Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 17 September 2007

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 17th September 2007 from 5:30 pm to 7:13 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Chairman), Councillors Cindy Davis, Gerry Lewin (substitute for Councillor Sandra Garside), Prescott, Pat Sandle, Manuella Tomes and Ghlin Whelan. Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther (Vice-Chairman) and Kent County Councillors Gates, Harrison and Roger Truelove. Kent Association of Parish Councils' representative: Mrs A Lewis.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council (SBC)) and Behdad Haratbar and Michael Sammut (Kent Highway Services (KHS)).

Apologies: Councillor Sandra Garside and Kent County Councillors Bowles, Ferrin and Brenda Simpson.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 25th June 2007 (Minute Nos. 172 - 198) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


order of business

The Chairman altered the order of business as minuted.


public session

The Chairman advised that the registered speakers would be invited to speak under the relevant Agenda item.


part a minutes for confirmation


sittingbourne high street - works to assist visually impaired people

The Head of Amenities introduced his report which updated the Board on work already carried out to improve access to visually impaired people in the high street in Sittingbourne.

The Chairman invited members of the public to speak on this item.

Mrs A McLean, Swale Access Group (SAG) registered her disappointment that this item had come back to the Board. She considered that the matter had been decided upon at a previous meeting and understood that the scheme was going ahead. She explained that members of the public had approached her and thought that the painting was too bright. She advised that although the markings appeared bright to sighted people; its brightness was important to visually impaired people. She stressed the necessity to paint all the street furniture for health and safety reasons.

Mrs Doreen Goodwin, (SAG), reminded Members of the Board that this issue had initially been raised in 1999. She explained that the Kent Association for the Blind (KAB) had tested the route and had thought it dangerous. She reported that a local blind group had praised the painting and it had brought to their attention the amount of bollards in the high street. She considered that accidents could happen if the lampposts were not painted. KAB suggested that SBC Members could meet with them to experience what it was like to be visually impaired.

In response to a question, the Chairman explained that he had brought this item back to the Board to find out why the works had not been completed.

The Head of Amenities explained that he had prepared the report to update Members of the Board on the current situation. He explained that one issue was the way the bollards had been painted. He presented a photograph which showed an option of how the bollards could be painted in the future.

A Member queried why a SBC Officer and not a KHS Officer had written the report and noted that there had been delays in any progress with the scheme. He raised concern that he had not been kept informed by Officers and considered the painting to be of poor quality. The Head of Transport Planning re-iterated that the Chairman, as a representative of both KCC and SBC had requested the report.

Discussion ensued with regard to the continued delay in painting the street furniture on the high street and the importance of its completion for the safety of visually impaired people.

In response to questions, the Head of Transport Planning confirmed that £50,000 had been allocated to identify and improve access routes to local centres and that the Access Group were being consulted to identify the most appropriate routes. Measures to improve access routes included dropped kerbs, tactile paving etc.

The Head of Amenities clarified the recommendations within the report. He explained that recommendation two was in place so that the temporary lighting posts during the Christmas period were highlighted to enable them to be more visible to visually impaired people.

(1) That the painting work be completed as originally planned; the street lighting columns be painted with high-visibility bands, and further work be undertaken to explore whether the tactile paving, already implemented, could be enhanced.
(2) That the Christmas Lights Group be informed that they will not be allowed to erect their lighting posts unless they are painted in the Sittingbourne corporate green colour with a high visibility band.

lack of signage for minster on the new a249 improvement scheme

Mr Macdonald, Minster Parish Council, spoke with regard to the lack of signage for Minster on the new A249 improvement scheme. He explained that they were opposed to KHS's decision to route traffic to Minster via the A250 and B2008, which could result in Halfway being congested. Minster Parish Council had suggested that Minster was signed at both the Cowstead Corner roundabouts, not just one of them.

Members agreed that additional signage was needed.

The Senior Transportation Engineer (KHS) reported that their meeting with Minster Parish Council had been informative and fact finding. He acknowledged that conflict had arisen due to KCC's policy of signing higher classification roads. KHS agreed to signing Minster off the A249 and to improve road markings. He explained that signage to Sheerness was in the process of being considered with the Highways Agency Board.


progress update

Members examined the chart, which provided an update on the progress made in relation to various schemes within the Borough.

The Head of Transport Planning explained that items shown on the chart were either those that had recently been completed or yet to be completed.

In response to the Faversham Parking Review update, the Head of Amenities confirmed that Preston Avenue residents would be consulted for the consideration of further double yellow lines.

In response to a question, the Head of Transport Planning explained that the speed management safety improvements on the A251, Faversham to Challock, would be completed this financial year, not at the end of the summer as previously stated. He advised that he would look into the matter further and update Councillors Bowles, Bobbin and Prescott as soon as possible.

Head of Transport Planning

With regard to highway safety issues on Jenkins Hill, the Head of Transport Planning explained that this section of the B2231 would be resurfaced during this financial year. He added that KCC had announced a further £4.7 million of revenue and £6.9 million of capital funding for highways and that the Mid Kent share was £2.7 million. This money would be spent on patching and haunching and resurfacing carriageways, footway repair, pothole repair, road markings, signage and street lighting. A Member raised concern with regard to when a speed limit would be enforced and concerns of road closure which resulted in loss of access.

Members raised concern that bollards positioned on the A251, Ashford Road, Faversham were too far apart and drivers were parking in between them; it was suggested that the scheme needed to be managed.

(1) That the report be noted.

sittingbourne residents' parking scheme

The Head of Amenities introduced his report and explained that it was in two parts. Firstly, a report on the existing residents parking scheme and the results following consultation. He advised that the majority of residents were happy with the present scheme and thought it should be extended to include Saturdays.

The second part of the report dealt with the extension of the scheme and the results following consultation. He explained that initial consultation was held to gauge opinion and further consultation on possible scheme implementation.

(1) That in Areas 1 and 2 a residents parking scheme be introduced, subject to further engagement with residents in order to develop the detail of the scheme.
(2) That the scheme be extended to include Saturday.
(3) That a report be submitted to the Sittingbourne, Milton Regis and Kemsley Unparished Area Grants Committee informing them of the consultation process and to seek funding if necessary.
Head of Amenities

(4) That Officers be delegated, in conjunction with local Ward Members, to make minor changes to the scheme resulting from further resident engagement.

parking restrictions - various locations

The Head of Amenities introduced his report which updated the Board on the progress of various Traffic Regulation Orders. This also considered the results of recent consultations with regard to new waiting restrictions. He explained that a single yellow line was to be removed in High Street, Sheerness after concluding that it was not now required, although it had been included in the Traffic Order. A complaint regarding the taxi-rank at Hope Way, Sheerness was considered not to be valid. The Head of Amenities confirmed that he would report back to Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther regarding the timescale for the implementation of the clearway markings at the Minster Road/Scrapsgate Road junction.

Head of Amenities
(1) That the single yellow line in High Street, Sheerness be removed.
(2) That a taxi rank be installed in Hope Way, Sheerness.

faversham town centre traffic restrictions

The Head of Amenities explained that implementation of the preferred option was going ahead. He explained the revised traffic flows and controls which would be financed by a Section 106 Agreement.

(1) That the oral update report be noted.

petition relating to excessive speed of traffic in scarborough drive, minster

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report which explained that a petition had been received from residents of Scarborough Drive, Minster. He advised that he would report back to the Board after the next PIPKIN assessment.

Members agreed that speeding traffic was a problem throughout the Borough and considered that the problem should be enforced by the Police

(1) That the proposed investigatory work be endorsed.

prioritising investment programmes on the kent integrated network (pipkin) progress update

The Head of Transport Planning tabled a progress update report that would be submitted at the next Highways Advisory Board on 18th September 2007.

(1) That the report be noted.

proposed traffic management scheme, richmond street/marine parade - update report

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report which updated the Board on the proposed course of action. He reminded Members that the Board had recommended that the schemes be progressed. However, the guiding principle for traffic calming was that associated local issues were considered and that the Board's recommendation may be a divergence from this. The scheme was therefore being reported to the meeting of the Highway Advisory Board in November 2007 and he confirmed that he would report back to this Board.

Senior Transportation Engineer
(1) That the report be noted.

proposed traffic calming measures in ruins barn road, tunstall

The Senior Transportation Engineer updated Members and reported that this matter was to be considered at the meeting of the Highway Advisory Board in November 2007.

A Member questioned the timescale of the scheme and considered that it had taken too long to be reported to the Highway Advisory Board.

(1) That report be noted.

priory row, davington hill, faversham - update

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report which updated the Board on the highway issues in Priory Row, Davington and advised that the report explained how the issues were being taken forward. He confirmed that survey work had been carried out and issues of parking, crash records and any traffic problems with regard to junctions and layouts were being looked into. This item would then be included in PIPKIN assessment.

(1) That the proposed actions are endorsed.

update report and programme - bus stop access and on-street parking issues at bysingwood road, faversham

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report which updated Members on the progress of the preferred scheme option to provide bus stop improvements along Bysingwood Road.

Kent County Councillor Gates reminded Members that the lay-by on Bysingwood Road was originally there for people to park. He also brought Members' attention to the poor state of the road and agreed to discuss this with KHS outside of this meeting.

(1) That the report be noted.

the street, oare - bus stop-on-street parking issues

The Senior Transportation Engineer introduced his report which updated the Board on the bus stop and parking issues in The Street, Oare.

(1) That the report be noted.

update on kent highway services

The Head of Transport Planning reported that KHS was going through a review. This would provide better service delivery in Kent. He explained that the consultation process had recently ended and the structure would be finalised at the end of the calendar year and operational in January 2008. New offices would be located in Wrotham and Ashford.

A Member suggested that the administrative structure should have been finalised first so that it was fit for purpose.

(1) That the oral update report be noted.

capital works programme report 2007/2008

The Head of Transport Planning introduced the report which updated the Board on the proposed identified schemes that were intended for completion by KHS within the 2007/2008 programme.

The Chairman suggested that Parish Councils along the route of the B2231 be contacted to advise them of any updates.

(1) That the report be noted.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting