Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 12 December 2011

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 12 December 2011 from 5:30 pm to 8:05 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Chairman), Councillors Derek Conway (substitute for Councillor Barnicott), Harrison, Prescott, Pat Sandle, Ghlin Whelan and Jean Willicombe. Kent County Councillors Bowles, Adrian Crowther, Keith Ferrin, Tom Gates, Ken Pugh, Mike Whiting (Vice-Chairman) and Alan Willicombe. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillors Mike Baldock and Peter Macdonald.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies, Mike Knowles and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council), Alan Blackburn, George Chandler and Stephen Gasche (Kent County Council (Highways and Transportation)).

Apologies: Councillor Barnicott.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 September 2011 (Minute Nos. 225 - 238) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

The Chairman, in response to the request in Minute No. 234, confirmed that an item on 'any planned improvements at the Stockbury roundabout in relation to future developments in Swale' would be added to the agenda for the 12 March 2012 JTB meeting.

Democratic Services Officer

declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


public session

Item 5 - Proposed extension to residents' parking scheme - Edith Road/Belmont Road/Kingsnorth Road, Faversham.

Ms Renny, local resident, spoke against the extension to the residents' parking scheme. She explained that there was not a parking problem in these areas during the day, but explained that the congestion occurred after 6 pm. She considered the extension of the parking scheme would not help the residents in these roads.

Item 6 - Tunstall CE (Aided), Primary School, Tunstall - Traffic and Parking Issues

Mr Panton, Chairman of Tunstall Parish Council, explained the problem of all day parking outside the school, which reduced the width of the road and caused serious hazards. He considered it was difficult to apply the 'safety criteria' as set out in section 3.3 in the report, as the staff cars had only parked there in the last year, because of a lack of parking spaces at the school. He spoke in favour of parking restrictions being implemented and explained that Tunstall Parish Council would be happy to contribute towards the cost of this.

Ms Hunter, local resident and Chair of Governors, considered the parking outside the school was not a nuisance and the amount of cars that were parked there varied each day. She explained that the parked cars helped to slow the traffic down and that an option to park at the Village Hall had been offered, but the restrictions included were impractical for the school. Ms Hunter outlined a potential option with regard to talks with a local landowner, which could be implemented in the future. She spoke in favour of KCC's recommendations.

Item 14 - Progress Update

Mr Macdonald, Parish Councillor, spoke with reference to Minute No. 732/03/11. He advised that he had not yet received a drainage map; the Chairman reported that other Parish Councils had, and suggested the clerk to the Parish Council looked into this further in order to get a replacement map sent out.

Mr Macdonald also spoke on the reclassification of the B2231 to the A2500. He advised that a meeting had been organised at the beginning of January 2012 for discussion on signing for the road.

He also spoke on heavy flooding near Sheerness Post Office and improvements that were needed on Queenborough railway bridge to address subsidence problems. These matters were not on the agenda.


part a minutes for confirmation to cabinet


update report - proposed extension to residents' parking scheme - edith road/belmont road/kingsnorth road, faversham

The Engineer provided an update on the door-to-door research that had been carried out on these roads which had shown that local residents were not in favour of the parking scheme being extended.

Officers were congratulated on the work that they had carried out and the Chairman encouraged members of the public to respond to Council consultations.

(1) That the report and results of the latest consultation be noted.
(2) That Officers abandon proposals to extend the existing Residents' Parking Scheme to include Edith Road, Belmont Road and Kingsnorth Road.
(3) That Officers amend the next Traffic Regulation Order to include residents of Nelson Street, Nelson Terrace and Nelson Gardens as eligible to purchase Zone B Residents' Parking Permits.
(4) That the consultees be advised accordingly.

tunstall c.e (aided) primary school, tunstall - traffic and parking issues

The District Manager for Swale introduced the report which considered the outcome of an investigation into traffic matters in the vicinity of the school, and the recommended course of action. The matter had been considered in June 2011 and the recommendation from that meeting was that more information be sought with the inclusion of the Police report and that consultation be carried out to include the views of County, Borough and Parish Councillors.

County Councillor Alan Willicombe acknowledged the parking situation at the school and the problems that it had caused within the community.

The following motion was proposed by County Councillor Alan Willicombe: That the proposal be deferred until a resolution had been made following negotiations that the School Governors were having with a local landowner. This was seconded by Councillor Jean Willicombe.

The KALC representative (Councillor Mike Baldock) explained that traffic congestion outside schools was a common problem, made worse by growing classrooms and a lack of resources, such as a good public transport system, to address the problem. He suggested that a more flexible approach be applied, not the 'safety critical' criteria adopted by KCC.

County Councillor Mike Whiting considered that there appeared to be a few options that could be put in place to address the parking problems. He suggested that these problems be resolved by the people living and working in the village and that opinion be sought through consultation as to the parking restrictions that could be implemented outside the school.

An amendment to the proposal was accepted by County Councillor Alan Willicombe: That consultation with local residents to take place to look at options of parking restrictions outside the school. This was seconded by County Councillor Whiting.

Councillor Harrison spoke in support of the recommendation in the report and considered deferring the matter would put pressure on the different parties involved.

A further amendment to the proposal was proposed by County Councillor Alan Willicombe: That consultation with local residents to take place to look at options of parking restrictions outside the school, so that options were available to take forward when a decision had been made on any additional land that was available for parking. This was seconded by County Councillor Whiting. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

(1) That the matter be deferred to allow consultation with local residents to take place to look at options of parking restrictions outside the school. These options to then be available to take forward when a decision had been made on any additional land that was available for parking.

sittingbourne northern relief road (nrr) and sittingbourne southern relief road (srr)

The Regeneration and Projects Manager introduced his report which provided an update on transport modelling and work on strategic highway schemes in Sittingbourne. He also gave a presentation and explained that the NRR would be open to the public by the end of the week. He outlined the processes that had taken place since March, which included a traffic model being submitted to the Local Development Framework (LDF) Panel, further consultation and the results of that consultation. Most had been in favour of the NRR being finished to the A2 and for Bapchild to be by-passed.

The Regeneration and Projects Manager reminded Members that the JTB had previously discussed the strategic need, the wider impacts, development, environment and delivery of the NRR/SRR. He explained that the traffic model was a simulation of traffic scenarios in the future. Option one and option three, selected in the LDF Pick-Your-Own process, had been used in the modelling and he outlined the effects of both of these on the modelling.

The results of the modelling suggested that the joining of the two schemes was not appropriate in the light of development in the Borough.

Members discussed the outcomes of planning the two parts of the road separately, including the impact this could have on congestion on the A2 and in the surrounding villages.

The Regeneration and Projects Manager confirmed that the presentation would be made available to all Councillors.

Democratic Services Officer
(1) That the planning and phasing of the remaining southern section of the Northern Relief Road (SNRR) and the Southern Relief Road be treated separately.
(2) That the planning and phasing of the Northern Relief Road be considered as part of an Area Action Plan policy and identified appropriately within the Draft Swale Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD).
(3) That the future consultation on any scheme for the Northern Relief Road Bapchild section be carried out across a wide area (preferably Borough-wide).
(4) That the planning and phasing of the Southern Relief Road (SRR) be considered as part of a 'signposting' policy (and upgraded to an Area Action Plan should any monies be identified for its deliverability) within the Draft Swale Core Strategy DPD.

find and fix 3

This report detailed how funds were spent on roads within the Swale District, following the winter of 2010/11 and the subsequent damage to the road network across the country. Central Government provided additional funding for local authorities to carry out road repairs. Kent County Council was allocated £6.5 million for such repairs across the County.

(1) That the report be noted.

quality bus partnership in swale

The Public Transport Team Leader (Kent County Council) introduced the report which considered the proposals for the establishment of a Quality Bus Partnership in Swale.

Members welcomed the report and the opportunity to provide an increase in bus use.

Representatives from Arriva and Chalkwell bus companies provided Members with information on the way forward with regard to bus travel. Measures included: their experience in delivering bus partnerships; ability to demonstrate strong investment and passenger growth; improvement of trunk roads; and continually seeking to improve services.

(1) That the KCC Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways & Waste and the SBC Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy jointly approve the establishment of a Swale Quality Bus Partnership in the form of a Voluntary Partnership Agreement, as provided in the Transport Act 2000 and the Local Transport Act 2008.
(2) That the local bus operators Arriva and Chalkwell, together with other companies operating KCC supported bus contracts, be formally approached to join the new Swale Quality Bus Partnership on the basis set out in the report.
(3) That the agreement, once approved by all parties, be signed by a representative of each of them during March 2012.
(4) That the new Swale Quality Bus Partnership commences on 1 April 2012 with its first meeting to be held within one month of that date.

swale winter service plan

The District Manager for Swale introduced the report which considered the annual policy and plan which were used to determine actions that will be taken to manage KCC's winter service operations. He explained that the document was a starting point and he welcomed the feedback that Members gave which would help to build on the information which was needed to make improvements in the work carried out in the future.

The District Manager for Swale explained that it was possible to see the information provided in the report, on the KCC website. He welcomed any information from Parish Councils on what they considered to be priority roads for ploughing in their area.

(1) That the report be noted.

formal objections to recently advertised traffic regulation orders

The Engineer introduced his report which considered objections received during the recent formal advertising of the latest Swale Traffic Regulation Order.

(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That amendments to waiting restrictions be progressed at:
Brenley Lane, Boughton-under-Blean (extension to existing double yellow lines);
Abbey Street and surrounding areas, Faversham (extension to Residents' Parking Scheme operating times);
35 Periwinkle Close, Sittingbourne (installation of disabled persons' parking bay).

(3) That a consultation be carried out with residents of Belvedere Road, Faversham for the possible inclusion of this road in the Residents' Parking Scheme.
(4) That objectors be advised accordingly.

proposed double yellow lines, the broadway, minster - member highway funded scheme

The Engineer introduced his report which considered the results of recent consultation carried out in relation to proposed waiting restrictions in The Broadway, Minster.

(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the waiting restrictions in The Broadway be proceeded, on behalf of Kent County Council.
(3) That consultees, the County Member and Kent County Council be advised accordingly.

various proposed waiting restrictions - an update report for information only

The Engineer introduced his report which provided an update on progress of various waiting restrictions in the Swale area.

(1) That the report be noted.

progress update

Members considered the report which gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough, and Officers answered Members' questions. Members considered the report page by page.

Councillor Pat Sandle questioned why the process seemed to be taking a long time.
County Councillor Ken Pugh advised that he was attending a meeting regarding this matter at the beginning of January 2012 and would forward a written response to Councillor Pat Sandle.

With reference to Minute No. 100/06/08, Councillor Pat Sandle reported that she had not yet received a written response from the Swale District Manager.

Democratic Services Officer

information items - environment, highways and waste policy, overview and scrutiny committee (kcc)

Members considered the report of the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

(1) That the report be noted.

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation to cabinet


disabled persons' parking bay installations and parking bay removals

(1) That the comments/objections made by the consultees be noted.
(2) That the following parking bays be installed:
20 Broomfield Road, Faversham
62 Periwinkle Close, Sittingbourne
18 Whitehall Road, Sittingbourne
15 Grovehurst Avenue, Sittingbourne

(3) That the following bay to remain:
80 Jefferson Road, Sheerness

(4) That the existing bay be removed:
104 Grovehurst Road, Sittingbourne.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting