Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 16 December 2008

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Tuesday 16th December 2008 from 7:00 pm to 8:17 pm.

Present: SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL MEMBERS: Councillor Ben Stokes (Chairman), Councillor Bowles (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Bobbin, Monique Bonney, Cindy Davis, Trevor Fentiman, Nicholas Hampshire, Lesley Ingham, Pat Sandle and John Wright. OTHER ORGANISATIONS - MEMBERS Mr Attwood (National Farmers Union), Parish Councillors Baldock (substitute for Councillor Bowen), Ingleton and Tucker (Kent Association of Local Councils), Reverend Pinchbeck (Diocese of Canterbury), Mr David Shaw (Swale Countryside Forum) and Mrs Taylor (Mid Kent Leader+ & Rural Projects Programme Manager, Kent County Council).

Officers Present: Joanne Hammond and Lyn Newton.

Apologies: Councillors Gerry Lewin, John Morris, Prescott and Paul Sturdgess, Mrs Pamela Prescott (Swale Tourism Association) and Councillor Bowen (Kent Association of Local Councils).


election of chairman

On taking the Chair Councillor Ben Stokes spoke in memory of John Disney, former Chairman of the Swale Rural Forum, and the dedication he showed in his role as a Swale Borough Councillor.


(1) That Councillor Ben Stokes be elected Chairman for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2008/2009.

election of vice-chairman


(1) That Councillor Bowles be elected as Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2008/2009.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th July 2008 (Minute Nos. 217 - 224) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

Councillor John Wright declared a personal interest in Queendown Warren - Grazing Project as the site was in his Ward.


part b minutes for information


appointment to swale rural forum

The Vice-Chairman requested the Forum's agreement to the formal co-option of Councillor Cindy Davis to the Swale Rural Forum, as the Executive Member for Environment.


(1) That Councillor Cindy Davis be appointed as a Member of the Swale Rural Forum.

queendown warren - grazing project

The Chairman welcomed David Hutton (Reserve Officer - West, Kent Wildlife Trust) to the meeting.

Mr Hutton gave a presentation to Members on a new grazing project at Queendown Warren. He explained that 2008 was the Kent Wildlife Trust's 50th Anniversary year. The Trust managed over 60 nature reserves and 55 miles of roadside nature reserves and was involved in coastal and marine planning.

The project at Queendown Warren was a new five-year venture for the Kent Wildlife Trust. The size of the reserve had expanded considerably in recent years and the area was internationally important. The project would involve the introduction of various traditional breeds of sheep onto parts of the reserve to graze the land. The project would require a full time Livestock Manager and the meat would be sold by local butchers. The Kent Wildlife Trust had applied to the Big Lottery Fund to help finance the project and expected to hear soon on whether the bid had been successful.

Mr Hutton outlined the various aims of the project including: to improve the public's understanding of locally produced food; help local butchers; provide training and volunteer opportunities at the reserve; create a sustainable future for the reserve through conservation grazing; and visits to schools to educate children in the importance of local food. He also demonstrated how the project fitted into Swale Borough Council's policies.

A Member raised concern that the project would be in direct competition with existing local farmers. Mr Hutton explained that the Trust would only use local butchers to sell the meat. The intention of the project was to promote small scale, local food production. The Trust had been unable to find existing farmers to manage the land due to a reduction in the number of livestock farmers over recent years.

Parish Councillor Baldock expressed his disapproval of the project as he felt that the slaughter of animals went against the ethos of the Kent Wildlife Trust and he considered that the Trust would lose membership. He suggested that the Trust could create a sanctuary for animals instead.

Mr Hutton explained that the project would ensure the habitats at Queendown Warren were maintained through grazing. The project would be a non-intensive method of producing local meat, which was preferable to intensive farming and research had demonstrated support for the project in the community.

A Member commented on the use of the area for dog walking and questioned what the Trust intended to do to ensure that dogs were not allowed near the sheep. Mr Hutton advised that the traditional area for dog walking was the bank, so no sheep would be grazed in that area; the animals would remain in the fields which had no public access. Signs would also be erected to warn dog walkers that sheep were grazing in the fields.

In response to a question regarding the need for buildings on the site, Mr Hutton explained that an existing farm building on the site had recently been refurbished and the Trust had budgeted for vehicles and the employment of a Livestock Manager. The Trust already had a comprehensive system in place for regular checks on all animals on their reserves and the livestock would be well cared for.

Parish Councillor Baldock considered that the Kent Wildlife Trust had other areas to fall back onto if the project failed, unlike local businesses. He questioned how the Trust would manage the conflicting demands of livestock with other countryside issues, for example the cull of badgers in a tuberculosis outbreak.

Mr Hutton confirmed that the Trust were anti culling of badgers. The Trust would abide by any Government legislation regarding the management of livestock. There was a section within the Trust called "Living Landscapes", which worked on ensuring that wildlife was able to move throughout the land. He stressed that the project at Queendown Warren was specifically aimed at the sustainable management of grassland.

Mr Attwood, National Farmers Union, made the following comments: the project was a high cost way of managing the land; it would be preferable if the Trust used indigenous Kent breeds of sheep; and due to the economic climate, and the possible reduction in membership to the Trust, it would seem sensible for the Trust to form partnerships with other local farmers.

Mr Hutton advised that that the project would fulfil a function not currently being fulfilled in the local farming community and it was hoped the project would become self-sustaining. Volunteers from the area would be used to help with the project to promote interest in farming. He considered that the Livestock Manager would help improve engagement with local farmers. The project was an economic opportunity for the Kent Wildlife Trust.

Some Members spoke in support of the project, referring to the educational opportunities; promotion of English produce and countryside walks.

The Chairman thanked David Hutton for his presentation.


south east rural board and rural forums for the south east

The Vice-Chairman and Leader of the Council gave an update on the South East Rural Board and Rural Forums for the South East. He explained that Government set up Rural Forums in 2000 to identify emerging rural issues. The membership of the Rural Forums had recently been reviewed and members would now be appointed by the Local Strategic Partnerships, County Rural Fora and Rural Community Councils. The Swale Local Strategic Partnership had appointed Councillor Bowles to represent them on the Rural Forum for the South East.

The South East Rural Board provided leadership on policy issues and reported direct to the South East Regional Minister for Rural Affairs. The membership was made up of the Chairs of the Rural Forums with a Government appointed Chairman.


swale rural forum - the way forward

The Chairman referred the Forum to the discussion paper from Sheils Flynn following the workshop held at the meeting of the Swale Rural Forum on 29th July 2008. He proposed that a sub-group be established to consider the report in detail and prepare recommendations for discussion and agreement at the next meeting of the Forum on 14th April 2009.

Members discussed the proposal and it was requested that the membership of the sub-group included a representative from the National Farmers Union, the Kent Association of Local Councils and Councillor Monique Bonney. Members agreed that the Kent Association of Local Councils and the National Farmers Union would be contacted to request nominations for the sub-group.

Senior Democratic Services Officer

Parish Councillor Baldock advised that the Kent Association of Local Councils had a number of issues that they wished to raise at the Swale Rural Forum.

The Forum agreed that the Kent Association of Local Councils and the National Farmers Union would be contacted in advance of all future meetings to provide items for the agenda.

Senior Democratic Services Officer

(1) That a sub-group be established with the following membership: Councillors Ben Stokes, Cindy Davis and Monique Bonney, Frances Wallis (Project Officer-Environment), Lyn Newton (Regeneration Manager - culture/liveability) and representatives from the National Farmers Union and the Kent Association of Local Councils.

(2) That a report from the sub-group be submitted to the next meeting of the Swale Rural Forum on 14th April 2009.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting