Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 8 September 2008

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 8th September 2008 from 5:32 pm to 7:33 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Cindy Davis, Prescott, Pat Sandle, Ghlin Whelan and Nick Williams. Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther (Chairman), Kent County Councillors Gates, Harrison, Simpson, Roger Truelove.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies, Mike Knowles and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council) and David Jenkins and Carol Valentine (Kent Highway Services).

Also In Attendance: Councillor Mike Henderson. Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) representative Councillor Mrs A Lewis.

Apologies: Kent County Councillor Bowles.



The Chairman welcomed Carol Valentine, Community Delivery Manager, Kent Highway Services (KHS) to the meeting.

Councillor Simpson was welcomed back after a period of ill health.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th June 2008 (Minute Nos. 94 - 109) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


change to the order of business

The Chairman altered the order of business, as minuted.


public session

Mr James, a local resident, suggested that the Board should look at all remits of transportation in Swale, including train timetables and ferry services. He raised concern with regard to the threatened closure of the Sittingbourne and Kemsley Light Railway (SKLR) and sought Kent County Council's (KCC) and Swale Borough Council's (SBC) support in retaining the SKLR for Sittingbourne's transport heritage and tourism.

In response, the Executive Member for Regeneration explained that he would speak to Network Rail regarding train timetabling in the Borough.

Members explained that the future of the SKLR had been submitted as a motion and question to the Council meeting on 17th September 2008 and would be discussed further at that meeting.

Mr Peter Morgan, Chairman of Swale Seniors Forum, raised concern with regard to transport in the Borough, especially bus services. He explained that bus stops were often moved without consultation and requested a written response.

Community Delivery Manager

A Member suggested that an item regarding bus services be included on the next Board agenda.

Democratic Services Officer

Councillor Harrison raised a question on behalf of Councillor Worrall. He requested that crossings be added to the High Street in Sheerness, outside St Edward's School, to New Road, Sheerness and to the road outside the Medical Centre in Sheerness.

The Transport and Development Manager explained that it was unlikely that a crossing would be located outside the school as the traffic was considered to be travelling slowly. He advised that a crossing near the Medical Centre had been included as a PIPKIN bid for 2009-2010.


part a minutes for confirmation


petition received

Kent County Councillor Gates explained that parents had raised concern with the amount and speed of traffic in the Davington School area. Two sets of plans and layouts of suggested schemes had been submitted and rejected. A third scheme had now been submitted. He advised that the scheme had scored highly on the PIPKIN assessment system and suggested that funding could be sought from a Section 106 Agreement alongside a planning application in the area.

In response to a question, the Transport and Development Manager advised that a walking bus scheme had been submitted but that not all the routes were suitable. He advised that it was difficult to resolve the traffic problem to benefit both the school users and the local residents. New plans were to be exhibited at the school. If the scheme got through the PIPKIN process, it could be funded by 2011.

The Ward Member suggested that KHS talked with the headteacher, governors and parents and consulted before the exhibition.

A Member considered that safety was the priority and suggested that any scheme be aligned, with regard to a Section 106 agreement, with the development that was being planned at Seager Road.

The Transport and Development Manager advised that consultation would take place during the planned exhibition.

(1) That the report be noted.

progress update

The Chairman suggested that the Progress Update Chart would be more workable if it was in date order, ending with the most recent.

Members considered the report which gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough and officers answered Members' questions.

A summary of the responses to questions is set out below:

A Member raised concern with the scoring of PIPKIN and suggested that some schemes be re-visited. The Transport and Development Manager advised that Swale's provisional success through PIPKIN had increased and almost one eighth of PIPKIN schemes were now Swale related.

98/06/08 (Faversham Town Centre Flows) - the Head of Environment and Amenities explained that initial work needed to be carried out with regard to resources, costings and the work programme. The scheme could then be implemented, subject to funding for the physical works.

984/03/08 (Traffic Flow on Water Lane, Ospringe) - the Transport and Development Manager explained that there was a new sign and line team, with a large backlog of work.

978/03/08 (Tunstall Village Traffic Calming) - a Ward Member advised that the scheme was a pedestrian safety scheme and would be funded with Parish Council funds.

Staplehurst Road, Sittingbourne - the Transport and Development Manager confirmed that a road was unlikely to be re-surfaced with quiet re-surfacing, until the road needed to be re-surfaced. A Ward Member did not agree with this procedure.

723/12/07 (Disabled Access to Sittingbourne High Street) - the Transport and Development Manager reported that work would commence week commencing 22nd September 2008 in Faversham and Sittingbourne. He explained that the issues in Sheerness appeared to have been resolved but he would re-visit the town.

720/12/07 - a Member explained that he had not received an update on this item, actioned to the Senior Design Engineer.

A Member reminded the Board that he had requested a schedule of works on gullies and drains in the Borough; he reported that he had not received one.

Some Members agreed that a programme of gully maintenance was necessary. The Chairman suggested that a report regarding schedule of works on gullies and drains be submitted to the next meeting of the Board.

Democratic Services Officer

The Transport and Development Manager advised that the number to ring if there was a gully or drain problem was 08458 247 800.

454/9/07 - A Member reported that she had received complaints with regard to the B2231; a safety surface had been put down, but the cats eyes had been covered over. She requested a meeting be held with the four parishes of Eastchurch, Warden, Minster and Leysdown. The Community Delivery Manager explained that she would look into the problem with the cats' eyes, and arrange a meeting with the four parishes.

Community Delivery Manager

448/9/07 (Proposed Traffic Management Scheme, Richmond Street/Marine Parade) - the Transport and Development Manager advised that there would be an exhibition on a proposed scheme and that it may be on the PIPKIN list next year.

440/9/07 (Sittingbourne High Street - works to assist visually impaired people) - A Member reported that the recommendations had not been carried out.

193/6/07 (Audit on CCTV obstruction) - the Head of Environment and Amenities reported that a schedule was being prepared and that the current list of problems may need to be updated. He advised that he would forward the list to the Members of the Board and take responsibility to chase external bodies responsible for any obstruction of CCTV cameras.

Head of Environment and Amenities

185/6/07 (Faversham Parking Review Update) - the Engineer advised that residents in Ethelbert Road would be consulted next time a review was being carried out, following concerns that the parking restriction in Athelstan Road had caused a domino affect in Ethelbert Road.

178/6/07 (A251, Faversham to Challock - speed management safety improvements) - Kent County Councillor Gates considered that attention should be given to putting a roundabout or traffic lights where the A251 met the A2 in Faversham, and where the A2 met the top of the Mall.

Some Members agreed that congestion in this area was bad, especially at peak hours in the morning and evening.

The Transport and Development Manager brought Members' attention to the tabled paper and advised that the PIPKIN score for this scheme had not been very high. He also advised that the costs for the scheme would be high and that the scheme was considered to be a low priority. He explained that it was not possible to place a mini roundabout at the junction and suggested that rat runs into Faversham would increase.

Some Members raised concern over issues that were considered to be a priority or not. A Member reminded them that Officers worked to the guidelines set out in the PIPKIN process

176/6/07 (Bus stop access and parking problems at Bysingwood Road, Faversham) - the Transport and Development Manager explained that the work would be carried out during the next round of funding in 2009/2010.

344/9/06 (Speed Limit Review - Faversham) - the Transport and Development Manager explained that criteria for speed limits could be found on the Department for Transport's website.

(1) That the progress report be noted and the actions identified be progressed.

sheerness parking review

In response to a query, the Engineer confirmed that he would forward a clearer map to any Members requesting a copy. He agreed to amend Annex A in the report to read 'Are there any parking problems…….' and to amend the fourth paragraph to begin 'Your experience………', and add 'because we need…..' after 'within the town'.

The Chairman suggested that 'Thank you' be in bold lettering.

(1) That the report be noted and the Sheerness Parking Review continue as proposed.

sittingbourne residents' parking scheme

The Head of Environment and Amenities introduced the report which provided updates on progress with the Sittingbourne Residents' Parking Scheme. He brought Members' attention to paragraph two in the report and advised that further comments had been received and that a review of the scheme would be brought forward to October 2008.

The Chairman suggested that the entire telephone number, not the extension number, be added to the report author's details.

(1) That the report be noted.

proposed amendments to parking restrictions

The Engineer introduced his report which outlined the results of recent consultation exercises carried out in various locations in relation to new waiting restrictions.

He explained that following initial consultations, amendments had been made and a second consultation had taken place.

In response to a question, the Engineer explained that the restrictions at Ashford Road, Faversham varied throughout the day to take into account the problem of parking near the entrance of the M2. He explained that it was hoped that KCC would complete the Traffic Regulation Order in November 2008.

(1) That the report be noted together with the objections and comments from consultees and that the waiting restrictions/amendments be implemented at Ashford Road, Faversham.
(2) That the report be noted together with the objections and comments from consultees and that the waiting restrictions/amendments not be implemented at Bysingwood Road, Faversham and Priory Road, Faversham.
(3) That the consultees be notified accordingly.

highway advisory board

A Member asked whether publication could be made regarding 20 mph speed limits outside schools. The Transport and Development Manager advised that there were leaflets explaining speed limits in Kent. He agreed to find out whether there were plans to include information regarding limits outside schools in the leaflets.

Transport and Development Manager
(1) That the report be noted.

highway works programme 2008/2009

The Chairman brought Members' attention to the tabled paper with reference to Appendix C3, School Lane Junction, Iwade. The Transport and Development Manager explained that a letter would be sent to the Parish Clerk to update them of progress made. He advised that there would not be any public consultation on this matter.

A Member referred to Appendix D1, Brent Swing Bridge and welcomed KCC's involvement and emphasised the importance of the bridge in relation to the regeneration of Faversham Creek. The Community Development Manager advised that she would report back to Members on progress of this matter.

Community Development Manager

With reference to Appendix D1, Canute Road, Faversham, a Member requested that white lines be included in the scheme.

With reference to Appendix D4, Swanstree Avenue, Bapchild, a Member requested that a written update be provided.

Transport and Development Manager

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph(s) 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation


residents' petition - disabled parking bay 30 manor grove, sittingbourne

(1) That the petition be noted and the bay not be deleted at this time, but the usage of the bay and grass verge parking be monitored.
(2) That residents that signed the petition be notified of the decision.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting