Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 17 March 2008

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 17th March 2008 from 5:33 pm to 7:53 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Sandra Garside, Prescott, Pat Sandle and Ghlin Whelan.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies, Michael Knowles, Ian Lewis and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council (SBC)) and Michael Sammut (Kent Highway Services (KHS)).

Also In Attendance: Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther (Vice-Chairman), Kent County Councillors Bowles, Gates, Harrison and Roger Truelove. Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) representative Councillor Mrs A Lewis.

Apologies: Councillor Manuella Tomes and Kent County Councillors Ferrin and Brenda Simpson.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th December 2007 (Minute Nos. 709 - 727) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

A Member requested that residents' parking be reviewed in the Granville Road and Rose Street area of Sheerness. The Head of Environment and Amenities explained that the Isle of Sheppey was the next area to be reviewed. Some Members raised concern with the progress of schemes on Love Lane, Faversham and works on the A2. The Chairman suggested that the Senior Transportation Engineer updated Members individually.

Senior Transportation Engineer

declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


order of business

The Chairman altered the order of business as minuted.


public session

The Chairman advised that the registered speakers would be invited to speak under the relevant Agenda item.


part a minutes for confirmation


proposed no waiting at any time parking restrictions on london road, sittingbourne

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report and explained that highway safety measures were needed, following planning permission granted to develop a vacant site along London Road. These measures were needed to ensure that access onto and off the site were done safely. He reported that six car parking spaces would be lost. Objections had been received from residents on London Road and other adjoining roads where the displacement of vehicles would affect their streets.

Mrs Palmer, a local resident, London Road was concerned with the affect that double yellow lines would have on her property which she rented out. She considered future tenants would be put off if there was no parking allowed outside the property and that local residents were being penalised.

Mrs Kaur, a local business women, London Road submitted a petition of 525 signatories to the Board. She suggested that the developers on the site were receiving preferential treatment and that heavy vehicles moving on and off the site during development of the site had not affected the traffic on London Road. She raised concern with the detrimental effect on her business and the community.

A Ward Member, with regard to the safety measures of the proposals, suggested that traffic along London Road, at that point was fairly slow anyway, due to traffic lights and a nearby petrol station which slowed traffic down. He highlighted that there was no alternative parking for the vehicles that normally parked there. He also raised concern that these proposals had not been raised at Planning Committee when the planning application was submitted.

The Senior Transportation Engineer explained that if no parking restrictions were implemented, the right hand turn proposed in the scheme, would result in obstruction of the road caused by parked cars. He suggested that if the scheme did not go ahead, the junction into the development could become dangerous.

Some Members suggested that if details of this scheme had been known to the Planning Committee, the application would have been refused.

The Chairman advised the members of the public that as the Swale Joint Transportation Board was an advisory board and did not make the final decision, the recommendation from this Board would be submitted to the Highways Advisory Board, who would then advise the Kent County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways who would then make the decision. Members of the public could attend the meeting, but were unable to speak. The meeting would be at 10.30 am on 8th May 2008 at County Hall Maidstone.

(1) That the petition be noted.
(2) That the proposed no waiting at any time parking restrictions on London Road are not implemented.
(3) That a letter is written to the Highways Advisory Board and Kent County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways advising them of this decision and these minutes be included.

staplehurst road, sittingbourne

A Member submitted a petition requesting quiet surface re-surfacing on Staplehurst Road, Sittingbourne. He suggested that a bid was made for this and although the road was short, the quiet surfacing would be beneficial to local residents.

(1) That the petition be noted.
(2) That a report be written to enable a bid to be made for quiet re-surfacing on Staplehurst Road, Sittingbourne.
Senior Transportation Engineer

taxi rank outside sittingbourne post office

Mrs Lewis (KALC) raised concern with the taxi rank outside Sittingbourne Post Office. She queried the need and reason for the taxi rank being there and that this had reduced the space where cars could park.

The Head of Environment and Amenities explained that this had been considered at the meeting of the Board on 17th December 2007. A couple of objections had been received, but the scheme had been proposed as there were insufficient taxi ranks in Sittingbourne. He explained that the taxi rank had only recently been marked out and confirmed that its use would be reviewed in the future to see whether taxis were using it.


progress update

Members examined the chart, which provided an update on the progress made in relation to various schemes within the Borough. The report included SBC items only, as no update had been received from KHS.

With regard to the Christmas Lights Group (Minute No. 440/9/07 refers), the Head of Environment and Amenities explained that he would be meeting with the group and KCC to ensure that their lighting posts were painted correctly for Christmas 2008.

The Senior Transportation Engineer agreed to look into the following:

  • Audit on CCTV obstruction (Minute No. 193/6/07 refers).
  • A Ward Member requested details of the KHS Structural Condition Survey with regard to the B2231/Jenkins Hill. The Senior Transportation Engineer explained that this had been considered at the extraordinary meeting of the Board in May 2007. A colour coded plan had been circulated which enabled it to be more user-friendly. He confirmed that the Ward Member could receive a copy of the raw data.
  • A Member requested a further copy of the restrictions along the A251. In response to a question, the Senior Transportation Engineer explained that the cats' eyes would not be removed and the ones that were missing would be replaced. He advised that work would begin in March 2008.
  • With regard to Bysingwood Road, Faversham (Minute No. 176/6/07 refers), the Senior Transportation Engineer confirmed that Option One was going ahead and was being dealt with by consultants.
  • With regard to the speed limit review (Minute No. 344/9/06 refers), the Senior Transportation Engineer explained this was part of a larger scheme and he was not aware of the progress but would look into it.
  • A County Councillor highlighted that there were two conflicting road speeds on Love Lane in Faversham.
  • A County Councillor suggested that, as the report had not included any KHS comments, it be updated and re-circulated before the next meeting of the Board.

Senior Transportation Engineer
(1) That the report be noted.

swale transport strategy update report

The Project Manager introduced his report which was an update of work undertaken during the 2008-2009 financial year to support the delivery of the transport strategy.

He explained that it was hoped that public consultation, with regard to the Northern Relief Road, would be at the end of 2008. He reported that there was no funding in place at the moment for the East Hall Farm section to the A2.

Work on the Rushenden Relief Road was due to commence in April 2008 and was expected to last for 18 months.

The Senior Transportation Engineer explained that work on the Swanstree Avenue Extension had been held up because of legal issues, but was due to start imminently. He advised that he would report back to the Board when the work had been completed.

Senior Transportation Engineer

Consultation on work on the A2 corridor at Teynham would start in May 2008.

The Project Manager reported that he had noted the affects caused by 'Operation Stack' in the last few weeks and informed Members of work that the South East Regional Assembly would be progressing in relation to the M20 and A2/M2 corridors across Kent.

(1) That the report be noted.

traffic regulation orders

The Head of Environment and Amenities introduced the report and explained that four objections had been received with regard to a proposed extension of waiting restrictions.

In response to a query from a local business, the Head of Environment and Amenities confirmed that London Road was not included in the scheme and businesses in that area would not be eligible to receive a permit. If they had been inside the area of the scheme, they would have been allowed two permits. He explained that if staff from businesses along London Road received permits, parking problems would increase. He suggested that residents in houses 1 - 21 and 2 - 34 be allowed to apply for permits within this residents parking zone, otherwise they would have no parking spaces. Business staff were encouraged to use nearby car parks or public transport.

(1) That Members note the report of formal objections made and recommend that Officers implement the proposed restrictions and disabled bays as detailed in Annex B.
(2) That some residential addresses in London Road be allowed to apply for permits within this scheme.

traffic regulation order

The Head of Environment and Amenities introduced the report which detailed formal objections to a Traffic Regulation Order advertised in December 2007 with regard to the Queenborough High Street area.

He advised that there were two areas under consideration; Well Road and North Road and the High Street, near the Church. Objections were included in the report and he reported that the area outside the Church would not be included in the Order and that any objections to this would be monitored.

(1) That the formal objections received following a Traffic Regulation Order advertisement are noted and proposed waiting restrictions are installed, apart from the restrictions outside the Holy Trinity Church, Queenborough and that consultees/objectors are notified accordingly.

b2231 works programme

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report and explained that it was an update to the proposed highway safety measures and improvements on the B2231.

He explained that the proposed work had been widely advertised. The work commenced on 12th March 2008 and would last for five weeks, stopping at Easter.

A Member reported that signs at Thistle Hill needed to be adjusted as they had been nudged by traffic.

Senior Transportation Engineer
(1) That the report be noted.

proposed draft integrated transport programme for 2009/2010 and prioritising investment programmes on the kent integrated network (pipkin)

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report and encouraged the Board to put forward any schemes by mid-April 2008, and to match them with the objectives set out in Appendix One. He explained that PIPKIN 2 was a vast improvement on PIPKIN 1 and scores that may have been low with PIPKIN 1, could now achieve higher scores with PIPKIN 2.

(1) That Members of the Board note the proposed programme for 2008/2009 and support the ongoing application of PIPKIN and assist Kent Highway Services in the formulation of the future 2009/2010 Integrated Programme for Swale by submitting suggestions for schemes for assessment by mid-April 2008.

tunstall village traffic calming

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report and explained that it was an update on the proposed traffic management and pedestrian safety scheme in Tunstall.

The Ward Member had attended a meeting on 11th March 2008 with concerned parties. He reported that there had been a positive response to the proposals and to the inclusion of the scheme into the PIPKIN process.

(1) That the report be noted and the proposed actions endorsed.

disabled access strategy update

The Senior Transportation Engineer reported that he had attended a meeting in December 2007 with SBC's Access Officer and Swale Access Group (SAG). SAG had identified areas and routes suitable for disabled access and consultants had identified the scheme for implementation.

In response to a question, the Senior Transportation Engineer explained that the £50,000 for the scheme had been split depending on the cost of the works being looked into.

(1) That the report be noted.

gadby road, sittingbourne - traffic calming review

The Senior Transportation Engineer reported to the Board following a meeting that he had with a Ward Member regard to speed bumps in Gadby Road and Sandford Road, Sittingbourne. He advised that traffic calming, as a result of the speed bumps, had been successful and their removal could be detrimental to residents, and to what had been achieved so far. KCC had not received any insurance claims for damage to any vehicles as a result of the traffic calming scheme and he considered the scheme to be a good one.

The Ward Member explained that he questioned the policy of including speed bumps along a whole length of road, but concluded that he was happy with the update.

(1) That the report be noted.

petition received - traffic calming on wallbridge lane, upchurch

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report on a petition that had been received requesting traffic calming in Wallbridge Lane, Upchurch. He reported that an investigation concluded that the speed along the lane was consistent with the existing speed limit and the crash record was good.

A Ward Member suggested that when the area was next monitored, the embankment was checked as vehicles sometimes drove up the embankment to avoid oncoming vehicles.


(1) That the report be noted, no further action taken and further monitoring to take place.

traffic management act 2004

The Head of Environment and Amenities introduced his report on recent changes on parking enforcement previously contained in the Road Traffic Act 1991, as reported at the Executive meeting on 2nd January 2008. He confirmed that the Executive had agreed to a higher level of penalty charge notice of £50/£70 to apply to the different levels of penalties.

(1) That the report be noted.

structure of kent highway services

The Senior Transportation Engineer gave a verbal update on the current transformation process of KHS. Restructuring had resulted in some loss of staff and Transport and Development Control had lost 16 staff. Recruitment was expected to have been completed by March 2008. David Jenkins would be Transportation and Development Manager responsible for Swale and Ashford from April 2008 and additional staff should result in Swale being well served.


traffic flow on water lane, ospringe

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report following the site visit to Water Lane, Ospringe.

He reported that short term measures could be carried out in the 2008 - 2009 financial year and the medium term measures would include the PIPKIN 2 process and would involve consultation. He confirmed that he would update Ward Members.

Senior Transportation Engineer
(1) That the report be noted.

capital works programme 2007/2008

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced the report which updated the Board on the proposed identified schemes that are intended for completion by KHS within the 2007-2008 programme.

Some Members of the Board suggested that there should be joined up working between agencies when works or problems occurred.

The Senior Transportation Engineer advised that with regard to the A2 route study through Upchurch, the study had been completed and that traffic patterns could be put forward to the PIPKIN process.

Senior Transportation Engineer
(1) That the report be noted.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting