Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 10 December 2012

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 10 December 2012 from 5:30 pm to 7:21 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Harrison, Prescott, Pat Sandle, Ghlin Whelan and Jean Willicombe. Kent County Councillors: Mike Whiting (Chairman), Adrian Crowther, Keith Ferrin, Tom Gates, Ken Pugh and Alan Willicombe. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillors Dave Austin, Mike Baldock and Peter Macdonald.

Officers Present: Joanne Hammond, Mike Knowles, Brian Planner and Georgia Shaill (Swale Borough Council) and Alan Blackburn and Ruth Goudie (Kent County Council (Highways and Transportation)).

Also In Attendance: Councillors Mike Henderson, David Simmons and Roger Truelove.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 September 2012 (Minute Nos. 250 - 265) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

Councillor David Simmons declared an interest in respect of agenda item six: petition - Faversham pedestrian scheme as he had a stall in Faversham market. He did not speak on this item.


public session

The Chairman welcomed the members of the public who had registered to speak at the meeting. He advised that Mrs Brenda Chester was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted written comments in relation to item six, Faversham pedestrian scheme, which were tabled.

Mrs Doreen Hunter addressed the Board regarding the proposed waiting restrictions on Tunstall Road, Sittingbourne. She considered that the proposal for double yellow lines and school keep clear markings should be abandoned. Tunstall School had negotiated use of private land for car parking and a planning application had been submitted to Kent County Council (KCC). Mrs Hunter considered that if the planning application was approved it would resolve the current issues, and any further waiting restrictions were unnecessary and unjustified.

Mr Conon Raraty-Squires presented a petition to the Chairman with seventy-four signatures from shops and businesses within Faversham town centre requesting an immediate end to the trial closure of Faversham town centre on Fridays. He explained that trade was suffering from the closure; elderly and disabled residents were now prohibited from shopping in the town centre on Fridays; tradesman cannot work in the town centre on Fridays; and shops cannot take deliveries.

Town Councillor Mrs Cindy Davis presented a petition to the Chairman in favour of continuing with the trial road closure in Faversham town centre on Fridays. She considered that it would be premature to end the trial now and urged the Board to complete the trial period as agreed at the last meeting.


part a reports for recommendation to cabinet


a) formal objections to traffic regulation order amendment 5a/5b

The Engineer introduced the report which provided a summary of formal objections received to various proposed waiting restrictions in the Borough covered in the Traffic Regulation Orders Amendment 5a (Faversham Area) and 5b (Sittingbourne and Isle of Sheppey Areas).

The Engineer explained that three further letters of support to the proposed waiting restrictions in the vicinity of Tunstall school had been received since the report was published.

County Councillor Alan WIllicombe proposed that the proposed double yellow lines be abandoned and that zig-zag lines be installed only once the planning application for alternative parking had been dealt with by KCC. This was seconded by Councillor Jean Willicombe.

Members discussed the proposal and made the following comments: zig-zag lines could be policed better than double yellow lines; double yellow lines would be detrimental to residents and may encourage speeding as there would be no parked cars along the road; the alternative parking arrangements were nearly in place and no action should be taken until this had been decided; were residents advised about the planning application for alternative parking as part of the consultation process, as it may have affected the responses; parents would continue to park outside the school unless parking restrictions were installed; and zig-zag lines do not work and are ignored unless policed.

Councillor Barnicott proposed an amendment to defer a decision on any waiting restrictions in Tunstall Road until KCC had considered the planning application. This was agreed by the original proposer and seconder and voted upon.

(1) That a decision on waiting restrictions in Tunstall Road be deferred until KCC had considered the planning application.
(2) That the formal objections and letters of support received be noted.

b) various waiting restrictions

The Engineer introduced the report which provided a summary of a recent consultation carried out for a proposed waiting restriction in the Borough.

(1) That waiting restrictions are installed at Queenborough Road (cul-de-sac), Halfway.

petition - faversham pedestrian scheme

The Board considered this report which provided a summary of the extension to the pedestrianisation scheme in Faversham and a petition received recently regarding the scheme.

County Councillor Gates made the following proposal: that the experimental scheme be continued and reviewed after six months, as previously agreed, and a report submitted to the Joint Transportation Board meeting in March 2013. This was seconded by County Councillor Adrian Crowther.

Some Members spoke in support of continuing the trial period and made the following comments: safety of shoppers should be a priority; it was only six hours out of five days; the market was expanding and the town centre was continuing to be busy on Fridays; consideration should be given to reversing the traffic flow in Preston Street; it was difficult to know if the reduction in business was due to the pedestrianisation scheme or the recession; the Board should not go back on the decision made at the last meeting; the town centre was conducive to pedestrian shopping; the weather was known to affect trade; and deliveries could be made on alternative days.

Some Members spoke in support of ending the trial period immediately and made the following comments: it was already a difficult financial time for shopkeepers and concern that the town centre could die completely if the trial was continued.

Some Members raised concern regarding how the trial period would be evaluated. The Head of Service Delivery advised that they were proposing to door knock all the local businesses; hold a consultation on a stall in the market place; and review footfall, reported accidents and number of shops opening/closing.

(1) That the experimental scheme be continued and reviewed after six months, as previously agreed, and a report submitted to the Joint Transportation Board meeting in March 2013.

bus stop improvements programme, faversham

The Board considered this report which outlined the proposals to provide two new bus stop clearway markings in Faversham.

In response to queries from Members regarding the positioning of the bus stops, the KCC Strategic Transportation Planner explained that she had travelled the routes with the bus company and the bus stops were based on their preferred locations. The Lower Road bus stop would be in the same position as an existing unmarked bus stop. She confirmed that the bus stop improvements would be funded from Section 106 money from the Sainsbury's development.

Members discussed the two locations and the benefit for the community of improvements to the bus stops.

(1) That Bus Stop clearways are marked out at:

Lower Road, Faversham on the northern side between points 40 metres and 71 metres west of the junction with Willow Avenue;

Bysingwood Road, Faversham on the north eastern side between points 28 metres and 47 metres south east of the junction with Giraud Drive.

air quality and development sites

The Board considered the report which outlined the arrangements that have been made by Kent County Council and Swale Borough Council to use development contributions to mitigate against the effects of new developments on Air Quality Management Areas.

A Member considered that the contribution from Tescos was too low and that contributions agreed for the Newington Air Quality Management Area had not been forthcoming.

(1) That the report be noted.

a common sense plan for safe and sensible street lighting - the next steps

This item was withdrawn from the agenda.


highway works programme 2012/13

The Board considered the report which provided an update on the identified schemes approved for consultation in 2012/13.

Members of the Board made comments on the work set out within the appendices and Officers provided responses.

A number of Members commented on the problems being experienced at Mill Way, Sittingbourne due to the highway works being carried out and noted that the traffic signals were not being manned at the times agreed. The Chairman suggested that a site meeting be arranged at Mill Way to include KCC officers, the contractors, KCC Local Members and Ward Members.

A Member asked if there were plans to submit a report on cycle routes.

The KCC Strategic Transportation Planner agreed to follow-up on the issues raised regarding Mill Way and confirmed that a report on cycle routes would be submitted to the next Board meeting in March 2013.

In response to queries, the Engineer confirmed that the West Street Traffic Regulation Order was now in place, but they were experiencing delays with the lining contractors. He also confirmed that the double yellow lines at Brenley Lane would be completed as soon as possible.

(1) That the report be noted.

progress update

Members considered the report that gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough.

(1) That the Progress Update be noted.

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:

1 - Information relating to any individual.

6 - Information which reveals that the authority proposes:-

(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or

(b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.

part a report for recommendation to cabinet


disabled bay installations and removals

(1) That the report be noted and the following bays be installed:

151a Park Road, Sittingbourne;
24 Fairleas, Sittingbourne;
45 Vincent Gardens, Sheerness;
4 Jubilee Crescent, Queenborough;
17 Stone Street, Faversham;
73 Lionfield, Faversham.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting