Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the sites listed below on Tuesday 27 May 2014 from 9:30 am to 11:15 am.


sw/14/0144 (2.10) – land adjacent 32 cliff gardens, minster

PRESENT: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Bryan Mulhern (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Sylvia Bennett, Andy Booth, Peter Marchington, Prescott and Ben Stokes.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Philippa Davies, Andy Jeffers and Ross McCardle.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Mike Haywood, Mr David Phillips (Agent), Mr Dean Ward (Applicant), Mr John Twiselton (Minster Parish Council) and Mr Richard Rowdon (local resident).

APOLOGIES: Councillors Derek Conway and Mike Henderson.


sw/14/0146 (2.9) – 18 bayford road, sittingbourne

PRESENT: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Bryan Mulhern (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Sylvia Bennett, Andy Booth, Peter Marchington, Prescott and Ben Stokes.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Philippa Davies, Emma Eisinger and Andy Jeffers.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Mike Haywood, Mr Les Simmons (Agent), Mr and Mrs Baker, Ms Jacqueline Buckland, Mr Lee Newell-Thomas, Mr Mike Parr, Mr Stephen Smith, Mr Trevor Young (local residents).

APOLOGIES: Councillors Derek Conway and Mike Henderson.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


sw/14/0144 (2.10) – land adjacent 32 cliff gardens, minster

The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application which was for the demolition of an existing outbuilding and the erection of a detached chalet bungalow.

The Senior Planning Officer explained that the proposed development would be 12.5 metres in length and 5.7 metres in width. There would be a pitched roof which would be 6.6 metres high to the roof ridge at the front, and 7.5 metres to the roof ridge to the rear of the dwelling. The proposed dwelling would be one metre from the common boundary with no. 34 Cliff Gardens and 1.3 metres from no. 32 Cliff Gardens, and 7 metres from the front boundary. There would be one car parking space for the proposed dwelling and one for no. 32 Cliff Gardens.

The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Head of Service Delivery had no objection to the proposal, subject to the inclusion of a condition relating to construction. Kent County Council (KCC) Highways and Minster Parish Council had no objection. Three letters of objection had been received and the views included: overshadowing; impact on street scene; inaccurate plot width and pressure on the drainage system and on-street parking.

The Senior Planning Officer considered there were no serious amenity concerns and that the proposal was of an appropriate scale and design. He explained that the dormer window had been removed which had reduced any potential impact and he considered the parking provision to be sufficient.

A representative from Minster Parish Council raised some concern with on-street parking.

A local resident explained that the proposed dwelling would block out light to the side windows of the neighbouring property.

In response to questions, it was confirmed that the proposed dwelling would be in line with no. 32 Cliff Gardens and the trees on the site would be removed.

Members then inspected the site and the adjoining property, no. 34 Cliff Gardens, with Officers.


sw/14/0146 (2.9) – 18 bayford road, sittingbourne

The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application which was for the demolition of structures to the rear of the site, including the side conservatory and the construction of two houses, one two-bedroom, and one three-bedroom, attached to the current dwelling to create a terrace, and the construction of a rear single-storey extension to the current dwelling. The two-bedroom dwelling would have no off-street parking and the curb would be re-instated. Parking at no.18 Bayford Road would be provided by two spaces to the side in tandem. All three properties would have rear gardens.

The Senior Planning Officer reported that no further representations had been received since the Planning Committee meeting on 8 May 2014.

Local residents raised the following points: parking would be a problem, especially in the evenings; the parking provided was not sufficient; construction noise, planning constrictions needed to be complied with; the road was narrow, concern with construction traffic and access for emergency vehicles; the construction process would result in potential damage and dirt to parked vehicles; loss of light to property/garden; overlooking; impact on existing foundations; the off-road car-parking was not large enough for two cars; and do not want to see development here.

Members then inspected the site with Officers.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting