Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held in Rodmersham Village Hall, Rodmersham, Sittingbourne on Tuesday 9th March 2010 from 7:00 pm to 9:05 pm.

Present: Councillor Ben Stokes (Chairman), Councillor Bowles (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Bobbin, Monique Bonney, Trevor Fentiman, Gerry Lewin, Prescott, Pat Sandle and John Wright. Other organisations members: Councillor Baldock (Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)) and Mr Attwood (National Farmers Union (NFU)).

Officers Present: Philippa Davies, Peter Hinckesman, Bill Ronan and Emma Wiggins.

Also In Attendance: George Chandler (Regeneration and Projects Manager (Kent County Council (KCC)), Nick Johannsen (Director, Kent Downs Area of Natural Beauty (AONB) Unit), Andy Pendlebury (Area Youth Officer - Canterbury and Swale (KCC)), Sergeant Worthington (Kent Police), Parish Councillors Jeanette Dean-Kimili (Ospringe Parish Council), Peter Duncan (Selling Parish Council), Andy Hudson (Bapchild Parish Council), Ann Lewis (Milstead Parish Council) and Beverley Willis (Bredgar Parish Council)

Apologies: Councillors Cindy Davis, Nicholas Hampshire, Lesley Ingham, Parish Councillor Tucker, Mrs Prescott (Swale Tourism Association) and Mr Shaw (Swale Countryside Forum).



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th January 2010 (Minute Nos. 613 - 625) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


public session

Councillor Peter Duncan reported that funding had been received from KCC and houses in Selling were being provided with a Broadband service. The location of a new exchange was being looked into and members of the public would be kept up to date by flyers and reports in the local newspapers. A request for information on how other Parishes could receive the funding was made and it was suggested that Councillor Duncan and KCC could put a document together with guidelines and best practice.

Councillor Willis reported that numerous complaints had been received regarding over-sized vehicles using country lanes which had width and height restrictions. He explained that severe cutting back of hedgerows had also resulted in the erosion of the sides of the roads. He suggested that liaison between KHS, the Police, the NFU and AONB could help to address the problem.

Councillor Ann Lewis reported that a temporary bus service had now been provided, for four days a week, funded for two years into Sittingbourne. It was hoped that a more permanent service could be funded in the future.

A Member acknowledged that it was often necessary for HGVs to use country lanes for access and making deliveries. He advised that measures were being looked into to divert heavy vehicles, via SATNAV, away from more rural roads.

A NFU representative advised that hedges alongside country lanes were cut back following requests that measures needed to be taken when hedges became overgrown.

Discussion ensued on the problem of enforcement of weight and height restrictions and the financial implications of roads that are damaged and eroded.

The Leader suggested that a meeting be dedicated solely to rural highway issues to enable the problems to be addressed by Officers and Members.

Democratic Services Officer

appointment of a representative to sit on the swale rural forum


(1) That the Chairman of the LSP's Environment and Liveability Thematic Partnership be invited to sit on the Swale Rural Forum.

youth advisory forum

The Chairman welcomed the guests to the meeting.

Andy Pendlebery spoke on the Kent Youth Service within Swale. He explained that there was a small team that worked around the Borough and their aim was to provide an enjoyable, challenging and educational programme which included sport, diversity issues, teenage pregnancy and drug use. These were used as tools to educate and challenge young people.

The Youth Service focused on young people between the ages of 13 and 19 and was young person led. The Service aimed to give young people choice and opportunity and gave them a chance to turn their life around, if necessary.

Mr Pendlebery explained that the organisation was small, with large demands on it. He advised that assistance, via a start up grant, could be given to set up youth opportunities in different areas. There was a reliance on volunteers to continue the work. He explained that attendance by young people on projects the Youth Service had organised was good.

Mr Pendlebery responded to questions raised by the Forum. A Member raised concern that some villages were not getting support from the scheme. Mr Pendlebery explained that one 'detached worker' visited communities where there appeared to be a need for Youth Service work. The detached worker needed to complete the work that he was doing, before he could commence work in another location. With regard to accessibility, Mr Pendlebery explained that the scheme did not provide transport to youth clubs; this was the responsibility of parents or carers. He stated that a response to potential areas where youth provision was needed was dependent on target numbers of 500 young people.

A request was made that the Youth Service considered young people in rural areas as they were often isolated with poor transport links. A suggestion was made that the target of 500 was reduced to allow rural communities to be taken into account. Mr Pendlebery advised that a representative from the Youth Service could visit Parish Councils and advise them on steps forward.

The Leader advised that he would report feedback from the Forum to the Cabinet Member at KCC.


police transport in rural areas

Sergeant Worthington read out a report from Inspector Evan Jones which outlined the transport of PCSOs and Police Officers, both to and within rural areas. Public transport was often used which provided reassurance to residents and an opportunity for Officers to engage with the public. PCSOs were dropped off, with mountain bikes, to more isolated rural areas. Police Officers would still continue to use marked Police cars to travel around the villages.

Discussion ensued on the practicalities of PCSOs using bus services to access rural areas, as often the service did not extend into the evening. Sergeant Worthington advised that alternative working methods were being looked into so that PCSOs could base themselves more in the rural areas, rather than returning to the main Police Station. Suggestions were made to take opportunities of advertising, promoting and liaising with Parish Councils, schools and PCSOs to enable increased working relationship, visibility and working closer together.

In response to a question, Sergeant Worthington advised that PCSOs had a vital role within their community as they were familiar with that area and could assist the Police in their campaigns.

The Leader raised concern with the future of the PCSOs as their funding was limited.


northern relief road - consultation

George Chandler reported that public consultation was being carried out on the final section of the Northern Relief Road. The consultation was coming to an end on 10th May 2010. Mr Chandler reported that a key issue that had come up was that the scheme had more of an impact on rural areas than was initially expected. Comments that had been returned would be analysed, individual comments would not be published, but would be investigated.

Mr Chandler explained that earlier versions of the route had not been suitable. He advised that it was hoped that the option that would go ahead would allow the Northern Relief Road to be built with minimum affect on Bapchild. He explained the road would probably be built within five to 10 years. Discussion ensued on the road options and the timescales in place. Mr Chandler advised that an A2/M2 link was not part of the scheme and that more information on the proposed Northern Relief Road link could be found on the KCC website.


areas of natural beauty (aonb) management plan

Nick Johannsen introduced his report which outlined the revised Kent Downs AONB Management Plan. He tabled an Executive Summary and explained that the Kent Downs AONB covered about one quarter of Kent.

Mr Johannsen reported that legislation required all Local Authorities with land in an AONB to prepare and review a Management Plan and there was a 'duty of regard' towards the purpose of an AONB to conserve and enhance and support its well being. The Management Plan included sections on setting the scene, the 20 year vision for the AONB, the Management of the AONB and the components of Natural Beauty.

Mr Johannsen explained that the Management Plan had a series of policies which Local Authorities adopted for the management of the landscape; they were not AONB policies. He outlined projects that had taken place within Swale and explained that the AONB was a considerable resource for the Borough.

In response to a question, Mr Johannsen explained that with regard to the Northern Relief Road, the AONB had policies that were suitable for this sort of proposal; they would look into the impact on the natural beauty of the area.


kent association of local councils (kalc) input at rural forums

The KALC representative explained that Parish Councils would like to be included in training sessions that were offered to Borough Councillors.


information items

The Enforcement Team Manager introduced his report which outlined the action taken on sites that have not yet been developed. In response to questions, the Enforcement Team Manager explained that a Section 215 was issued when a site condition adversely affected the amenity of the neighbourhood, whether the site was dangerous, was not a planning matter. SBC issued Section 215 notices on smaller scale incidents, whereas the Environment Agency and Kent County Council would deal with larger scale issues.


(1) That the reports be noted.

swale rural forum action plan

Members referred to the Action Plan included on the agenda.

The following points were raised:
Input and discussion within the Forum should continue;
Essential to rural proof policies;
Local Engagement with Parishes should be ongoing, and grouped together with Local Engagement from other relevant organisations on the Action Plan;
The Forum to receive a presentation from bodies offering grants to rural areas.

The Chairman thanked the invited guests for attending the meeting.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting