Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 25 June 2007

Notice of Meeting, Summons and Agenda

M E H RADFORD - Corporate Services Director
Date Published: 07 June 2007

A meeting of the Swale Joint Transportation Board will be held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 25 June 2007 at 5:30pm.

Members: Councillor John Wright (Chairman), Councillor Vice - Chairman not yet elected (Vice Chairman), Councillors Cindy Davis, Sandra Garside, Colin Prescott, Patricia Sandle, Manuella Tomes and Ghlin Whelan.

Quorum = 4


please note the time


Kent County Council Members of the Board are: Councillor Adrian Crowther (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Bowles, Ferrin, Gates, Harrison, Brenda Simpson and Roger Truelove.

Kent Association of Parish Councils Non-Voting Representative: Councillor Mrs A Lewis.

apologies for absence and confirmation of substitutes



Report for Item 2 - 363 | Annex 1 for Item 2 - 383

To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th March 2007 (Minute Nos. 858 - 880) and the Extraordinary Meeting held on 22nd May 2007 (Minute Nos. 48 - 54) as correct records.

The approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th March 2007, is subject to the deletion of recommendation (1) in Minute No. 869 and replacement with the following:

(1) That proposed waiting restrictions be installed at Middletune Avenue, Volante Drive, Chalkwell Road and Swanstree Avenue, Sittingbourne and Station Road/A2, Teynham.

(2) That further investigations be carried out prior to the implementation of waiting restrictions at Capel Road/Bell Road, Brenchley Road/Bell Road, Sittingbourne and Conyer Road, Teynham.

declaration of interests

Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting.

Members are reminded that, even if an interest has been declared in the Members Interests Register, it should still be disclosed at each meeting.  Members are encouraged to seek advice in advance of the meeting if in any doubt.

public session

Report for Item 4

Members of the public have the opportunity to speak at this meeting.  Anyone wishing to present a petition or speak on an item is required to register with the Democratic Services Section by noon on the last working day before the meeting.  Questions that have not been submitted by this deadline will not be accepted.  Only two people will be allowed to speak on each item and each person is limited to asking two questions.  Each speaker will have a maximum of three minutes to speak.

Letters added 14th June 2007.

part a reports for recommendation


bus stop access and parking problems at bysing wood road, faversham

Report for Item 5 | Annex 1 for Item 5 | Annex 2 for Item 5 | Annex 3 for Item 5

To consider concerns raised by local residents regarding bus stop access and parking.  Photos have been received by a local resident and will be circulated at the meeting.

local transport plan for kent - scheme prioritisation methodology (pipkin)

Report for Item 6

Members will recieve a presentation from Robert Smith, Senior Transport Planner, Kent Highway Services, regarding Scheme Prioritisation Methodology.

receipt of petition - request for traffic speed survey - scarborough drive, minster

To receive a petition from local residents.

priory road/davington hill update

Report for Item 8 | Annex 1 for Item 8 | Annex 2 for Item 8

To consider the attached report.

various waiting restrictions - consultation results

Report for Item 9

To consider the implementation of double yellow lines at Little Glovers, Sittingbourne; Hinde Close junction with North Street, Sittingbourne and Ambleside junction with Keswick Avenue, Sittingbourne.

sittingbourne residents parking scheme update

Report for Item 10 | Annex 1 for Item 10 | Annex 2 for Item 10 | Annex 3 for Item 10

To receive an update on the Sittingbourne Residents Parking Scheme.

faversham parking review

Report for Item 11 | Annex 1 for Item 11 | Annex 2 for Item 11

To consider outline proposals regarding the Faversham Parking Review.

faversham town centre traffic flows

Report for Item 12

Further to Minute No. 864/3/07 at the last meeting, Members are asked to consider the attached report.

parking restrictions - various locations

Report for Item 13 | Annex 1 for Item 13 | Annex 2 for Item 13 | Annex 3 for Item 13 | Annex 4 for Item 13

To consider the attached report regarding parking restrictions at various locations.

residents petition - london road, sittingbourne

Report for Item 14 | Annex 1 for Item 14 | Annex 2 for Item 14

To consider the attached report, following receipt of a petition from residents of London Road, Sittingbourne.

parking restrictions - queenborough

Report for Item 15

To consider the attached report regarding parking restrictions at Queenborough.

temporary street furniture

Report for Item 16

To consider the report of Kent Highway Services.

management of highway trees

Report for Item 17

To consider the report of Kent Highway Services.

capital works programme 2007/2008

Report for Item 18

To consider the Capital Works Programme for 2007/2008.

b2008 at mill hill, sheppey

Report for Item 19 | Annex 1 for Item 19

To consider the attached report regarding progress in respect of safety issues and carriageway markings on the B2008 at Mill Hill, Sheppey.

audit on cctv obstruction

To consider an update regarding an audit on obstructions to CCTV cameras.

progress update

Report for Item 21

To consider the progress update, which outlines progress made following recommendations and agreed action at previous meetings of the Board.

parking and traffic problems - fielding street, faversham

Report for Item 22

To consider the attached letter from Faversham Town Council, regarding parking and traffic problems in the Fielding Street area, Faversham.  Photographs will be available to view at the meeting.

langley road, sittingbourne

Report for Item 23 | Annex 1 for Item 23

To consider the attached report, regarding a petition received from residents of Langley Road, Sittingbourne.

supplementary item - a251 faversham

Report for Item 23

To consider the report of the Divisional Manager - Mid Kent, Kent Highways.

exclusion of the press and public

To decide whether to pass the resolution set out below in respect of the following item(s): -

That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 to complete of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a report for recommendation


proposed disabled bay installations

To consider a report regarding the installation of Disabled Parking Bays at Dumergue Avenue, Queenborough; Harold Street, Queenborough and Castle Street, Queenborough.

View the Minutes from this meeting