SBC) and Bill Ronan, Kent County Council (KCC).

Also In Attendance: Councillors Sylvia Bennett and Ken Pugh and Mike Bundy (Climate Energy).

Apologies: Councillors Monique Bonney and John Morris, Parish Councillor Mike Baldock (KALC), Mrs Pamela Prescott (SEESwale), Mr Alan Willicombe (KCC) and Mrs E Harrison (Head of Rural Regeneration, KCC)).


election of chairman


(1) That Councillor Prescott be elected Chairman for the Municipal Year 2012/13.

election of vice-chairman

Councillor Bowles asked that Officers explore the possibility of whether for future years the Vice-Chairman could be a representative from one of the other organisations and not a Borough Councillor.


(1) That Councillor David Simmons be elected Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2012/13.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 March 2012 (Minute Nos. 604 - 612) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


public session

There were no questions.


part a minutes for recommendation to cabinet


amendment to the local dog control order

Councillor Simmons, Cabinet Member for Environmental and Rural Affairs, reminded Members that at the last meeting, Mrs Walder (Chairman, Isle of Sheppey Branch of Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)), had requested that SBC amends their Local Dog Control Order to include banning dogs off leads from all roads and pavements in Swale.

Councillor Simmons reported that following a meeting with Officers from both SBC and the RSPCA it had been agreed that, under the existing Dog Control Order 2008, SBC's Environmental Wardens would have powers to serve fixed penalty notices of £80 on any persons caught walking with their dogs off the lead on roads and pavements in Swale. He further reported that posters and notices had been displayed in high risk areas and to-date Environmental Wardens were seeing a general compliance from dog owners.

Councillor Simmons explained that Swale were one of the first Authorities to introduce such a ban and also one of the first authorities in Kent to receive the RSPCA 'Gold Footprint' award for introducing dog control orders.

In response to a query, Councillor Simmons stated that the Wardens would ensure a common sense approach was adopted when dealing with this issue.


warmer rural swale

Mr Paul Tobin (Residential Environmental Health (SBC)) gave a presentation on the Warmer Swale scheme which offered free cavity wall and loft insulation to all Swale residents. He explained that the scheme was being operated by SBC in conjunction with Climate Energy and would help SBC to meet its carbon footprint reduction targets.

Mr Mike Bundy (Climate Energy) explained that funding for the scheme would cease by the end of December 2012. He circulated flyers for Members of the Forum to distribute to local residents and stated that to find out more about the scheme and arrange a free home survey, residents should contact the Warmer Swale scheme free on 0800 083 7383.

In response to questions, Mr Bundy advised that most properties up to a standard three bedroom house would qualify. Lofts which already had insulation could be topped up as long as the existing insulation was below 60mm and the offer was available to both home owners and private tenants within Swale.

A discussion ensued about Green Deal, a new Government initiative which sought to offer support to homeowners by introducing energy saving products including: solid wall insulation; double glazing and draught proofing. Further details can be viewed on their website:


rural businesses engagement with the education system

The Head of Economy and Communities drew attention to the update on apprenticeship schemes. In response to queries, she advised that the age limit for the Apprenticeship Scheme was 19 and that the assessment day for apprenticeships at SBC had been successful and an update would be provided at the next meeting.

Councillor John Wright, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, advised that Callum Park Riding School, Lower Halstow had extended their Partnership Agreement with Sittingbourne Community College for training in equestrian management. He also spoke about a Swale Jobs Fair event being arranged for September 2012, which representatives from rural businesses and National Farmers Union would be invited to attend.

(1) That the update report on Apprenticeships be noted.

future agenda items

Discussion ensued on the topics that could be brought forward at future meetings of the Swale Rural Forum.

Suggested items included:

1. Water - the affects flooding and lack of water had on rural areas. It was suggested that the KCC representative who had recently spoken about the issue at a Kent Rural Board meeting be invited to attend.

2. Problems caused by horse riding on footpaths and built-up areas.

3. High fuel prices and the impact it had on rural transport.

4. Sea defences - many were not being repaired which resulted in a lot of farming land being lost.

5. Report from Kent Police on joint partnership working.

The Forum agreed that the Chairman and Head of Economy and Communities should meet with representatives of the NFU and Parish Councils about potential agenda items. It was also suggested that a farm visit be considered.

At this point the Chairman introduced Sergeant Doug Robertson (Kent Police) to the meeting.

Sergeant Robertson gave a breakdown of crime statistics for the rural area of Faversham and spoke about the reasons for a slight rise in crime in the Boughton and Courtney Ward. He explained that a contributory factor was a spate of thefts from commuter vehicles parked in Brenley Lane, Boughton.

Councillor Bowles raised concern about the issues in Brenley Lane, Boughton and asked that the Chairman write to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste at KCC, advising him of the concerns.

Members asked Sergeant Robertson to provide crime statistics for the whole of rural Swale in future.

Sergeant Robertson reported that metal thefts were currently a particular problem in rural areas. He outlined ways in which the Police were trying to combat the issue which included: Intelligence department at Sittingbourne liaising with local scrap metal dealers; audit trailing and Operation Mercury.

In response to a query Sergeant Robertson confirmed that Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras were also a great help in tackling metal theft.

Venue for next meeting

The next meeting on 25 September 2012 will be held at Bobbing Village Hall, Sheppey Way, Bobbing, Nr Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8EL.

(1) That the Chairman writes to the KCC Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste about the issues being caused at Brenley Lane in respect of commuter parking.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting