Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Wednesday 23rd May 2007 from 10:03 am to 11:15 am.

Present: Councillor Alan Willicombe (Chairman), Councillors Sandra Garside and John Wright.

Officers Present: Misses Hammond, Langfield and Mackenzie and Mr Hawkins.

Also In Attendance: Mrs Higgins and Moth and Messrs Day, Green and King.


notification of chairman and outline of procedure

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers present. He explained that the Sub-Committee would consider an application for a New Premises Licence for Bysingwood Community Hall, Wildish Road, Faversham. The first application on the agenda, that for the Queens Head, Boughton would be adjourned to a future meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


application for a new premises licence under the licensing act 2003 - bysingwood community hall, wildish road, faversham

Mrs Moth, representing the Applicants, presented her case. She explained that following discussions with the Police they had decided to reduce the hours requested and outlined the new proposals. She advised the Sub-Committee that a noise limiter had been fitted in the Community Hall, which all potential hirers were required to use. They had laid a patio area to the rear of the Hall for smokers, which would reduce the noise being emitted from the front of the Hall, closest to local residents' properties. They had installed internal and external CCTV cameras and had an alarm system. They would only use plastic glasses for drinks and signs would be put up requesting people not to take their drinks outside of the premises. She explained that the licence to serve alcohol would mainly be used for private functions on Friday and Saturday evenings and that during the week the Hall would continue to be used by local community groups. She emphasised the importance of the Premises Licence for the future of the Community Hall as it would provide a regular income. No parties would be allowed for people aged between 13 and 21 and the terms of the hire agreement would be amended to reflect the new conditions. She advised that the Management Committee for the Bysingwood Community Hall had held a meeting with the local community to respond to their concerns.

In response to a question from the Senior Solicitor, Mrs Moth confirmed that they would comply with all the conditions suggested by the Police.

Mr Day and Mr Green, local residents, outlined their concerns with the application. They considered that it could increase anti-social behaviour and damage to properties in the area and were concerned regarding noise from the Hall from evening functions.

In response to questions from the Chairman, Mrs Moth confirmed that there were no other public houses in the vicinity of the Community Hall and they could not currently afford air conditioning in the Hall. The existing car park could hold 20 cars; there was provision in summer months for parking to the rear of the Hall on a grassed area and they hoped to clear an area adjacent to the car park to create extra parking spaces.

In response to questions from Members, Mrs Moth advised that the hall could hold 230 people standing or dancing and 150 people seated but the terms of hire stated a maximum of 150 people. They would not accept pay to enter bookings; no alcohol would be kept on the premises and the Police would be notified of all evening functions. Regular users had priority for hire of the Hall.

The Licensing Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 10.52 am. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Solicitor and the Democratic Services Officers left the meeting and returned at 11.06 am, when the Sub-Committee re-convened.


(1) That in respect of the New Premises Licence at Bysingwood Community Hall, Wildish Road, Faversham, the Sub-Committee's decision is attached as Appendix 1:
Plays: Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 23.00, Sunday 10.00 - 22.00
Films: Monday - Sunday 10.00 - 23.00
Indoor Sporting Events: Sunday - Friday 10.00 - 22.00, Saturday 10.00 - 23.00
Boxing and Wrestling: Sunday - Friday 10.00 - 22.00, Saturday 10.00 - 23.00
Live / Recorded Music and Dancing: Monday - Sunday 10.00 - 00.00, New Years Eve 10.00 - 01.00 am next day
Late Night Refreshments: Monday - Sunday 23.00 - close
Sale of alcohol: Monday - Thursday 10.00 - 23.00, Friday - Saturday 10.00 - 23.30, Sunday 10.00 - 23.00, New Years Eve 10.00 - 01.00 next day

Premises to close 30 minutes after time limit for sale of alcohol.

Special conditions include:-

For the prevention of crime and disorder:

CCTV will be installed and maintained throughout the premises and outside (to cover at least the entrance and the car park) at a standard to be approved by Police. Tapes/discs will be retained as recorded for at least 30 days and will be made available to Police on request.

Only polycarbonate/plastic glasses will be used.

No open containers will be taken off the premises.

Alcohol consumption will be confined to within the building.

There will be sufficient staff on duty at all events to prevent any disorder.

Alcohol may only be sold at pre-booked functions and events.

The Designated Premises Supervisor to be consulted on any person wishing to hire the Hall and to have power of veto.

For public safety:

A risk assessment in writing must be available for inspection.

The Hall’s capacity limit (as under previous PEL) to be strictly observed.

For prevention of public nuisance:

All windows and doors to be closed whenever music is played or the public address system is used after 2200 hours.

Noise limiter to be in operation at all times when music is being played or the public address system is used.

No alcohol will be consumed at any event other than alcohol purchased at the premises.

Prominent signage will be in place at all times requesting that all people leaving the premises do so quietly.

For the protection of children from harm:

The DPS and Premises Licence Holder will operate a “Challenge 21” policy (i.e. all persons who appear to be aged under 21 years of age will have to produce proof of age before being served alcohol).

Only acceptable proof of age will be a passport or a photo driving licence.

All staff on duty at a function will have been trained and be aware of the law regarding under-age drinking.

Children under 16 years of age will not be allowed entry onto the premises unless accompanied by an adult.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting

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