Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 29 November 2010

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the site listed below on Monday 29th November 2010 from 10:00 am to 10:50 am.

Present: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Bobbin, Mick Constable, Chris Foulds, Mike Henderson, Ben Stokes and Ghlin Whelan.

Officers Present: Richard Allen, Andrew Jeffers, Kellie Mackenzie and Alun Millard.

Also In Attendance: Mr Peter Cooper (Agent) and local residents.

Apologies: Councillors Andy Booth, Prescott and Roger Truelove.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


sw/10/0050 (2.1) - land at seager road, sheerness

The Senior Planner outlined the application which sought permission for 27 houses and 8 flats on land rear of Seager Road and Beckley Road, Sheerness. He explained that two garages on Marine Parade would need to be demolished to allow access to the site.

The Senior Planner stated that the site was allocated for development in the Swale Borough Local Plan 2008.

The Senior Planner reported that two consultations had been carried out. The first had generated 27 letters and a petition with 130 signatures raising objection and a petition containing fifteen signatures of support. The second consultation had generated 31 letters and a petition with 134 signatures all raising objection. He advised that the objections related to: concerns around flooding; development on greenfield site; three-storey development unacceptable; dangerous access; over-development and loss of wildlife.

The Senior Planner reported that the site was approximately 0.8 hectares and the density of the scheme would be 41.1 dwellings per hectare, lower than that set out in Policy H5(1).23 of the Swale Borough Local Plan 2008.

The Senior Planner considered that both the layout and design were acceptable and in keeping with the area. He noted that Kent Highway Services raised no objection to the proposal.

Mr Cooper, the Agent stated that the residential use of the site had been established within the adopted Swale Borough Local Plan 2008. He noted that Kent Highway Services (KHS) raised no objection to the site entrance and parking provision. He also noted that the Environment Agency raised no objection. Mr Cooper stated that the proposed dwellings would be set back 21 metres and 30 metres from existing properties. Mr Cooper stated they had undertaken ecological surveys which had shown there were no water voles present at the site.

Councillor Chris Foulds spoke as the Ward Member. He raised concern that the proposed access would only be a 100 yards from the Seager Road access also the access point for the proposed Sheppey Academy. He stated that Marine Parade was already a busy and hazardous road and the proposed access was unacceptable.

There was some discussions around the ownership of the garages and the Chairman explained that this was a private legal matter.

Local residents raised the following objections: the site was amenity land and should remain as such; proposed access dangerous; loss of sunlight to adjoining properties; size and density of proposed properties unacceptable; existing drainage system could not accommodate additional residential development; loss of local wildlife habitat; would have a detrimental impact on underground streams; hardsurfacing of the site and blocking up of ditches would increase flooding in the area; would increase parking problems for visitors to the local Yacht Club; site road would create unacceptable levels of noise; development only nine metres from No. 23 Seager Road which would lead to overlooking; Southern Water Services (SWS) would be unable to access the pumping station; increased traffic flows would have an adverse impact on emergency vehicles accessing the area; overlooking; adverse impact on Marine Parade a busy main route into Sheerness; design and scale of proposal out of keeping with the area; residents were not consulted by Swale Borough Council (SBC) during the Local Plan process; oak tree removed from the site; SWS concerns regarding pumping station not addressed under the amended plans; over-intensification of the site; child safety concerns as adjacent to a school; flats would be four-storeys; parking already a problem in the area; too many entrances merging onto a busy road and construction vehicles could cause damage to existing properties.

The Headteacher of the proposed Sheppey Academy raised concern that the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the safety of pupils travelling to the Academy.

In response to queries, the Senior Planner agreed to provide the following updates at the Planning Committee on 9th December 2010: further information relating to SWS requests with regard to the pumping station and details of the consultation carried out by SBC's Planning Policy Team as part of the adoption process prior to the allocation of the land for housing in the Swale Borough Local Plan 2008.

Members then toured the site with Officers.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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