Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held at Warden Bay Village Hall, Warden Bay Road, Warden, Isle of Sheppey on Tuesday 14th June 2011 from 7:00 pm to 8:22 pm.

Present: Councillor Prescott (Chairman), Councillor David Simmons (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Bobbin, Bowles, June Garrad, Nicholas Hampshire, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, Pat Sandle, Ben Stokes and John Wright.

Officers Present: Kellie Mackenzie and Emma Wiggins (Swale Borough Council) and Bill Ronan (Kent County Council (KCC)).

Also In Attendance: Councillors Sylvia Bennett and Mike Cosgrove, Councillors Baldock, Harris and Ingleton (Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)), Mr Kevin Attwood (National Farmers' Union (NFU)), Mr Peter Blandon (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)), Mr Keith Harrison (Action with Communities in Rural Kent) and Inspector Kevin Swinney (Kent Police).

Apologies: Councillors Monique Bonney, Lloyd Bowen and John Morris, Mrs Pamela Prescott (SEESwale), Ms E Harrison (Head of Regeneration, Kent County Council), Reverend Caroline Pinchbeck (Diocese of Canterbury), Mr Alastair Brooks and Mr Jeff Holroyd (National Farmers' Union).


election of chairman


(1) That Councillor Prescott be elected Chairman for the Municipal Year 2011/2012.

election of vice-chairman


(1) That Councillor David Simmons be elected Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2011/2012.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th March 2011 (Minute Nos. 717 - 723) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of Ms E Harrison, Kent County Council, as also in attendance.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


public session

There were no questions.


part b minutes for recommendation to cabinet


hedgecutting issues

Mr Willis, Bredgar Parish Council, raised concern that both landowners and Kent Highway Services (KHS) were cutting back hedges too severely leading to potholes in the roads. He drew attention to the photographs attached to the agenda which showed examples of the damage caused by over-cut hedgerows and an example of good hedgecutting. He stated that a protocol was needed to ensure both landowners and KHS adopted best practice hedgecutting procedures.

Councillor Bowles advised that he had raised the issue with KHS. He stated that KHS acknowledged the concerns raised but were bound by legal restrictions with regards to private landowners. He stated that often KHS cut back the hedges so severely to minimise the number of times a year they would need to be re-cut to ensure costs were kept to a minimum.

Mr Attwood, Swale National Farmers Union (NFU), considered that most potholing was caused by volume of traffic and not hedgecutting. He stated that the NFU had little control in respect of hedgecutting.

Parish Councillor Baldock considered that KHS should consider taking action where there was evidence that hedgecutting had resulted in potholing.

Discussions ensued and a motion was moved by Councillor Barnicott that the Forum write to the relevant portfolio holder at Kent County Council (KCC) advising them of their concerns with regard to hedgecutting. This was seconded by Councillor Bobbin. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

(1) That a letter be written on behalf of the Rural Forum to Kent County Council advising of the Forum's concerns with regard to improper hedgecutting.

rural businesses engagement with the education system

Councillor John Wright explained that as Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy (including Learning, Skills and Culture) he was aware that rural businesses were not engaging with the education system. He spoke about the Government 100/100 challenge to create 100 apprenticeships in 100 businesses and asked whether the NFU were aware of the scheme. He raised concern that the supply of foreign labour would 'dry-up' so it was important to engage with local schools and the apprenticeship scheme. He stated that Learning and Skills had been identified under the Leader Programme so funding would be available.

Mr Attwood (Swale NFU) stated that, in their experience, the apprenticeship scheme did not work well in the rural sector. He considered that school farms did work well and spoke about two students from the Westlands School farm, who had successfully completed farming courses. He stated that in respect of foreign labour the majority of full-time workers on farms were English but they were finding it difficult to recruit part-time English workers. He confirmed they would ensure that local job centres were targeted during their harvest times.

Councillor David Simmons spoke about the Youth Training Scheme created in the 1980s and believed there was scope for a similar sort of scheme. He considered part of the problem was caused by the agricultural wages board, as there was no graduation in the rate of pay. A sixteen year old earned the same as a twenty year old so farmers were more likely to employ a twenty year old as their productivity would be greater.

Discussions ensued and the following points were made: many farms had diversified into other areas and needed to explore whether these would be suitable for the apprenticeship scheme; need to explore whether financial support could be given to help apprentices with equipment/tools; engagement between schools and rural businesses needed to be improved and Parish Councils should be informed to ensure better promotion of the scheme.

Bill Ronan, KCC, spoke about the high skills base needed for farm workers and there were insufficient land based courses available for young people. He stated that funding had been earmarked to address the imbalance.

Councillor Bowles agreed to discuss the issue at the next meeting of the Kent Rural Board and update Members at the next meeting of the Forum.

Members considered this was a topic that they could take forward and asked that it be included as a standing item on the Agenda.

Democratic Services Officer

It was suggested that education representatives and Councillor Wright as Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy discuss with the Swale NFU and other farming businesses how the apprenticeship scheme could be moved forward.


action plan

The Head of Economy and Communities explained that there was limited Officer resource to progress the Action Plan and asked Members for actions they could take an active role in progressing.

Discussions ensued and Members made the following suggestions: consider the Forum's role was to look at rural proofing to ensure the rural community were aware how Government policies could impact on their community; look at the impact proposed changes to the National Health Service were having on the rural community and the affect removal of subsidies for public transport would have on the rural community; invite representatives from rural industries to the meeting and ensure Matters Arising was added to future Agenda.


countryside greeters

The Head of Economy and Communities drew attention to the information report on the Countryside Greeters Initiative led by Visit Kent.

Members noted the scheme and requested an update be provided at the next meeting.

Head of Economy and Communities

venue for next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting be held at Dunkirk Village hall subject to completion of acoustic improvements at the hall.

Democratic Services Officer

Discussions ensued around the possibility of a farm visit. It was noted that Mr Brooks from Graveney would be happy to host a visit to either of his farms. It was also suggested the Forum visit a school farm.

Swale National Farmers Union
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting