Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 6 September 2010

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 6th September 2010 from 5:33 pm to 7:45 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Sue Gent (substitute for Councillor Ed Gent), Bryan Mulhern (substitute for Councillor Prescott), Pat Sandle, Roger Truelove and Ghlin Whelan. Kent County Councillor Mike Whiting (Chairman), Kent County Councillors Adrian Crowther, Ferrin, Gates, Ken Pugh and Alan Willicombe. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillor Mike Baldock.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies and Michael Knowles (Swale Borough Council) and Vicki Hubert and Carol Valentine (Kent Highway Services (KHS)).

Also In Attendance: Borough Councillors: Mike Cosgrove, Trevor Fentiman, Mike Henderson and Bryan Mulhern. Town Councillors: Cindy Davis, Jane Hawkins and Ted Wilcox. Parish Councillor: Peter Macdonald.

Apologies: County Councillor Bowles and Borough Councillors Ed Gent and Prescott.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 14th June 2010 (Minute Nos. 98 - 115) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to Minute No. 107 being actioned to the Community Delivery Manager, not the Partnership Officer.


declarations of interest

Councillor Tom Gates declared a Personal Interest in Minute Nos. 311 and 312, Faversham Town Centre Restrictions and Bysingwood Road Off Road Segregated Footway/Cycleway as he was a member of Faversham Town Council.


public session

The Chairman invited those members of the public registered to speak to do so as the item was considered by Members.


part a minutes for confirmation by executive


change in order of business

The Chairman altered the order of business as minuted.


faversham parking review - update

The Engineer introduced the report which provided an update on progress of the recent Faversham Parking Review. He also reported that a petition had been received in relation to the proposed extension of the existing Residents' Parking Scheme to cover Edith Road, Canute Road, Kingsnorth Road and Belmont Road. He explained that a report on this matter would be submitted to the JTB in December 2010.

The Engineer explained that a petition had also been received from residents in Ethelbert Road in support of consultation to determine whether there was support for restricted parking, for one hour only between 10 am and 11 am, to prevent all day parking on the road. The Engineer explained that it would be possible to carry out the consultation in autumn 2010.

Mr Mitcalfe, a local resident, explained that commuter parking in Ethelbert Road had reached saturation point and he welcomed consultation on the parking restriction options that could be installed to reduce the problem.

Members raised the following points: resident parking schemes produced a 'domino' effect on nearby roads and one hour restrictions did work.

(1) That the report be noted and consultation in the Ethelbert Road area be carried out on the way forward to restrict commuter parking, and a report be submitted to the next JTB on the extension of the existing Residents' Parking Scheme to cover Edith Road, Canute Road, Kingsnorth Road and Belmont Road.

faversham town centre traffic restrictions

The Engineer introduced the report which considered a request from Faversham Town Council to close Faversham Town Centre between 10 am and 4 pm, Monday to Saturday. He explained that the Board's view was requested to help determine the way forward on this matter.

Mr Osborne, a local resident, spoke in support of pedestrianisation in Faversham Town Centre. He considered the removal of vehicles would make the town centre a safer place to shop, the current status was chaotic and there was no evidence that closure to vehicles did not work.

Town Councillor Cindy Davis spoke in favour of the closure, especially the market area and explained that reversal of the traffic flow in Preston Street would enable deliveries to take place.

A proposal was made to close the town centre to traffic from 10 am to 4 pm only on market days (Saturday, Tuesday and Friday), and to reverse the traffic flow in Preston Street, the proposal was seconded. The proposer considered this would enable deliveries to be made in Preston Street and the Alexander Centre would be in a pedestrianised area.

Members raised the following points: the town centre included Preston Street and if this is closed, it will not be accessible; there was plenty of parking for accessibility to the shops; 'café culture' was not possible if lorries were in the vicinity; closure to vehicles was a safer way to shop; there was a need to support and encourage shops and enable commercial delivery; reversing flow of Preston Street would allow deliveries to be made to shops and provide access to the Alexander Centre; closure would make the town centre a more pleasant place; varying the days of closure could be confusing; closure on market days was a good step forward, but closure Monday to Saturday would enhance the town centre; closure would provide safe access for pedestrians; easier to Police if the closure was total; complete closure can kill a high street and closure on market days and reversal of flow on Preston Street was a good compromise.

(1) That the Swale Transportation Board supports closure of the town centre to traffic from 10 am to 4 pm, only on market days (Saturday, Tuesday and Friday), and to the reversal of traffic flow in Preston Street.

bysingwood road off road segregated footway/cycleway

The Chairman advised that two petitions had been received, one in support of the removal of the cycleway, the other against its removal. The majority of those questioned wanted the cycleway removed.

The Ward Member spoke in favour of the cycleway remaining.

Mr Macdonald, a local resident, spoke against the use of public money that would be used to remove the cycleway. He explained that the cycleway narrowed the road and helped to reduce speeding vehicles. He suggested parking restrictions should be installed so that cars did not park on the cycleway.

Town Councillor Jane Hawkins reported that 84 petitioners were in favour of the removal of the cycleway and 27 wanted it to remain. She explained that the residents also wanted the situation regarding the bus shelter to be resolved.

Town Councillor Ted Wilcox explained that it was not possible for two vehicles to pass along Bysingwood Road and that Faversham Town Council supported the removal of the cycleway.

The KALC representative considered that cycling needed to be promoted, rather than remove the cycleway which could enable cars to travel faster.

A suggestion was made that a traffic flow survey be carried out after the proposed supermarket at the end of Bysingwood Road had been open for about 18 months. The Partnership Officer explained that it was likely that a cycle path was included in a Section 106 agreement with the developer in any case.

Some Members raised concerns with the design of the cycleway.

(1) That no further action be taken to remove the off-road segregated footway/cycleway.

progress update

Members considered the report which gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough and Officers answered Members' questions. Members considered the report page by page.

Mr MacDonald raised concern with the lack of progress in the reinstatement of the B2231 to an 'A' road. The Community Delivery Manager explained that the Policy for the road had been written and the next step was for it to go to the Policy Overview Committee (KCC). The Community Delivery Manager confirmed that she would request that this matter be added as an extraordinary item to the next agenda for the Policy Overview Committee to consider.

Community Delivery Manager


A Member advised that Upchurch Parish Council had set up a Road Safety Committee.

The Engineer confirmed that Key Street lay-by was included in the last Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and would go ahead in line with the installation of the next batch of disabled bays.

A Member explained that the amount of money needed to do the work involved was significant.

The Engineer confirmed that the Homewood Avenue Scheme was in the latest TRO.


various waiting restrictions - update

The Engineer introduced the report which considered objections/comments received following the recent advertising of the Faversham TRO and provided an update on various waiting restrictions in Swale.

In response to a query, the Engineer confirmed that he would discuss visibility issues regarding signage at the junction, with KHS.

(1) That the report be noted and the following waiting restrictions be installed:
Whitstable Road/Millfield Road junction, Faversham – single yellow lines to double yellow lines.

traffic regulation orders - a2 newington

A Ward Member considered that the measures taken during the proposed closure of the A2 at Newington were not adequate. He raised concerns regarding access, co-ordination with bus companies and he suggested there needed to be better consultation and more notice given. The Community Delivery Manager explained that utility companies were required to have a permit and would be fined if the work over run. A County Member considered it was difficult to make alternative routes as there was a lack of other roads that could be used and suggested diversion signs were shown further out to enable drivers to make alternative route decisions.

(1) That the report be noted.

highway works programme 2010/2011

Members considered the report which provided an update on identified schemes that had been programmed for construction by KHS in 2010/2011.

The Community Delivery Manager explained that priority was given to carriageway works rather than to footway schemes. The KALC representative raised concern with the lack of progress of the Cryalls Lane footway and the Community Delivery Manager confirmed that she would take his comments back to KHS.

With regard to Appendix D3, a Member reported that the work commenced in Sheerness in June 2010, rather than completed in June 2010 and that £5,000 had been provided for a lighting scheme.

A Member raised concern with the flooding problems on Oare Road, Faversham and was notified that a response from KCC would be tabled at the Faversham LEF meeting on 21st September 2010.

(1) That the report be noted.

sheppey cycle routes project

The Partnership Officer explained that no objections had been raised to the TRO.


policy overview committee, kent county council

The Chairman introduced the report which provided details of reports presented to the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview Committee on 29th July 2010.

The Community Delivery Manager explained that there would be a trial scheme of giant bags of salt being distributed to Parish Councils for their distribution throughout the winter. She also confirmed that contracts were in progress towards farmers agreements with regard to snow clearance in rural areas and that Parish Councils would be notified when this had been done.

(1) That the report be noted.

applications for disabled persons' parking bays

This item was deferred until the next meeting of the JTB.


exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation by executive


disabled persons' parking bay scheme - bay installations

(1) That the comments/objections made by the consultees are noted and the following disabled persons' parking bays be installed:

6 Commonwealth Close, Sittingbourne
17 Alder Close, Sheerness
2 Boxley Close, Sheerness
82 Queenborough Road, Halfway
83 Manor Road, Queenborough
22 St Nicholas Road, Faversham
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting