Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 16 June 2008

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 16th June 2008 from 5:30 pm to 7:50 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Cindy Davis, Prescott, Pat Sandle, Ghlin Whelan and Nick Williams.

Officers Present: Katherine Bescoby, Michael Knowles and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council) and David Jenkins and Chris Maw (Kent Highway Services).

Also In Attendance: Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther (Chairman), Kent County Councillors Gates, Harrison and Roger Truelove. Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) representative Councillor Mrs A Lewis.

Apologies: Kent County Councillors Bowles, Simpson and Ferrin.



At the start of the meeting the Chairman asked Officers to introduce themselves.

Swale Borough Council (SBC)
Mr Michael Knowles - Engineer
Mr Brian Planner - Head of Environment and Amenities

Kent Highway Services (KHS)
Mr David Jenkins - Transport and Development Manager Ashford and Swale
Mr Chris Maw - Community Delivery Manager

Members asked that Kent County Councillor Keith Ferrin be reminded of future meeting dates of the Joint Transportation Board.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th March 2008 (Minute Nos. 967 - 985) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

Kent County Councillor Gates and Swale Borough Councillor Cindy Davis advised that some of the issues on the agenda had been previously discussed at Faversham Town Council Meetings, which they were Members of. That discussion had, however, been based on the information provided at that time and prior to the results of consultation.


public session

The Chairman altered the order of business to reflect that Mr Campbell Forsyth wished to speak on agenda item no. 5, and Mr Peter MacDonald, Chairman of Minster Parish Council, wished to speak on agenda item nos. 7, 11 and 12. He also drew attention to the comments that had been tabled from Leysdown Parish Council and Warden Parish Council.

Kent County Councillor Gates also presented a petition from Davington Primary School which asked for the urgent consideration to make both crossing and using the pavements alongside the road outside the School safe for children. The Chairman advised that a report would be considered on this subject at the next meeting.


part a minutes for confirmation


progress update

Members considered the report which gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough.

Mr Campbell Forsyth referred to page 13 of the report, Minute No. 177/6/07 - Faversham Town Centre Traffic Flows, and asked what progress had been made to progress the scheme. He also asked who would be funding the cost of the scheme and feasibility works, given that there was confusion whether it was the responsibility of Faversham Town Council or Swale Borough Council, or could be funded using Section 106 funds.

The Head of Environment and Amenities advised that it had been agreed that the scheme would be progressed in principle subject to funding being made available. He was not aware that funding had been made available however he would check and report back to the next meeting. He did not have any resources to fund this work.

A discussion ensued regarding how to progress the scheme and how it could be funded; in particular reference was made to links with the Streetscape Strategy being developed by the Faversham Enterprise Partnership.

Other items in the progress report were considered later in the meeting. (Minute No. 102 refers).

(1) That the Head of Environment and Amenities provides a report to the next meeting regarding funding options for the scheme agreed in principle for Faversham Town Centre Traffic Flows.
Head of Environment and Amenities

bus clearways

Members considered the report of the Head of Environment and Amenities which advised that Minster Parish Council wished for all bus laybys to be signed appropriately as bus clearways. The report advised that it would not be possible, within existing resources, to classify all bus stops; however it would be investigated as part of the review of parking in Sheppey that would be carried out this year.

Mr Peter MacDonald, Chairman of Minster Parish Council referred to the problem of cars for sale in laybys, and suggested that by designating laybys as clearways, on the spot fines could be issued which would act as a deterrent.

The Engineer advised that the proposal was a major task however if there were any particular areas of concern, these could be considered as part of the planned review of parking.

In response to questions, the Head of Environment and Amenities confirmed that if there was a traffic regulation order (TRO) in place, a fixed penalty notice could be issued by the Street Wardens. He advised the Board to notify the Council's customer service centre regarding any such cars. Action could also be taken for commercial sales, of 2 or more vehicles.

(1) That the investigation of bus clearways be undertaken as part of the planned review of parking on Sheppey later this year.
Head of Environment and Amenities

b2231 lower road

Mr Peter Macdonald, Chairman of Minster Parish Council, advised that the B2231, Lower Road used to be an A road and asked that it be reinstated as the A250 and kept up to standard.

