Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 28 September 2009

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held on site on Monday 28th September 2009 from 9:30 am to 11:10 am.


sw/09/0534 (2.8) - 'swale folly', the street, doddington


Councillor Bryan Mulhern (elected Chairman for this Meeting), Councillors Andy Booth, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mike Henderson, Elvina Lowe, Pat Sandle and Ben Stokes.

Officers Present

Rob Bailey, Peter Bell, Philippa Davies, Martin Evans and Andrew Jeffers.

Also in Attendance

Mr Sands (Agent) and Councillor Attwood (Doddington Parish Council).


Councillors Barnicott, Mick Constable, Mark Ellen, David Garside, Prescott and Alan Willicombe.


sw/09/0194 (2.5) - high oak hill works, iwade road, newington


Councillor Bryan Mulhern (elected Chairman for this Meeting), Councillors Andy Booth, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mike Henderson, Elvina Lowe, Pat Sandle and Ben Stokes.

Officers Present

Rob Bailey, Philippa Davies, Martin Evans, Andrew Jeffers, Kevin Tucker and Sharon Underwood.

Also in Attendance

Councillor John Wright (Ward Member), Councillors Harris and Martin-Young (Newington Parish Council), Mr Sharpe (Agent), Mr Collins (Agent for objectors), Misses Attwood and Crawley, Mr Carter, Mr Couzins, Mrs Cowan and Mr and Mrs Nash.


Councillors Barnicott, Mick Constable, Mark Ellen, David Garside, Prescott and Alan Willicombe.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


sw/09/0534 (2.8) - 'swale folly', the street, doddington

The Area Planning Officer explained that the application was for an extension to provide additional room space and an enlarged garage. The present garage wall would be brought forward by 1.3 metres towards the road. The Area Planning Officer explained that there would be a new dormer window in the roof, the roof structure would be simplified and the ridge height would increase from 4.7 metres to 5.9 metres. He explained that although the eaves were slightly closer to Forge Cottage, the roof would pitch away from the cottage. The materials that would be used would match those already on the property.

He reported that the site was within Doddington Conservation Area and next door to a Grade II Listed building, within the built up area of Doddington and within the North Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. He explained that the proposal would not result in the dwelling being any closer to Forge Cottage, to the east of the property, than the existing garage.

The Area Planning Officer explained that Doddington Parish Council had raised objection to the proposal due to its scale and proximity to Forge Cottage and to its setting. He summarised three letters of objection which raised issues of the detrimental impact on residential amenity and the impact on the Conservation Area.

The Agent considered the impact of the proposed application would be lessened as the gable end facing Forge Cottage would no longer be there.

The representative from Doddington Parish Council explained that the Parish Council objected to the proposal as they considered it was detrimental to the setting of Forge Cottage and the proposal was an erosion of that setting and harmful to the residential amenity within the Conservation Area.

The Conservation Officer considered the proposal simplified the present dwelling.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer and Conservation Officer questions which they answered.


sw/09/0194 (2.5) - high oak hill works, iwade road, newington

The Area Planning Officer explained that the application was for retrospective permission for change of use of land for the storage and handling of materials used in connection with the adjacent industrial process. The storage would cover an area of 36 metres by 24 metres. The Area Planning Officer reported that the site was outside the built up area of Newington. A Lawful Development Certificate had recently been approved relating to breach of a number of conditions of the original planning permission for the use of the adjacent buildings.

The Area Planning Officer explained that the Head of Environment and Amenities and Kent Highway Services had raised no objection to the application. Objections had been received from the Parish Council and local residents. He suggested that landscaping could improve the visual amenity and the addition of acoustic fencing and a limit on the height of the storage, together with other measures, could mitigate noise from the works.

Mr Sharp, the Agent, outlined the area of land within the proposal and briefly explained the history of the site. He advised there would be various measures put in place to mitigate noise from both within the building and outside.

The Ward Member considered that the proposed application could allow the site to become more controlled and improvements and mitigating measures would decrease noise problems that might not have been dealt with if the application did not go ahead.

A representative of Newington Parish Council raised objection to the application and stated that the premises were extending more and more. He considered the site was in a beautiful setting and not suitable for industry and raised concern with how measures put in force would be enforced.

Local residents raised the following concerns: too noisy; animals disturbed by the noise; local roads in bad repair from heavy lorries; gentleman's agreement not adhered to; should be a limit on the size and impact of the development.

Mr Collins, an agent for the objectors, spoke against the application and included the following points: no formal noise assessment measurement had been carried out; a footpath ran through the site, so it was very publicly visible; the proposal was contrary to the development plan and incompatible with the policies within the report.

Members discussed the different conditions and undertakings that could be enforced.

The Environmental Health Officer explained that noise could be contained within the premises if correct measures were taken to reduce it.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer and Environmental Health Officer questions which they answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting