Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 25 January 2010

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the site below on Monday 25th January 2010 from 09:30 am to 10:10 am.

Present: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Mick Constable, Derek Conway, Mike Henderson, Pat Sandle, Ben Stokes, Roger Truelove, Ghlin Whelan and Jean Willicombe.

Officers Present: Rob Bailey, Peter Bell and Kellie Mackenzie.

Also In Attendance: Councillor Gareth Randall (Ward Member), Mr Beck Beck (Junior) (Applicant), Mrs Crawford (Bobbing Parish Council) Mr Ashby (Bobbing Neighbourhood and Residents Committee), Mrs Ashby, Mr Beck (Senior), Mr and Mrs Duncan, Mrs Mouls, Mr and Mrs Ranger, Mr Spice, Mr Waller, Mr Whardle, Mr and Mrs Whitmey and Mrs Wright (Local Residents) and Mr Simpkin (representing the Garden of England Crematorium).

Apologies: Councillors David Garside and Prescott.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


sw/09/0972 (2.11) – land adjacent upper toes, sheppey way, bobbing

The Area Planning Officer introduced the application which sought planning permission for the change of use of land from agriculture to a residential caravan site for one gypsy family to include one static caravan and one mobile caravan, a single storey pitched roof amenity block measuring 7.5 x 5 metres and 4.15 metres tall and a hardstanding measuring 25 metres x 28 metres. The area of the site where the caravans and utility block would be sited would be 60 metres from the highway. He reported that the site was outside the defined built-up area boundary, adjacent to a listed building and directly opposite the Garden of England Crematorium. He confirmed the site was within a Local Countryside Gap as identified on the Proposals Map of the Adopted Local Plan, 2008.

The Area Planning Officer explained that permission for a detached dwelling at the site had previously been refused as it was contrary to local plan policies. The Area Planning Officer stated that the site was not contaminated, on a flood plain or in a nationally designated area. The site was 1.3km from the petrol filing station, restaurants and hotel on the outskirts of Bobbing, 0.9km from Bobbing Primary School and 1.4km from the doctors surgery within Iwade. He reported that the site was within a relatively sustainable location, within walking distance of both Bobbing and Iwade and mostly surrounded by open fields.

The Conservation Officer explained that he had considered the visual impact the proposed caravans and utility block would have on the setting of the adjacent grade II listed building, and Bobbing Church, a grade I listed building. He advised that in his opinion they would not have a detrimental impact.

Mr Beck (Junior), the applicant, explained that he currently lived at his father's site in Hempstead but that living conditions there were overcrowded. He added that he simply wanted to make a better life for his family.

Mrs Crawford, Bobbing Parish Council, raised objection to the application and considered that the application contravened Swale Borough Council's (SBC) adopted policies.

Mr Ashby, Bobbing Neighbourhood and Residents Committee, stated that the site was within an Important Local Countryside Gap. He considered the caravans would not improve or enhance the area and would have a detrimental impact on the adjacent listed building. He added that gypsies should not have greater rights than the settled community.

Local residents raised the following concerns: detrimental impact on the crematorium; why should this application be allowed when an application for a bungalow at the same site was refused; out of keeping with the area; would prefer to see a house rather than caravans on the site; would have a detrimental impact on local businesses; green belt land should be protected; inappropriate site; and how would the site be monitored to ensure no more caravans arrived.

Mr Simpkin, agent for the Garden of England Crematorium raised objection to the application. He considered there had not been enough rigorous examination of the needs of the family, investigation of their existing accommodation and their eligibility in terms of whether or not they could be defined as 'travellers'. Mr Simpkin raised concern with regard to the applicant's use of the whole site and the visual impact the proposal would have when viewed from the road frontage. He requested that the application be deferred until a fully detailed proposal was provided for the whole of the site so that its future use and impact on the crematorium and the surrounding community could be fully and properly assessed and adequately controlled by legal agreement and planning conditions.

The Ward Member spoke against the proposal. He considered the application should be refused on the same grounds as the previous application for a detached dwelling.

A Member requested that the applicant provided the following information for the meeting on 4th February 2010: details of the current ownership of the land; the gypsy status of the applicant and why he needed to move.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer and Conservation Officer questions which they answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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