The Community Delivery Manager gave an update regarding the classification of the B2231. He advised Members that the process of changing the criteria of the road was with the Network Management Team at KCC. Jacobs had carried out a factual report and this would be considered by the Network Management Team in due course.

Discussion ensued regarding the repairs carried out on the B2231, including issues with flooding due to drainage. The Community Delivery Manager agreed to speak with the Member concerned outside of the meeting.

(1) That Officers progress this to reclassify the B2231 as an A road.
Community Delivery Manager

the broadway, minster

The Community Delivery Manager gave an update regarding speed limits and street lighting on the Broadway, Minster. He understood that some residents had concerns about dark spots and inconsistent lighting. He advised that additional lighting had been introduced, however more was needed. This was not within a programme this year but would be put forward as a scheme the following year. The Transport and Development Manager apologised that due to resource issues there was no funding available regarding speed limits.

Mr Peter MacDonald, Chairman of Minster Parish Council, raised concern about the dark spots and asked that the situation was addressed. He also congratulated KCC regarding the maintenance of the lights.

A discussion ensued concerning requests for street lighting, balanced against the need to reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint. The Community Delivery Manager advised that they aspired to have more energy efficient lighting and this was being developed.

(1) That the report be noted.

progress update (continued)

Members considered the progress update page by page, during which officers answered Members' questions.

It was acknowledged that due to restructuring at Kent Highways, the Kent Highway Services Officers in attendance at the meeting were new and might not be in a position to answer all questions at the meeting. The Board requested a detailed progress report to the September meeting and the Kent Highway Services Officers undertook to give updates to Members. A summary of the responses to questions is set out below:

984/03/08 - Traffic Flow on Water Lane, Ospringe - no work was planned for 2008/09.

978/03/08 - Tunstall Village Traffic Calming - the PIPKIN assessment was ongoing.

971/03/08 - Proposed No Waiting At Any Time Parking Restrictions on London Road, Sittingbourne - This matter would be considered by the Highways Advisory Board. It was suggested that Councillor Barnicott be invited to attend. The Chairman undertook to arrange this.

Staplehurst Road, Sittingbourne - Officers agreed to pass on information to the Head of Countywide Improvements.

967/03/08 - updates would be given to Members regarding Love Lane, Faversham. Granville Road, Sheerness would be the subject of a report in September.

725/12/07 Sittingbourne Industrial Park - funding was available, an update would be provided.

723/12/07 Disabled Access to Sittingbourne High Street - this had been progressed and information would be passed to the engineers.

720/12/07 Capital Works Programme 2007/08- an update would be provided to the Members.

722/12/07 Cleaning of Gullies and Drains - Members asked for a schedule of action for the Board to consider. Work was progressing by the Kent Highways Services to set up a database identifying which gullies needed cleaning more frequently. A Member referred to a Scrutiny Panel review on this subject and asked that this information be passed to Kent Highway Services.

715/12/07 Faversham Parking Review - the traffic regulation order was being progressed.

448/09/07 Proposed Traffic Management Scheme, Richmond Street/Marine Parade - an update would be provided to the Ward Member regarding consultation.

454/09/07 B2231 - Officers advised that work had been completed and checks would be undertaken regarding layout and workmanship. Responses would be made to the Parish Councils.

442/09/07 A251 - Officers advised that signage had been installed, they were waiting to complete friction surfacing and the foliage needed to be cleared in certain areas. Work would be complete well before the end of the financial year. It was also suggested that some reflectors needed to be reinstalled in front of properties.

193/06/07 Audit on CCTV Obstruction - Members referred to the Scrutiny Panel review regarding CCTV and asked that works to cut back foliage was prioritised.

196/06/07 Langley Road, Sittingbourne - the cost of a crossing would be £15,000 upwards.

440/09/07 Sittingbourne High Street - Works To Assist Visually Impaired People - a Member advised that the Chairman of the Sittingbourne Christmas Lights Association had indicated that they would prefer to have lights vertically on lampposts rather than hanging across the street, and hoped to meet with KCC regarding this.

185/06/07 Faversham Parking Review Update - Tanners Street Area - Members were advised that feedback from consultation indicated that residents would be willing to use this long stay car park for residential parking. A further report would be provided to the Board.

344/09/06 Speed Limit Review - Faversham - Officers agreed to report back regarding the progress with the introduction of a 30mph speed limit in Graveney Road.

(1) That the progress report be noted and a more detailed report be provided to the next meeting.

parking restrictions - various locations

Members considered the report setting out details of responses to various consultation exercises regarding new waiting restrictions, and recommended courses of action regarding each location.

Members spoke regarding the proposals in their respective wards.

In response to a question, the Head of Environment and Amenities explained that much of the cost of the works was the consultation, and that the yellow lines were painted when there were other works in the area so the cost was minimal.

In response to a question concerning Murton Place, the Engineer advised that the residents fronting the proposal had been consulted, however as it was a cul-de-sac he acknowledged that there other properties could be affected. There were issues with school traffic; however the school was installing a car park.

(1) That the report and the consultation responses be noted.
(2) That officers implement the following waiting restrictions/amendments
(a) London Road, Teynham - Single Yellow Line
(b) Minster Drive/The Leas, Minster - Extension of Double Yellow Lines
(c) Portland Avenue, Sittingbourne - Double Yellow Lines (with amendments)
(d) Wises Lane Area (North end), Sittingbourne - Various Parking Restrictions
(e) Wises Lane/Brier Road (South end), Sittingbourne - Double Yellow Lines

(3) That officers do not progress with the following waiting restrictions/amendments
(a) Garfield Place, Faversham - Additional Parking Spaces
(b) Makenade Avenue, Faversham - Double Yellow Lines
(c) Murton Place, Graveney - Single Yellow Line

(4) That consultees be notified accordingly.
Head of Environment and Amenities

parking restrictions

Members considered the report of the Head of Environment and Amenities which reported the results of consultation on waiting restrictions at various locations in the Borough.

It was suggested that the traffic speed could be investigated in Darkhill/Davington Hill/Curtis Way, Faversham.

(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That officers implement the following waiting restrictions
(a) Oad Street, Borden
(b) Peregrine Drive, Sittingbourne
(c) Dark Hill/Davington Hill/Curtis Way, Faversham
(d) West Lane, Sittingbourne

(3) That consultees be notified accordingly.
Head of Environment and Amenities

petition received - winstanley road area, sheerness

Members considered the report of the Head of Environment and Amenities which reported that a petition had been received from residents of Winstanley Road, Sheerness which asked for a residents parking area in that area and for the one way system to be reversed, due to difficulties parking.

Officer's recommended that a survey of Winstanley Road and the surrounding area should take place as part of the parking review of Sheppey which was due to commence in 2009.

(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That this be investigated further as part of the forthcoming parking review.
Head of Environment and Amenities

highway advisory board 4th march and 8th may 2008

Members were presented with the reports which had been considered by Kent County Council's (KCC's) Highways Advisory Board meetings on the above date. These included progress on major capital schemes; highway tree inspections - customer care; speed management in KCC; free travel for 11 - 16 year olds; Kent Highway Services - Director's update; HA tactical diversion routes; proposed KCC permit scheme; management of footway parking; transportation and safety package programme 08/09.

(1) That the report be noted.

capital works programme

Members were presented with an update on the identified schemes approved for construction in 2008/09.

A Member referred to the Local Transport Plan Programme schemes and asked why Swale Borough Council seemed to have been allocated a disproportionately amount of funding compared to other authorities. The Transport and Development Manager advised that the submissions for 2009/10 would be much more robust and it was likely that Swale would be awarded a greater amount. The Community Delivery Manager explained that drainage and street lighting schemes were currently being assessed.

A discussion ensued concerning how to identify a footway scheme for inclusion in the programme. It was confirmed that KCC monitored the highways and footpath (safety and condition survey) and put together schemes, for PIPKIN assessment, as appropriate. Any areas of concern could be reported to Aprille Hall at KCC, the liaison officer for the Swale area. The Board also confirmed that for the next meeting, it wished to see figures for the funding provided by KCC Members and developer funded works in the report (Appendix D2).

(1) That the report be noted.

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph(s) 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation


disabled parking bays

Members considered the report which set out details of the consultations carried out as part of the process for individual disabled persons parking bay applications and deletions.

Members queried why this should be reported to the Joint Transportation Board for approval.

(1) That the comments/objection made by the consultees be noted.
(2) That the following disabled parking bays be installed:
(a) 10 School Road, Faversham
(b) 10 Springhead Road, Faversham.
Head of Environment and Amenities
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting